heavy weapon is king

Chapter 32 Unexpected Discovery

Chapter 32 Unexpected Discovery

Through the hummingbird monitor in his hand, Nie Zheng saw a thin man sneaking off his clothes in that remote woods.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng's heart moved, and he hurriedly manipulated the electronic hummingbird into the woods, wanting to get closer to see what was going on.

When the electronic hummingbird just entered the woods, the scene inside surprised Nie Zheng!
In the secluded woods, there was not only the thin man acting suspiciously, but at the same time, there was a thin corpse lying at the feet of the thin man.

After seeing the corpse, Nie Zheng's expression changed, and he almost exclaimed uncontrollably.

Because Nie Zheng knew the corpse lying on the ground.

The name of the corpse was Li Shun, he was a mute, and at the same time, he was also the support staff of the fourth branch of the Black Wind Village.

Nie Zheng still has a deep impression on this dumb Li Shun, because this person is not only dumb, but at the same time, on his left cheek, there is a mole the size of a palm. After one glance at the dumb Li Shun, it's hard to forget him.

According to previous understanding, this dumb Li Shun belonged to Fang Fatty's team. Since this man was thin, he had little ability to talk about, and he was also a mute who had difficulty communicating, so Fang Fatty arranged him in the kitchen and asked him to be in charge of chopping Firewood for fire.

But what shocked Nie Zheng now was that this dumb Li Shun suddenly died in this remote forest. He couldn't figure out what happened.

But what is certain is that the death of the dumb Li Shun is absolutely inseparable from the thin man who was undressing in front of him.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng paid more and more attention to it.

Immediately, he turned the angle of the electronic hummingbird, trying to see the thin man's face clearly.

When Nie Zheng saw the thin man's face, he was taken aback for a moment!
Because, this thin man with suspicious behavior has a very strange face. Although Nie Zheng dare not say that he knows everyone in Heifeng Village, Nie Zheng guarantees that he has never seen this strange guy in front of him.

No impression at all.

In order to find out what was going on, Nie Zheng continued to monitor and observe the electronic hummingbird remotely.

At this time, after the thin man quickly removed the clothes on his body, he quickly turned Li Shun's body over, and then quickly and skillfully removed all the clothes on Li Shun's body. Take off the rest, and then put them on yourself.

After the thin man put on Li Shun's clothes, he wiped Li Shun's face with his hand, and immediately tore off Li Shun's unique face.

After the dumb Li Shun's face was torn off, the facial features on his face were bloody and bloody, which looked terrifying. At the same time, Nie Zheng, who had witnessed this scene with his own eyes, was shocked.

What kind of evil method did this guy use to take off other people's faces?

The thin man quickly put Li Shun's face on his own face. After a burst of skillful and quick rubbing and patting, a moment later, a scene that stunned Nie Zheng appeared. An identical dumb Li Shun appeared on the camera again. within the screen.

After the thin man disguised himself as the dumb Li Shun, he took out a small bag of black powder from nowhere, and sprinkled the powder on the dumb Li Shun's body quickly. A moment later, the dumb Li Shun's body , there was a burst of faint green smoke, which quickly turned into a pool of blood, and disappeared into the soil.

Back and forth, it took a total of less than 10 minutes. The real Li Shun just disappeared into the world without a sound, and the thin man with suspicious behavior in front of him became another dumb Li Shun. Shun.

The whole process is so mysterious and shocking!
If Nie Zheng hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it even if he was killed. Such weird things would actually happen in this world.


This skinny man must be a spy sent by the enemy to break into the Black Wind Village!

Right now, the [-] regular troops in Huangzhou City are about to encircle and suppress Heifengling, and the spies appearing at this time must have something to do with the government's troops.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng's eyes flashed coldly, and he was about to order Yang Feihu, Wang Gang and others to quickly take down this spy who was replaced by a disguise.

But in an instant, he took a closer look and felt that this move was a bit inappropriate.

Now that I have already detected the true identity of this spy without anyone noticing it, why don't I follow the plan and come up with a clever plan to deal with it. In this case, maybe I can get some unexpected miraculous effects.

According to Nie Zheng's analysis and judgment, spies like this who infiltrate the enemy's interior, basically, their role is to use some insidious tricks that cooperate from the inside to the outside.

For a mere spy in disguise, if he wants to mess up the entire Heifeng Village with only one person's force, it is obviously a dream.

There is only one effective tactic that can disrupt or harm Heifeng Village.That is poisoning!

The timing of poisoning must be quite accurate, otherwise, once someone finds out or attracts the attention of others, the success will be in vain.

Besides, in all those green forests and grasslands that have fallen into bandits, who is not a seasoned veteran?People like Yang Feihu and Wang Gang are the most defensive. In the entire Black Wind Village, almost everyone has silver needles on their bodies, in order to prevent the enemy from secretly poisoning the water and food.

If the prevention awareness of the green forest bandits was so poor, it is estimated that the bandits and horse bandits in the world would have been wiped out by the court long ago, and there would be such a chaotic situation of bandits in the Longhu Mountains today.

Besides, the colorless, odorless, and difficult-to-detect poisons shown in previous movies and TV shows are basically impossible to exist in reality.

Nie Zheng had chatted with Wang Gang, Yang Feihu and others before, and they all said that this kind of poison could not be found in the world. If there was, once the person who took the poison died on the spot, it would easily arouse the vigilance of others. After all, the entire Heifeng In the village, everyone's drinking and eating will not be carried out at the same time.

The leaders of the people also said that if there is such a colorless, odorless, and blood-sealed throat poison in the world, it is estimated to be priceless, and it is priceless in the market. If people want to use it, they will use it to fight for power and profit among members of the royal family. Wouldn't it be reckless on these green forests and grassy bodies?

In the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Range, there are thousands of people or hundreds of people at any random mountaintop force. Where can they find so many priceless poisons to use.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng's mind calmed down a little.

The spy in front of him has just broken into the Black Wind Stronghold, so it is estimated that he will not take any action easily within a day or two.

At the very least, he had to wait until the regular army from Zhoucheng appeared near Heifengling.Only in that way, he will have the effect of combining inside and outside with his shots.

In the past few days, the patrolling horses of Heifengzhai have been patrolling around Heifengling in non-stop shifts. For the time being, no suspicious people have been seen. Every day, pigeons are sent to pass letters and secretly report news.

According to the news and rumors reported by these spies, the [-] regular troops in Huangzhou City just entered Guangji County this morning, and it may take a few days before they want to encircle and suppress Heifengling.

Nie Zheng held his chin, looked at the spy who disguised himself as Li Shun, and slowly walked out of the woods. On the spot, he took a deep breath, and secretly decided in his heart, for the time being these two days, don't try to startle the snake, wait until he Come up with a good countermeasure.

As for the guy who sneaked into the kitchen, let's observe it secretly for a few days. Anyway, today is the fourth day of the electronic hummingbird Jack gave him, and there are three days left.

If he hasn't thought of a good countermeasure before the electronic hummingbird experience time is over, he will secretly arrange for leaders such as Yang Feihu and Wang Gang to get rid of this spy secretly.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng hurriedly told Zhang Long who was guarding outside: "Zhang Long, go and invite Section Master Yang and Section Master Wang here immediately, and tell them that I have something urgent to see them."

"Obey, village master!"

After hearing Nie Zheng's order, Zhang Long went to do it immediately...

(End of this chapter)

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