heavy weapon is king

Chapter 27 Chapter XX

Chapter 27 Chapter XX Some words of Lord Hou
I'm so sorry!

Originally, I promised everyone before that I would write two chapters a day, but I couldn’t write two chapters on Saturdays and Sundays, and I had to stay up until the early hours of the morning to write one chapter.

I'm getting old now, and under normal circumstances, I don't dare to stay up late, and I usually go to bed before ten o'clock.

During the time since the book was opened, I have written a chapter one afternoon in advance and posted it the next morning, and then wrote another chapter in the morning and posted it in the afternoon. I want to develop this healthy and good writing habit, so that It is good for the body, and it can also be written for a long time.

After all, it is estimated that this book will not be finished in two or three years. For long-term writing, you must have a healthy time plan, otherwise, the days will not last long.

I am a family man. Since I quit my job, I have been staying at home this year to cook, grow vegetables, raise a few chickens, and take my son to and from school every day.

Don't ask my wife why she doesn't do these things, because she runs a shop in the town, leaves early and returns late every day, and has no time to take care of these miscellaneous things at home, because I am an idler, and I have to take the initiative to help the family share these things.

My coding speed has never been fast, at most a thousand words per hour, although I only update two chapters a day, but the time spent is estimated to be several times that of others.

In fact, I really admire those fierce people whose codewriting speed is three to four thousand per hour, and then more than ten thousand per day, but there is still a gap between people, and I can't compare with them.

On Saturdays and Sundays, my son is on holiday, so I have to run around with him. A four-year-old boy is naughty and active, and he likes to be loud and loud. He makes noise for me from time to time. Anyway, as long as If he is at home, I don't want to write with peace of mind. I can only take a hanger and be ready to deal with him at all times.

Therefore, there is still only one update today, and I will send him to kindergarten tomorrow Monday, so that I will have time to code and resume two updates immediately.

Recently, many brothers in the book review area are discussing whether this book will collapse, whether it will be like this or that...

Uh... Actually, I want to tell you that I have been writing books for more than a few years, and I can be considered an old author.

Since I entered the line of online literature, I have been working on the subject of arms, and I have been struggling with it for many years.

I have written about Arms Outer World, Arms Doomsday, Arms Future...

In short, after so many years of writing on the subject of arms, I still have a certain degree of confidence and certainty in it.

In particular, I wrote a novel about arms and other worlds on the outstation before, and the results were not bad, and it was quite popular at the time.

In the past few days, some old hardcore readers kept giving me feedback, saying: Brother Monkey, there is a newcomer author at the beginning, he is imitating your routines, borrowing your theme ideas, and wrote a book "Arms are king" seems to be quite good, with only a few tens of thousands of words, a large number of readers follow it. You said that you have written about arms for so many years, why is it not as good as a newcomer who followed your trend?

I laughed and said nothing at the time, thinking that I would not tell you the secret of opening a new vest, otherwise, you will start all kinds of spraying again.Although I know that you will definitely pay to subscribe

But you always like to find fault, and then scold that this is unreasonable and that is unreasonable, which disturbs me, and I can't get angry at you, because you are hardcore readers who have been following me for many years.

The group has been disbanded a long time ago, and many of the friends I joined were also deleted. I am tired, and now I just want to write a novel about arms in my heart as a newcomer without anyone’s interference. .

If some readers see some of the routines in Arms is King, which is similar to reading a novel about Arms, then you should guess who I am.

The novels I write, the plot layout, and the main line development routine in the early stage are similar, and my writing style is like this. It is somewhat impossible to completely change it all at once.

Just like those officialdom articles, entertainment articles, school flower articles, and special forces articles, their main lines and development routines are basically the same, especially the officialdom articles and entertainment articles, which are exactly the same.

So my arms theme can't break away from my previous routine.

Writing about the subject of arms is a thankless task, especially for non-mainstream arms. It is very difficult to write well. If the writing is not satisfactory, many people will complain about it. Therefore, in today's Internet literature circle, it is really specialized in arms. There are not many authors, and there are almost no good arms novels.

But I like military warfare, and I like hot-blooded arms, so I will continue to write unswervingly until I write a novel about arms that is popular with the public.

Recently, people in the book review area often say that arms were placed in ancient times, when the existence of invincibility directly crushed everything, there were no enemies at all, and it would definitely collapse in the later period.

Seeing those people's comments, I wondered, my book is science fiction, not an orthodox historical novel, why do you always criticize this book with the thinking of reading historical novels?
Since Arms is King is a science fiction novel, there will be many fantasy things appearing in it. Although there is no such thing as a high-powered warrior who can blow up a mountain with one punch, there are still some capable people and strange people appearing.

However, in this book, personal force is not important anymore. There will be many novel things in the book in the future. Anyway, all focus on team strength. The protagonist is like this, and so is the enemy.As for what it is like, I can't spoil too much here.

In a word, if some book friends regard this book as an alternate history, you can abandon the book.

Also, this book is a cool article, a real passionate article. The author's writing style is relatively slow. In the early stage, you must be steady and steady, otherwise the plot will not be easy to develop, but as the plot unfolds, as long as you keep chasing it, It will definitely make you want to stop.

In this regard, I am still very confident.

Finally, I declare again that there will not be any book friend groups in this book in the short term, and everyone should stop asking, because I don't want to be disturbed by anyone.

Well, it’s time to end the rambling here. I’ll finish coding a chapter right away. Now I’ll check for typos and upload it later. It’s almost two o’clock in the morning. It’s actually not easy to stay up so late.Everyone remember to vote for recommendation, let me feel your love and support for the arms stream.

Because your support is directly proportional to the passion of Master Hou when he was writing.

(End of this chapter)

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