Chapter 26
After Nie Zheng chatted with everyone about Shen Hongyu for a while, he started to change the topic and discuss how to deal with the bandit army in Zhoucheng in the future.

At this moment, seeing Fatty Fang holding an account book in his hand, Nie Zheng suddenly remembered that there was an important matter that he had not told the hall masters.

At that moment, he coughed twice, and said slowly: "Master Fang, can you figure out the money, food and supplies we brought back this time?"

Fatty Fang nodded, and hastily opened the account book to report: "Reporting to the village owner, after the subordinates led the four halls to settle the liquidation, at present, our cottage has more than 24 catties of grain, more than [-] copper coins, and pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep. There are more than [-] livestock, such as chickens, ducks and geese..."

Fatty Fang held the account book seriously, and reported a large number of numbers piecemeal, but Nie Zheng didn't listen to most of the content.

After reporting the accounts to the village owner, Fatty Fang smiled and said: "Village owner, the amount of business done this time is indeed amazing. Not to mention other things, the more than 150 carts of grain brought back from the robbery alone are enough for 400 yuan in our cottage." Many people have been eating and drinking for two years, hehe... really echoed the old saying, if you don’t open for three years, you can eat for three years.”

Hearing this, Yang Feihu, Zhang Dazhuang and Wang Gang who were sitting on the side couldn't help laughing.

Seeing several loyal hall masters so happy, to be honest, Nie Zheng, as the head of the family, actually felt quite fulfilled in his heart.

Smiling slightly, Nie Zheng suddenly said seriously: "By the way, there is something very important that I forgot to tell you."

As soon as this remark came out, the four hall masters looked at him with respect.

Nie Zheng pondered for a moment, and asked: "Yang Feihu, all the brothers who came down with us to rob the village this time must be registered, and I will distribute bonuses to reward them one by one later. We should try our best to reward the brothers who were killed or injured in the battle. Especially those who were injured, we must treat them at all costs. Get well."

Yang Feihu, Zhang Dazhuang and others nodded their heads in agreement when they heard the words.

At this time, Fatty Fang suddenly interjected: "Village Master, is the reward bonus this time still the same as before? Take out [-]% and share it with the brothers, and put the rest into the treasury?"

After hearing this, Nie Zheng shook his head and said, "No! This time, we will distribute [-]% of the bonus to the brothers, and the remaining [-]% ​​will be put into the warehouse of the cottage. How to share it is my own idea!"

As soon as this remark came out, Yang Feihu and Zhang Dazhuang were very pleasantly surprised. They never expected that the village owner would distribute [-]% of the bonus this time. If it was left in the past, it would be absolutely impossible.

You know, among all the mountain forces in the entire Longhu Mountain Range, the rules of business are usually made, and they usually distribute [-]% of the bonus. to the crowd.But like Nie Zheng, who gave out [-]% of the bonus as soon as he opened his mouth, it really made people overjoyed.

The four hall masters were all overjoyed at the moment, only Fatty Fang, who was in charge of the cottage's money and food, sat there with some confusion, hesitating to speak. "Village... Zhaizhu, is it too much to distribute 1000% of the bonus? You must know that the amount of business we have made this time is huge. Even if we take out [-]% of the bonus, there are more than [-], which is already a lot. Besides Our cottage is dilapidated and needs a lot of money to renovate the building, now we have the opportunity, have to think about it..."

Nie Zheng waved his hand, and said proudly: "Don't think about it, just give out [-]% of the bonus! There is nothing to worry about for a few small money. Hall Master Fang can rest assured. As for the renovation of the cottage, just arrange for people to do it. For those money You don’t need to worry about the problem at all, it’s not easy without money, as long as the brothers are in a good mood, we can go down the mountain to rob a few big households who are doing evil at any time, if there are no suitable big households to rob, then we will go to the government’s treasury.”

Fatty Fang and the others were stunned in the face of the strong words of the village master!

Robbing the government's treasury is too...too arrogant, right?From the current point of view, in the entire Longhu Mountain Range, there are dozens of groups of bandit forces with heads and faces up and down, including the Nine Villages of the South Tiger, the Thirteen Peaks of the North Tiger, the Twelve Mountains of the Dragon Head, and the Seven Fen Mountains of the Dragon Tail. No family has dared to rob the government's treasury.

Although the village owner only talked and did not take action, but seeing the arrogant and domineering appearance of the village owner, it is not certain that he will really do such a thing that shocks the world in the future.

If that day does come, oh my god, it's totally unimaginable...

Thinking of this, Fatty Fang quickly shut up, for fear that his little heart would not be able to bear it when the village master said something that shocked the world.

Seeing Fatty Fang still sitting in a corner in a daze, Nie Zheng said displeasedly, "Master Fang, why don't you hurry up and do it?"

Hearing this, Fatty Fang came back to his senses, and hastily bowed his hands and retreated: "Yes, village master, this subordinate will do it now!"

After Fatty Fang left in a hurry, Nie Zheng continued to order: "Master Yang, Master Zhang, and Master Wang, you go down immediately, except for a few brothers who are left to watch the wind and patrol the mountain, everyone else, all Gather me at the Juyi Hall, besides distributing bonuses, I have something very important to announce."

"Obey, village master!"

After receiving Nie Zheng's order, the three left quickly.


Heifengling, Houzhai!

At this moment, there are nearly 6000 bandits in Heifeng Village, all of them crowded around the Juyi Hall with bright eyes.In front of them, that is, in the middle of the wide hall of Juyi Hall, more than [-] copper coins are piled up on the ground with a radius of tens of meters, which is as spectacular as a hill.

At this time, Nie Zhengduan was sitting on the tiger-skin chair in the middle of the high platform, with a yellow visitor from the mountain gate standing beside him.

The so-called Shanmen yellow guest is equivalent to the host and master of ceremonies selected by those large group companies in modern times when they hold annual celebration parties. effort.

This yellow visitor from the mountain gate is Jia Xiufang, who is a bookkeeper under Fatty Fang's command. Because he has studied for more than ten years and is proficient in some arithmetic, he is highly appreciated and highly regarded by Hall Master Fang.

Like in the past, if there were any major festivals and important events in Heifeng Village, such as the [-]th birthday of the old village master Nie, Nie Zheng's wedding banquet day, dragon head day, etc..., he would be asked to come out to play the yellow guest of the mountain gate .

Today is the largest dividend gathering in history since the establishment of Heifeng Village. Of course, a yellow guest is needed to come out and roll the roll.

I saw Jia Xiufang standing on the right side of Nie Zheng, holding a roster of big red flowers in her hand, and chanting loudly in a loud voice. "The sun rises in the east, and the fortune will last forever. On the Black Wind Ridge, the red light is everywhere..."

It took Jia Xiufang nearly half an hour to sing the praises, and it was not over yet.

Nie Zheng was sitting next to him, feeling dizzy and on the verge of collapse.

From the beginning until now, except for the few words before that he understood, as for what Jia Xiufang said later, he didn't understand a single word.

Looking at Jia Xiufang holding the roster, singing in a mellow, cadenced chanting, it was a devotion, as if what he was holding in his hand was not an ordinary roster, but a supreme Bible.

Seeing him babbling endlessly, Nie Zheng really wanted to rush over and kick him off the stage, "Fucking shit, I just want to send some money to my brothers, what the fuck are you talking about?" .”

But there is no way, no matter how impatient Nie Zheng is, as the leader of Heifengzhai, he has to endure it, who said that this is the rules and rituals set by the patriarch.What's more, what Huang Ke reads all represents the meaning of the master.

Sometimes, Nie Zheng always thinks that these days, the imperial court is incompetent, refugees are everywhere, and soldiers are in turmoil everywhere. It is actually not easy to be a serious bandit, just like the yellow guest from the mountain gate in front of him. Not to mention being forced to fall into the grass as a bandit, occasionally I have to let go of the arrogant airs of a scholar, and come down to play a guest role that only "Xia Sanxing" will do.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng could only sigh secretly, helplessly understanding the other party.

After chanting for a long time, Jia Xiufang finally finished reading the opening ceremony.

At this time, he turned over the list of flowers on the back page, and the most anticipated and exciting moment for all the cottagers arrived.

Jia Xiufang sang loudly and solemnly: "Ma Shichong!"

"Here!" Immediately, a yellow-faced man left the crowd excitedly, and rushed to the bottom of the high platform.

Jia Xiufang glanced at him, and continued to sing: "For your meritorious service in attacking Gaojiazhuang at night, you will be rewarded with ten consecutive bonuses..."

As soon as this remark came out, the scene immediately became a sensation.

Everyone present never imagined that the dividends distributed this time would be so generous. Ma Shichong is just an ordinary minion, and he would be rewarded with ten copper coins from the village owner. My God, this is a dream ?

Faced with countless pairs of red and envious eyes, Ma Shichong couldn't hide his surprise. He bowed to Master Nie, who was sitting high on the tiger skin chair, and kowtowed: "My subordinate Ma Shichong, thank you for your kindness!"

Nie Zheng smiled slightly, waved his hands and said, "Severe words, no courtesy!"

After saying that, Fatty Fang immediately arranged for a few warehouse men to weigh ten copper coins for him on a large scale. On the spot, Ma Shichong happily retreated from the other side to the back of the lobby with a sack of copper coins in his arms.

After the first one received the copper coin, Jia Xiufang continued to sing: "Ma Sandan!"


In the following time, it will be the busiest time for the warehouse minions.

Nearly [-] bandit minions who came to the scene came forward to receive bonuses one after another according to the degree of credit.

In this distribution of bonuses, Nie Zheng broke the rules in one fell swoop and set the highest record in the entire bandit industry.

According to Nie Zheng's order, there are a total of 430 people in Heifeng Village.

The two hundred elites who followed Nie Zheng to Dahe Town to attack Gaojiazhuang that day all received a huge reward of ten copper coins, and for those injured brothers, an additional five coins were added.

As for the remaining 200 or so bandits who stayed behind in the cottage, they were all rewarded five times.

In addition, the two hall masters Yang Feihu and Zhang Dazhuang who robbed the village were rewarded with [-] copper coins respectively, and Wang Gang and Fatty Fang who stayed behind were also rewarded with [-] copper coins.

Also, some of the more important core members and leaders in the cottage were rewarded with fifty to one hundred copper coins respectively.

After waiting for the bonus to be distributed, the entire Juyi Hall was completely immersed in frenzied jubilation.

Basically, in the entire lobby, more than [-] people were all sitting on the ground holding a sack of copper coins, and the expressions on their faces were full of excitement.

There are a lot of minions, probably they have never seen so much money in their life.

You know, in the past, when the two old village owners of Heifengzhai were alive, they made the biggest deal, and they only distributed less than five hundred cash bonuses to everyone. Like ordinary small businesses, they are basically one or two Baiwen.

Today, the head of the family took out more than 6000 copper coins to distribute at once. This scale and this kind of scene are estimated to be unique in the entire Longhu Mountain Range.

There were a lot of copycats at the scene laughing and chatting, thinking, people on the top of the hill distribute dividends and use their hands to count copper coins, look how domineering our Heifeng village is, I don’t bother to count, just take out a large scale to weigh, haha, cool ...

(End of this chapter)

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