Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 163 The Tough Woman Fears Even Ghosts (Part 1 Please Subscribe)

Chapter 163 The Sturdy Woman Fears Ghosts (Please subscribe for the first update)

According to the records recorded by some ascetics in the spiritual world, ghosts in the underworld are divided into four classes, and the first class is bull-headed and horse-faced.

Second-class seductresses, also known as black and white impermanence, are also called "seven masters and eight masters" in the spiritual world and folks. Wash away the sins of life.

The third-class ghost messenger is responsible for guarding the underworld.

The fourth-class ghost messengers escort the ghosts home.

Above the first class are "officials", such as magistrates, Po Meng, Ksitigarbha, etc., who are in charge of the real power department of the underworld, or are the masters of the underworld, with overwhelming power, lofty status, and powerful strength.

The three ghost messengers who escorted Zhu Dachang back were fourth-class ghost messengers, the lowest-level ghost messengers in the underworld.

The reason why the fourth-class ghost messengers were assigned the escort task was mainly because after the ghost entered the underworld, the edges and corners of the hostility were smoothed, and the body was tied with a soul chain, so even the weakest ghost messenger could not beat or run away.

In addition to the soul chain, the ghost guard also has a red-headed black lacquer stick in his hand to deal with ghosts. If you hit you once, you can't retreat, you can only go forward, which is quite powerful.

The way the second uncle rescued Zhu Dachang was to make a fuss about the fourth-class ghost messenger. He asked Ayun, who was married to Zhu Dachang, to watch the night as a widow of the Zhu family to paralyze the ghost messenger. He also filled the mourning hall with delicious food and burned it. A lot of coins.

As the saying goes, money can turn ghosts around!

The fourth-class ghosts have the lowest status and the poorest wealth. Usually, they are greedy for money and make mistakes in order to make money. This is an inside story that many ascetics in the spiritual world know.

The fourth-class ghost messenger likes to drink and eat eggs, so the second uncle asked Ayun to put three jars of fine wine in the mourning hall, and put the peeled eggs into the wine jar.

The mouth of the wine jar is so small that you can't put your hands in it. You can only eat eggs after drinking the wine. After drinking such a large jar of wine, the ghost will surely turn over.

At daybreak, the ghost guards dared not show their faces, and rushed back to the underworld to return to their orders, but they couldn't find Zhu Dachang's soul, so the matter was settled.

Although Zhu Dachang will not be allowed to roam freely in the world for decades, it is still possible to live for a few more months. Zhu Dachang was a decent man, he was loyal, and he did a lot of good deeds. Maybe the underworld will give him a son. .

"Brother Shachen, the ghost messenger is drinking!"

Through the 'Golden Pot Lighting Method', Sha Chen and Ma Danna watched everything that happened in the mourning hall not far from the paper shop. He won't wake up for a few hours, and the interim period is enough for Ah Yun to hide Zhu Dachang's ghost.

After drinking the three jars of wine, the three ghost messengers suddenly became dizzy, swayed to and fro, their legs became weak, and they couldn't stand steadily.The loud snoring shook the mourning hall slightly. Of course, ordinary people cannot feel such a loud noise.


Seeing that the ghost was drunk, Shachen quickly performed the "Sound Transmission Dafa", and the word "Ayun" exploded in the ear of the sleeping Ayun like a thunderbolt.

Ayun was startled, and woke up from his sleep, his pretty face was pale, and he looked like he was still in shock.

Sha Chen didn't care to comfort her, and continued: "Ah Yun, Zhu Dachang's ghost has returned. He has turned into a red-shelled beetle. He is on the ground not far in front of you. It is the size of a little finger. It is very conspicuous. You see No?"

Ayun looked along and saw a red-shelled beetle on the ground. He nodded repeatedly, and only listened to Sha Chen's instructions: "Now you do as your second uncle said, wrap this beetle with your menstrual belt, and hide it." Alright, don't let the ghosts find out."

Ayun grabbed the beetle in his hand, carefully wrapped it with a menstrual belt, pasted a magic talisman on it, and put it in the dark compartment on the wall of the mourning hall. This can be said to be foolproof. Ayun's own, and the ghost messenger will go crazy and attack her if he doesn't find Zhu Dachang's soul after waking up.

"Ah Yun, it's still early, you can take a rest, take the willow stick with you, if the ghost guards attack you, you hit him, the willow branch hits the ghost, if you hit him short by three inches."

Ayun nodded, sat on the ground against the wall and fell into a deep sleep.

"Brother Shachen, is this all right?" Ma Danna asked curiously.

Sha Chen looked serious, shook his head and said: "If the ghost messenger didn't leave and Zhu Dachang didn't come back to life, it wouldn't be considered a success. The most important thing next is whether Ah Yun can resist the ghost messenger's attack. It doesn't seem to be a big problem. His strength is very weak, as long as Ah Yun has no fear in his heart, not only will he not be injured, but the ghosts he can fight will have nowhere to escape."

Time passed bit by bit, the night gradually faded, and a gleam of light appeared between the sky and the earth. A high-pitched and powerful cock crow sounded, and the three ghost servants lying on the ground suddenly shook their bodies and woke up with their heads covered. Looking out of the window, my whole body was jolted up, and the drunkenness disappeared, "Oh no, it's going to be dawn."

"Zhu Dachang, come out, it's time to go!"

"Zhu Dachang!"

"Zhu Dachang..."

"I didn't find Zhu Dachang, oh, I see, Mrs. Zhu must be hiding, go and wake her up."

The three ghost messengers showed their figures, surrounded Ayun and patted her on the shoulder.

Ayun woke up again, and saw three strange-looking black-faced ghost messengers. She was so frightened that her ghosts froze, and she waved a willow stick to greet the ghost messengers.

"Ouch, it hurts to death!"

"I'm short!"

"Her hand is a willow branch..."

"Sister-in-law Zhu, don't be impulsive, we are ghost messengers from the underworld, Zhu Dachang is dead, it's useless for you to hide his ghost, hand him over quickly and let us take him to the underworld to return to life."

"I won't let Brother Dachang die." Ayun gritted his teeth fiercely, and kicked a ghost in the crotch. "Yo oh yo" screamed, and the other two ghost messengers were so frightened that their scalps went numb, and they immediately moved away.

"Miss Ayun is very tough!"

Shachen's face was black, but that kick was very hard, he could hear the sound of ghosts breaking apart from such a distance. Of course, ghosts are ghosts, and they can be reshaped even if they are broken.

Ma Dannuo, who heard this next to her, looked at the miserable ghost in the golden basin, as if thinking of something, her little face was flushed, very cute.

"Kill you, kill you."

Ayun beat the three ghosts frantically. The ghosts became shorter and shorter, and they ran away. The sturdy woman was afraid of ghosts. As soon as she reached the door, the magic talisman on the door bounced back, "Oops, there is a talisman on the door." .”

"Idiot, Zhu Dachang's grandfather is a Taoist priest!"

"Run down the chimney!"

Three ghost messengers squeezed into the stove and wanted to leave along the chimney, but they found a five-color ladder inside the chimney, blocking the way to the chimney.

There was no way forward or backward, and the three ghost messengers became ruthless and decided to fight Ayun to the end.

"Oops, the ghost messenger is about to come out, why is Ah Yun useless..."

(End of this chapter)

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