heavy weapon is king

Chapter 31 National Military Training

Chapter 31 National Military Training
After Nie Zheng exited from Arms Commercial Street, he threw the hummingbird "T-20" gifted to him by Jack under the bed, opened the window gently, and found that it was pitch black outside, at least after 08:30 in the evening.

Thinking that starting from tomorrow, in order to improve the combat effectiveness of the entire Black Wind Village, as the head of the family, he may be very busy these days.

As for the set of hummingbird monitors that Jack gave him to experience, in the past few days, I have not been in the mood to play with them.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng took off his robe and went to bed early to rest.


Nie Zheng woke up early the next morning.

Immediately, he sent an order to the masters of the four main halls to bring all the personnel from Heifengzhai to Juyi hall for assembly.

In front of hundreds of people in the whole village, Nie Zheng once again performed psychic magic and summoned countless fairy artifacts out of thin air. Immediately, it caused a lot of exclamation and screams in the Juyi hall, and everyone was indispensable There was a burst of shock and cheers.

Currently, there are 460 and seven people in the entire Heifengzhai inside and outside, plus patrolling the mountains and watching the wind outside, as well as secret agents disguised as hiding outside.

First of all, Nie Zheng took out protective equipment such as pistols, stab-proof suits, and defensive helmets, and distributed them to the four major branch halls according to the names of heads. The hall master found an opportunity to distribute it.

After distributing defensive equipment such as pistols and stab-proof suits to everyone, Nie Zheng selected 47 strong and agile elite bandits from among these people, and prepared to take the [-] thieves he just bought last night. AK[-] assault rifles and one hundred Remington shotguns were distributed to them, and these three hundred elites were trained as the core force of Heifengzhai.

Because the armed forces of Heifengzhai had changed, Nie Zheng made new adjustments to the branch staff of Heifengzhai.

In order to facilitate command and command, Nie Zheng put all the 47 elite bandits using AK[-] under the command of Zhang Dazhuang, and the other [-] elite bandits using shotguns were handed over to the second hall master Yang Feihu. to take charge.

As for the remaining 160 people, they were assigned to Wang Gang's Santang and Fang Fatzi's Sitang.

Since Wang Gang's Santang is responsible for the important task of guarding the cottage, Nie Zheng handed over the 24 extra AK47s he bought last time to Wang Gang for distribution. After all, if the Santang had more than 47 AK[-]s , Their defensive ability must increase a lot.

After a series of adjustments and transfers were made to the internal personnel of Heifengzhai, everyone performed their duties and went about their duties.

According to Nie Zheng's order, the more than 400 people in Heifengzhai were divided into two groups every day to practice the operation methods of munitions and weapons in shifts. Since Nie Zheng alone could not teach so many people, he called out the three brothers of the Chen family for a while. Arrange for the three of them to be instructors for training pistols.

And Nie Zheng himself, together with Zhang Dazhuang and Yang Feihu, led three hundred elite bandits, and specially trained them to practice AK47 and shotgun operation methods.

In the next two days, Nie Zheng was really tired.

In the morning, he would teach Zhang Dazhuang's men how to use the AK47, and in the afternoon, he would teach Yang Feihu's men how to use shotguns non-stop. In short, from morning to dark, he basically had no rest.

Due to the large number of people and the lack of culture of these bandits, most of the bandits seemed nervous and clumsy when they first came into contact with arms and weapons, which made the impatient Nie Zheng, feeling more and more irritable and angry.

Obviously, it is obviously difficult to teach them thoroughly in a short period of time, because not all of them have the super ability to accept arms and weapons like the third brother of the Chen family, let alone the third brother of the Chen family. The sky-defying shooting talent.

Especially in the morning of the first day, when Nie Zheng was teaching the group of soil turtles to use the AK47, some idiots were too excited and nervous, causing them to shoot randomly, almost accidentally injuring the people nearby.

Seeing that scene, Nie Zheng was so angry that he jumped up and scolded those two idiots until tears streamed down his face. He squatted on the ground for a long time, not even daring to lift his head.

There are also a few idiots who have been taught repeatedly, which is even more frustrating. Every time they shoot, they don't even turn off the insurance. They habitually raise the AK47 in their hands and put their heads in front of the barrel to watch, wanting to see the gun No matter how the smoke was coming out of it, Nie Zheng warned them no matter how many times they couldn't get rid of this bad habit. The face of Master Nie was so angry that his face turned green, and he yelled directly. The thunderous roar probably shocked the entire Heifengzhai. can hear.

In short, in the first two days, this group of soil turtles were really scolded by Master Nie. At the same time, this group of soil turtles once again had a profound experience of the fierce and violent temper of Master Nie.Therefore, as long as these guys see Nie Zheng, they are like a mouse seeing a cat. They had practiced well, but when they saw Master Nie cast their gazes over, they became nervous for no reason, and the effect of the practice was on the contrary worse.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng also secretly had a headache. He thought that it would not be a problem to continue like this. He had to find a way to solve this problem quickly. He has a bad temper and likes to swear at every turn. If he continues to swear like this, those guys will probably I was scolded by myself and didn't have the confidence to study.

After realizing his own shortcomings, Nie Zheng immediately came up with a countermeasure. First of all, he reselected dozens of people with strong receptivity and intelligence from among the [-] elite bandits. teach them.

After these people were thoroughly proficient in the operation method, Nie Zheng arranged for them to go down to train other people.

Not to mention, this method is really effective. On the afternoon of the third day, apart from Nie Zheng occasionally going to spot checks or watching from a distance, the three hundred soil turtles learned faster because there was no big master present. stand up.

After three days had passed, apart from the fact that the shooting accuracy of these soil turtles needed to be improved, other things such as the handling of firearms, the speed of changing magazines, and simple troubleshooting of abnormalities, they could all be tossing about.

After seeing this scene, Nie Zheng was very relieved, and secretly rewarded those dozens of temporary instructors a lot of money, which made those guys thankful and flattered.

At the same time, Nie Zheng was also very depressed. He thought that Lao Tzu was also an official trainer of Heifengzhai anyway. Why did Lao Tzu teach them how to do it himself? Starting from raw water, it is getting better and better.Could it be that Lao Tzu's training ability is so poor?
Because there was a group of rookie coaches coaching Nie Zheng, Nie Zheng was obviously much more relaxed in the following time.

Anyway, Nie Zheng's purpose is very clear. It is not necessary for the group of local turtles to train their marksmanship very accurately, as long as they know how to fire in the designated direction.

Besides, in the face of the regular army of two thousand states and cities, what is the need for too strict accuracy? Facing the enemy with clustered targets, it is a bullet rain tactic. As long as hundreds of AK47s are fired at the same time, the enemy will be a large area. .

After spending millions of dollars and producing so many AK47s, what Nie Zheng wanted was to suppress the firepower in the fool mode and have a powerful deterrent lineup against the enemy.

If he really wanted to train as strictly as in the army, it is estimated that the 100 rounds of ammunition that Nie Zheng bought for [-] million yuan would not be enough for these local turtles to practice guns.

From the very beginning, Nie Zheng's meaning was very clear. Two hundred AK gunners, each of them will release a maximum of one hundred rounds of ammunition for practice. Pull the trigger a few more times, and you're basically done training.

On the fourth day, Nie Zheng rarely went to the back mountain to check and watch.

In the afternoon of that day, Nie Zheng went to the back mountain bamboo forest. According to the usual practice, he selected a few idiots from the group of soil turtles for a spot check, but the result surprised him.

The impression these idiots left on Nie Zheng was not good, their ability to accept them was pretty bad, and they looked a little bit aggressive, but in just a couple of days, they were given to those rookie coaches, The training seemed to be going well, which made Nie Zheng extremely happy.

In a good mood, Nie Zhen couldn't help but praised those idiots, and suddenly, those idiots burst into tears of surprise. It was as exciting as winning the Nobel Prize in Literature after years of hard study, which made all the bandits present feel the inspirational spirit of their hard-fought counterattacks.

After returning from the training ground inspection, it was already evening.

Immediately, Master Nie, who was in a good mood, ordered the cook to steam a fat chicken over.

So, Master Nie Dazhai took advantage of the light of the setting sun and the splendid beauty of sunset and dusk, sitting in the middle of the courtyard with his legs crossed, drinking a little wine and gnawing on delicious oily chicken legs.

Now, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner according to Nie Zheng's plan.

Apart from waiting for the arrival of the bandit suppressing army in Zhoucheng, he had nothing else to worry about.

Nie Zheng felt a little unaccustomed to being at ease all of a sudden, and was even a little bored.

Suddenly, he couldn't help but think of the hummingbird monitor that he brought out from the Arms Commercial Street four days ago, and immediately he was going to take it out and experience it, to see what's so special about this hummingbird monitor.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng leisurely ate the chicken legs, then slowly returned to the bedroom, and found the set of hummingbird micro-monitors from under the bed.

Opening the iron box, Nie Zheng followed the method Jack taught him to use, and let the electronic robot bird the size of a peanut fly out.

Holding the flat-panel monitor used to control the electronic hummingbird, Nie Zheng leaned against the head of the bed, and began to remotely control the electronic hummingbird through the control buttons on the display, slowly flying over the Heifengzhai sky.

I have to say that this electronic hummingbird is indeed amazing.

It can be controlled by the tablet in Nie Zheng's hand, and it can fly to any corner that can accommodate its small size.

During the flight, the cameras in the electronic hummingbird's eyes can transmit all the scenes seen to Nie Zheng's hands.

This made Master Nie, who had never played with such high-tech gadgets, very excited.

In the process of controlling the electronic hummingbird, Nie Zheng was also very depressed. He thought that he was also depressed when he was reborn in Heifengzhai. Originally, he had this kind of secret voyeuristic artifact, and he used it to peep at those beautiful people when he was free. Girls, that could not be better.

However, this wretched wish in Nie Zheng's heart may be difficult to realize.

At present, in the entire Black Wind Village, apart from a few old village women who are in charge of washing clothes under Fatty Fang, there is no other woman who can be seen at a glance.

This is very regrettable.

Someone told Nie Zheng before that there used to be quite a few older girls and daughters-in-law in Heifeng Village, but after falling out with Shen Hongyu, she took all those old and weak women and children to Shen's Village.

Today, most of the bandits in Heifeng Village and their wives, wives, and children are in Shenjia Village.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng sighed deeply, and secretly decided that after repelling the bandit army in Zhoucheng this time, he must go to Shenjiazhai in person, and must use all his strength to give that beautiful girl Shen Hongyu coax back.

Besides, there are more than 2000 people in Shenjiazhai. To put it bluntly, all of those people are inseparable from Heifengzhai.Heifengzhai and Shenjiazhai belonged to one family, and the old man and his wife were fighting at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed, who would dare to say a word?

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng felt much more comfortable.

Anyway, with nothing to do, Nie Zheng controlled the electronic hummingbird and flew around Heifengzhai. If Zhang Dazhuang and his training grounds were not far away, Nie Zheng really wanted to control the electronic hummingbird to fly there. , See how they are training today.

Holding the tablet computer, I played with the electronic hummingbird remotely for about an hour. Looking at the sky outside, the sun had already set and the sky was gradually getting dark.

At this time, Nie Zheng was ready to take back the electronic hummingbird, ready to play again tomorrow.

Just when Nie Zheng controlled the electronic hummingbird and flew back from the back mountain of Heifengzhai, suddenly, when the electronic hummingbird passed over a remote forest, a strange scene appeared in the forest, which immediately aroused his vigilance. ...

(End of this chapter)

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