heavy weapon is king

Chapter 339 Go deep into the underground palace and look for 7-color spiritual fruits

Chapter 339 Go deep into the underground palace and look for the seven-color spiritual fruit

In order to find out what was going on under the tunnel, Nie Zheng felt that he had to send someone down.

Soon, he ordered everyone to prepare a rope tens of meters long, with a hammer hanging on the other end of the rope, and then slowly lowered it into the circular tunnel.

After some measurements, it was confirmed that the rope could reach the bottom of the secret passage. At this time, Nie Zheng ordered five clone soldiers to descend into the secret passage in full armor.

After all five clone soldiers went down, Nie Zheng stood nervously by the tunnel waiting for an answer.

After waiting anxiously for half an hour, there was finally news from the secret tunnel. They told Nie Zheng that there was really a huge underground space under the square, and the scale looked very much like an underground palace.

Hearing this, Nie Zheng's eyes lit up, secretly delighted.

If there is really a hidden underground palace under the square, then the legendary seven-color spiritual fruit is likely to be hidden there.

Because, after hundreds of clone soldiers explored the city, they didn't find any suspicious signs at all, and as for the legendary seven-color spiritual fruit, they didn't see it.

Not in the city, nor on the island.

Since there are no seven-color spiritual fruits on the ground, we can only look for them underground.

According to Nie Zheng's understanding of this strange world, no matter what kind of heavenly treasures or rare beasts, the place where they live must be very secretive and also very bizarre.

It just so happened that Nie Zheng discovered the underground palace under the square, so they had a direction to search.

After discovering the underground palace, Nie Zheng really wanted to go down and explore it himself, but he was also worried that there was something mysterious and terrifying hidden underground, so for a while, he didn't dare to take the risk himself.

It was impossible for him to run down until he was sure that the underground was safe.

After much deliberation, Nie Zheng decided to send another group of personnel down, in order to enhance the efficiency of the search, as well as armed defense capabilities.

Soon, dozens of fully armed clone soldiers once again slowly descended into the underground palace along the rope along the secret passage.

According to Nie Zheng's instructions, these people all carried a torch with them, and when they got below, they lit all the torches, and then illuminated the entire underground palace.

Nie Zheng will not go down until it is confirmed that it is safe to go down below.

An hour later, the dozens of clone soldiers who first entered the underground palace had already explored the entire underground palace. Basically, all corners of the underground palace were lit with torches.

Seeing that everyone was almost ready, Nie Zheng slowly climbed into the underground palace along the rope.

When his feet just touched the ground, the scene that greeted his eyes really shocked him.

Under the square, there is an underground palace with a very large area. In terms of the size of the underground palace, it is estimated that it is not much smaller than the palace on the ground that stores gold and silver treasures.

This underground palace is about ten meters high and has a radius of over a thousand square meters. The interior decorations are very simple, far less magnificent than the palace on the ground.

At the same time, in this underground palace, nearly a hundred thick stone pillars with three people hugging each other were erected.

There are many waves and ripples carved on the stone pillars, as well as dense fish scale patterns, and some of the stone pillars are carved with some crooked and weird characters.

Look at the strange shape of those characters, very strange, not at all like the fonts that humans have.

For the sake of safety, all the people who entered the underground palace wore gas masks, mainly because they were afraid that there would be harmful gases in this underground palace.

Although Nie Zheng had swallowed the Dragon Mang Neidan and was not afraid of any poison and miasma in the world, he couldn't guarantee that the Dragon Mang Neidan was really not afraid of any poisonous gas. Wearing a gas mask would give him some peace of mind.

Nearly a hundred torches dyed with fuel oil were inserted on the walls around the main hall. The torches were burning fiercely, and the flames kept shaking and trembling. Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng felt more relieved.

Inside the underground palace, there must be a ventilation entrance.

Otherwise, if there is no air flow inside, those torches would not be able to burn so violently.

With a flashlight on, Nie Zheng carefully explored the underground palace under the protection of a dozen clone soldiers.

The underground palace was still somewhat damp. When everyone was walking, the wet ground often made a "squeak" sound from being trampled on. Nie Zheng leaned over to look at the ground and found that the wet ground was covered with thick piles of dirt. A layer of dark black fish scales.

These fish scales are very large, each piece is semicircular, about the size of a coin.

Nie Zheng picked up a scale, held it in his hand and observed it for a while, and found that the color and shape of these scales were similar to the scales on those giant mermaids last night, but the size of these scales was much smaller.

The scales should have been accumulated in the underground palace for many years, and they had long been oxidized by the air. When Nie Zheng twisted them lightly, all the scales were shattered.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng frowned slightly, secretly wondering: "How can there be so many scales accumulated in this underground palace? Could it be that there are mermaids hidden inside?"

However, even if there is a mermaid hidden in the underground palace, Nie Zheng is not afraid.

Because, judging from the scales on the ground, the size of these mermaids should not be very large, otherwise, the scales would not be the size of a coin, at least the size of a palm.

To be on the safe side, Nie Zheng ordered Jack to send out some heavy machine guns.

Although these clone soldiers were all carrying shotguns and AK47s, Nie Zheng was afraid that these weapons were not powerful enough, and had to increase their firepower.

In this way, a group of people protected Nie Zheng, carrying various ammunition and weapons, and carefully touched towards the end of the palace.

As the crowd gradually went deeper, at this time, Nie Zheng was surprised to find that there were many mermaid bones on the ground at the end of the palace.

The size of these mermaid bones is not very large, at most they are more than two meters long.

Nie Zheng walked up to one of the mermaid skeletons and observed them carefully. In the end, he found that all the mermaids had died abnormally.

Their heads, chests, backs... and other key vital parts all showed comminuted fractures. According to Nie Zheng's experience, these mermaids should have suffered fatal blows before they died.

As they continued to go deeper to the end of the underground palace, the number of mermaid bones scattered on the ground also increased.

In the end, there was a thick layer of mermaid bones piled up on the ground with a radius of hundreds of meters, at least thousands of them.

Suddenly, a clone soldier ran up to Nie Zheng and said solemnly, "Sir, the skulls of these mermaids were all severed by some sharp weapon. Look at the places where their skulls are broken..."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng's face darkened, and he hurried to the pile of mermaid bones, and checked a few of them casually. Sure enough, as the clone soldier said, all the mermaid bones in this area, their skulls It is broken into two pieces.

The place where the skull was broken was smooth and smooth, as if it had been severed by some kind of weapon that cut iron like mud before he was alive.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng secretly heightened his vigilance, "Someone must have entered inside!"

Suddenly, at this moment, several clone soldiers reported loudly: "Report sir, three human bones were found here in the corner!"

"Human bones?"

Nie Zheng's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately ran towards the corner of the wall.

I ran to the front and saw that there were three human skeletons under the corner of the wall, leaning tightly against the wall. Although they had turned into skeletons, the clothes they were wearing were not completely rotten.

At the same time, Nie Zheng was surprised to find that the hands of the three human skeletons were tightly holding three black long knives.

The black long knife is about four feet long and three fingers wide, and looks extremely thick.

Nie Zheng held the long knife in his hand, feeling unusually heavy. He stroked the blade with his fingers, and found that it was still abnormally sharp, and there was no sign of a broken blade.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng immediately asked someone to bring a military dagger, and slashed down heavily on the long blade, only to hear a soft "ding", and the military dagger was cut into two pieces on the spot, and There was nothing wrong with the black long knife.

"Hiss!" Nie Zheng gasped, and exclaimed inwardly, "Sharp long knives, I really don't know how they are forged."

Turning his head to look at the mermaid bones piled up on the ground, Nie Zheng secretly guessed, "Could it be that these mermaid bones in the underground palace were all beheaded by the black long knives of these three people?"

"Continue to search and see if there are any other discoveries! Also, bring these three black long knives..."

Dozens of clone soldiers, holding thermal imaging search detectors, once again searched carefully in the underground palace.

After some searching, everyone found a wall similar to a secret door at the end of the underground palace.

Nie Zheng stood in front of the wall and carefully observed the "secret door" in front of him with a flashlight. This secret door was five meters high and four meters wide. It was gray-brown in color and was closely connected with the surrounding walls. The surrounding walls are not the same color as it, it's really hard to spot its presence.

They have searched the entire underground palace, and apart from the fish scales and bones all over the floor, nothing unusual has been found.

It seems that if you want to continue to investigate, you must open this secret door.

"Search around carefully to see if you can find any mechanism buttons and other things..."

After Nie Zheng's order, dozens of clone soldiers all searched carefully around the wall with flashlights, but after searching for a long time, none of them found the mechanism that could open the secret door.

Obviously, Nie Zheng and the others are really not very good at this strange ancient civil mechanism.

In desperation, Nie Zheng had no choice but to be ruthless, "Everyone put on protective earplugs and blow it up with a bazooka!"

(End of this chapter)

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