Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 72 The Main Story Will Be Changed?

Chapter 72 The Main Story Will Be Changed?
"Uncle Fan, where are Brother Xiang and Uncle Xiang? Why haven't you seen them come out?" It stands to reason that Chen Jia and Fan Zeng have been talking here for so long, and Xiang Yu and the others should have heard it.

No matter how bad it is, I should call out twice to let myself know that they are still there, but now, the house is quiet, which is very abnormal.

Looking at Fan Zeng again, after hearing Chen Jia's words, he said with a troubled face: "Xiao Jia, you came at a really bad time. Just yesterday, Xiang Yu and his uncle left."

Hearing this, Chen Jia was stunned, but then said with a smile: "It's okay, anyway, there will be a chance to meet again in the future, if that's the case, then I'll take my leave!"

Unexpectedly, Xiang Yu and the others left yesterday, which surprised Chen Jia, but it's nothing, anyway, we will meet again in the future.

Since Fan Zeng was the only one here, Chen Jia planned to leave, but he didn't plan to chat about life with an old man.

But Fan Zeng saw that Chen Jia was about to leave, so he waved quickly: "Xiao Jia, it's getting dark now, don't you want to leave after eating?"

In Fan Zeng's heart, Chen Jia is a strange person, and now he has the opportunity to build a good relationship with him, of course he should take good care of it.

However, Chen Jia had made up her mind, she shook her head and said, "No, I should be able to reach Peixian County before dark if I ride my horse faster."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Fan Zeng to say anything else, Chen Jia got on his horse and rushed towards Pei County.

Looking at Chen Jia who left, Fan Zeng sighed, with an inexplicable gleam in his eyes.

When Chen Jia came to Pei County, it was already dark, and after finding an inn near Lu's Mansion, Chen Jia stayed in.

Because he was on the road all the time, and Chen Jia still took time to practice his mind power while he was on the road, Chen Jia was already very tired at this time, so after dinner, Chen Jia washed up and went to bed.

Now what Chen Jia has to do is to wait for Xiao Chuan and the others to come back in Pei County, so Xiao Chuan started a regular life in Pei County again.

Practice mind power in the morning, then take a short nap, play boxing and play casually in the afternoon, and then go to Lu Mansion to inquire if Xiao Chuan has returned. After four days like this, Chen Jia gradually couldn't sit still.

According to his guess, Xiao Chuan and the others should have arrived in Pei County yesterday, but it's already the fourth day, why haven't they come back yet?

Could it be that they are playful and are still on the road?With this in mind, Chen Jia spent another day waiting.

However, it was already the afternoon of the fifth day, and Chen Jia still hadn't seen Xiao Chuan and the others. He even went to Kuaiji to have a look at noon, but there was no sign of Xiao Chuan and the others.

Even if Xiao Chuan and the others were walking and playing, they should have arrived if there were horses!But it didn't arrive now. At this time, Chen Jia was 100% sure that something must have happened to them!
This situation may be in Xianyang, but it may also be on the road. In short, something happened to them!
Thinking of this, Chen Jia couldn't sit still any longer, and planned to drive all night to Xianyang today.

But at this moment, a system notification sounded in Chen Jia's mind!

Ding!Due to unknown reasons, the main task has been changed, please check it yourself.

After hearing the system prompt, Chen Jia was stunned, what the hell? !Main quest changed?
Even the main mission can be changed?Chen Jia was completely dumbfounded.

After being stunned for a while, Chen Jia quickly realized and looked at the changed mission.

Mission Name: Kill.

Task content: Due to unknown reasons, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang have rebellious hearts at this time, please ask the host to suppress them or curb their rebellious hearts.

Mission duration: three months. (If the overtime is not completed, the reward will be canceled and the same amount of learning points will be deducted)

Task reward: 200 learning points.

Looking at this task, Chen Jia's first thought was that the rewards had increased, and his second thought was that he could go home early. As for the third thought, this task was very difficult!And it's a little too difficult!
Because for Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, Chen Jia has no information at all. Chen Jia doesn't even know how old they are, what they look like, where their homes are, etc.!
Apart from knowing that the two of them were in an uprising in Daze Township, Chen Jia didn't know any other information.

Finding these two people in such a large land of the Qin Dynasty is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, and it is simply not something humans can do!

For a while, Chen Jia was so depressed that he even thought negatively: he earned more than 200 learning points with great difficulty, and now he might lose it all at once because of the failure of the task!

While complaining, Chen Jia also felt very strange, why the system suddenly changed the main task, and said that it was an unknown reason, and for some reason, Chen Jia always felt that the system seemed a little happy when it just prompted!
right!Just happy!
Although the tone of the system was as flat as ever, Chen Jia felt a little bit of happiness from it!

While Chen Jia was struggling with the system here, an old man in white was walking slowly in a mountain thousands of miles away. It was already dark at this time, and ordinary people couldn't see the road clearly in the mountain. However, every step of the old man was extremely steady, as if it was daytime, and what was frightening was that when the old man was walking, each step was obviously very small, but the distance he walked was more than ten meters, which was very strange.

This old man is exactly the old man who told the boy on Tangwu Mountain to go wandering, that is, the person from Beiyan Mountain that Chen Jia said!

I saw the old man suddenly stopped while walking, and then let out a light sigh, "It's weird, this day has changed?!"

As he said that, the old man raised his hands and kept counting, but no matter how he counted, he didn't sense anything. After a few minutes, he shook his head, "The sky has changed, if this is the case, then I should also Go back early."

At the same time, in a barracks in a certain place in Chen County, a big man was quietly talking with a strong man. From their conversation, it could be heard that the two were very disappointed with the rule of the Qin Dynasty, and there was a clear gap between their words. showed a rebellious heart.

Fortunately, there is no one around. If their words are heard, they will definitely be sentenced to death!

And these two people are Chen Sheng and Wu Guang!

If Chen Jia were here, he would definitely find out that the big man among them was the bandit leader he had let go before!
But Chen Jia didn't know what happened here. At this moment, he was lying on the bed with a depressed face, unable to fall asleep.

No way, a troublesome thing suddenly appeared, which made Chen Jia unable to sleep, and felt extremely uncomfortable. He tossed and turned on the bed, thinking how to find Chen Sheng and Wu Guang in the entire land of the Qin Dynasty. personal.

(End of this chapter)

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