Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 73 Good way!

Chapter 73 Good way!
The next morning, after Chen Jia brought enough dry food, he got up and rushed towards Daze Township.

After thinking about it last night, Chen Jia had already decided that since he wanted to find someone, he should look for him where he had clues. Even if his clues were not accurate, it was better than nothing.

In fact, Chen Jia has no other choice. Last night, he asked the system if there was anything he could find someone for, but the system also said no. Originally, Chen Jia thought he could find something useful from the system. There is no way.

Helpless, Chen Jia had no choice but to look for it herself.

Now that there is a main task, Chen Jia doesn't care about Xiao Chuan's accidents or anything else. They don't have their own learning points that are important, it's a full two hundred points!
Besides, Xiao Chuan has martial arts, and has a very strange tiger-shaped pendant, plus they have the aura of the protagonist, even if the situation is bad, how bad can it be? !

Speaking of the tiger-shaped pendant, Chen Jia had actually thought about it before, but when Chen Jia aroused this mentality, he actually felt the definite repulsive force inside the tiger-shaped pendant!

This... This turned out to be a spiritual treasure!

So since then, Chen Jia has never thought of using the tiger-shaped pendant again. Chen Jia can't take away spiritual treasures.

Of course, these are all past events, and now Chen Jia is on his way to Daze Township.

Daze Township and Pei County both belong to Sishui County, and the distance between the two is not far away. Chen Jia hastened all the way, and two days later, Chen Jia came to Daze Township.

When he was in Pei County, Chen Jia encouraged himself, saying that he would definitely find it, but when he came to Daze Township, Chen Jia was even more confused.

Daze Township, although its name is Xiang, its area is not the size of a township at all, it contains dozens of villages!
At this time, Chen Jia didn't even know the basic situation of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, so he had no way of doing anything.

Three days later, Chen Jia had run away from these dozens of villages, but no one had heard of these two names. Could it be that they were not in Daze Township?Or is it nearby?
At this time, Chen Jia already felt a little desperate.But in this despair, Chen Jiadao thought of a way, that is to let more people look for it.

If he can't find one person, can't two people, three people, thousands of people can't find it?

As for where to find someone, Chen Jia immediately thought of a good way, that is to offer a reward. Anyway, he has a lot of money, and the money will be useless if he returns to the real world, so he might as well offer a reward now.

Three days later, Chen Jia's written rewards were posted in every township in Daze Township.

These reward papers were posted everywhere by Chen Jia spending money and ordering people to post them everywhere, and it was written: There are two rewards, named Chen Sheng and Wu Guang. Anyone who can find Chen Sheng and Wu Guang will be rewarded with ten thousand dollars. Those who can find and bring them back, A reward of [-] qian, those who provide reliable clues, a thousand qian, and those who provide clues, a reward of [-] qian, I am in room No. [-] Tianzi of Yuelai Inn in Luojia Town!

This sudden reward made the people of Daze Township excited for a while, as for the authenticity?After Chen Jia put out tens of thousands of copper coins, no one questioned them anymore. The news spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and soon, there was an endless stream of people who came to receive the reward, even from the neighboring counties. knew.

However, Chen Jia discovered that most of these people were people who fished in troubled waters. For these people, Chen Jia drove them away directly. Apart from these people, there were also some people who brought along Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, but they were just people with the same name. .

Three days later, Chen Jia discovered that someone from the government had come.

It turned out that the Sheriff of Sishui County had heard about Chen Jia, but for Chen Jia, who was able to offer such an extravagant reward, the Sheriff felt that Chen Jia had offended his dignity, so he sent a team of people to arrest him.

However, it was Chen Jia's fist that responded. In Chen Jia's eyes, these officials were no strangers, and they were all thrown down casually.

After defeating them, Chen Jia asked these people to go back and bring a message: If I want to offer a reward, I will offer a reward, it's none of your sheriff's business!
Chen Jia was already upset because he couldn't find anyone, but at this moment, people from the government came over to make trouble. They shouldn't be in trouble, but who should be in trouble?

However, when these people brought back Chen Jia's original words, the county guard was obviously angry. The second time, they directly sent more than 100 people. comparable.

The sheriff was very confident in them and believed that Chen Jia would be caught in front of him. However, this was just an imagination. These people were not good enough in Chen Jia's hands, so they were still beaten to the ground.

At this time, looking at the government with such visitors, Chen Jia suddenly had a better way in his heart.

However, this method is a bit radical, but in order to complete the task, Chen Jia can't control so much.

After all, Chen Jia found that his reward was not very useful, and it would be a waste of time to continue like this, so it is better to use this method.

After making up his mind, Chen Jia got on his horse and shouted: "Starting today, the reward is void!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Jia patted his horse and ran towards the county town of Sishui County.

In the same place, only a hundred people were left wailing all over the ground, and a group of onlookers who had already been stunned.

The next morning, Chen Jia grabbed a kitchen knife and came to the sheriff's mansion in Sishui County. Ignoring the defense force in the mansion, Chen Jia abruptly put the kitchen knife in his hand on the sheriff's neck.

The sheriff had been fantasizing yesterday that Chen Jia would be tied up and brought to him today, that's right!Chen Jia came before his eyes, but the way it was done was a bit special.

"This man, if you have something to say, let's talk it out, don't use the knife!" Looking at the kitchen knife on his neck, the sheriff trembled as he spoke.

He never expected that in the majestic county guard's mansion, someone could ignore the strength of the guards and directly come to the living room where he works!

Hearing this, Chen Jia sneered: "Don't use the knife? Then why do the more than 100 people you sent out have a knife on their waists?!"

After hearing Chen Jia's words, the county guard's expression changed, and he said loudly, "You are the one who put up the reward?!"

The sheriff's voice was a little higher, as if the news made him suppress all the fear in his heart.

There is no way, this news is too surprising, you must know that he sent more than 100 people to arrest Chen Jia!But now, not only did he not succeed, but he was killed, how could he not be surprised?
But at the same time as surprised, he felt even more terrified. Originally, he thought that Chen Jia was a robber who sneaked in just for money, but now, the one who sneaked in was the person he wanted to arrest!I sent someone to arrest him, but now he is calling at the door, isn't it terrible? !

Thinking of this, the sheriff is in a bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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