Reborn Zombie Daoist

Chapter 162 Chapter 27 Evil (Part 3 for subscription)

Chapter 162 Twenty-seven Back to the Evil
"The seventh day after a person's death is called the first seven days. The first seven days are the days when calamity comes out. Calamity is the vitality in the heart of the dead, and the soul of the living. This calamity will turn into a cloud of evil wind through the corpse, which is called ghost. "

"Under normal circumstances, a ghost will leave and enter the underworld, but if the ghost's obsession is too deep, it will stay in the yang world, and if it misses the first seven rounds of reincarnation, it will become a wandering ghost." Maintaining the 'Golden Basin Lighting Method', he said to Ma Danna.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the shy ghost Xiuxiu, she was sucked away by Ge Changshou for a breath of yang energy, and that yang energy was calamity.

"Obstinence is the only spiritual support for ghosts to stay in the world. If obsession is not eliminated, ghosts cannot be reincarnated. Therefore, this person must live up to his spirit when he is alive, and he must die when he dies. If he becomes a ghost, he must dispel his spirit. In this case, the world It will be peaceful, how can there be so many ghosts and ghosts harming people everywhere!"

Hearing this, Ma Danna took it for granted, and nodded hastily, "Brother Shachen is right, everything in life is empty, so one should not have selfish thoughts, but Brother Shachen, many people understand this truth, but why in this world? There are so many ghosts who can't figure it out?"

"Obsession, obsession, if you can figure it out, do you still need to be obsessed? Dana, not everyone in this world is smart, and not everyone is content with the status quo. People's selfish desires are infinitely inflated. , as long as you are not satisfied, you will desperately pursue it, the stronger the desire to pursue, the easier it is to form an obsession."

"Is it obsession for Sister Ayun to revive Brother Dachang?" Ma Danna asked.


"Oh, is obsession good or bad?"

Sha Chen thought for a while and said, "Becoming a Buddha with one thought, and becoming a demon with one thought. The attachment is for the benefit of mankind. The degree of attachment can be controlled. That is a good obsession. It is the motivation for you to fulfill your wish.

If you are attached to something that harms the interests of others, then this obsession will push you into the abyss of darkness.

Good and bad are only in your heart. If you have a righteous heart, you will act righteously, and if your heart is evil, you will act evil. "

"Does brother Shachen have obsessions?" Ma Danna asked again.

"Everyone has obsessions..."

"Me too." Ma Danna said with a smile: "My obsession is to eliminate the generals, so that the descendants of the Ma family can relax."

"Dana, have you ever thought about why you want to kill the general?" Sha Chen asked suddenly.

Ma Danna was taken aback, and said seriously: "Because the general is bad, he bites people everywhere, turning people into zombies who are neither human nor ghost, and he hurts others. The villains must be eradicated, otherwise the world will not be peaceful."

"Have you ever seen him bite people?" Without waiting for Ma Dannuo to reply, Shachen asked again: "If one day, you find out that the purpose of the general's bite is not to suck blood, but to save people. Some people he didn't intend to bite, But those people asked him to bite, what would you do?"

"Brother Shachen, is there anyone who likes to be a zombie?"

"The world's great wonders."

Ma Dannuo didn't know how to answer his question, she was a little at a loss, she was only in her teens, and she was still in school when other people's children were this age, but she had already started hunting ghosts and fulfilling her vocation to the Ma family.But after all, she is a child, she has not experienced many things, she has seen only a handful of people and encountered ghosts, and there are many things that cannot be understood.

"Brother Shachen, my aunt can't be wrong, and the ancestors of the Ma family can't be wrong either."

"This is your answer?"


Facing Ma Danna's worried eyes, Shachen didn't comment on whether the answer was correct or not. He hoped that ten years later, Ma Danna would give him a different answer, learn to think for himself, and distinguish right from wrong, that's all.

"I just talked about the first seven, now I'm talking about the second seven, the second seven is Huisha, and Huisha is the day when the wronged soul returns home."

Ma Danna couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, pointing to the rice bowl and oil lamp reflected in the golden pot with her little finger, she asked, "Brother Shachen, why did sister Ayun put an oil lamp and a bowl of rice by Brother Dachang's head and feet?"

"The oil lamp is called the Yongming Lamp, and it is for ghosts to remember the way to the underworld. The bowl of rice is an upside-down meal, and it is for ghosts to eat and have strength to go on the road."

"Brother Shachen, you really know a lot." Ma Danna praised sincerely.

"When you get older and your cultivation base is high, you will understand naturally. If you eat our bowl of rice, you will force you to understand if you don't want to understand." Shachen said with a smile. Seeing that Ma Dannuo still wanted to ask, he hurriedly reminded: " Dana, the midnight hour is coming, come quickly to the formation, no matter what happens in a while, you must not leave the formation."


He asked why, but the slender figure obediently stepped into the dense ink fountain line formation.

Sha Chen casually slapped a piece of 'Chaotic Sky Talisman' on her forehead, Ma Dannuo rubbed her head and said angrily: "Brother Sha Chen, you are so disgusting, it hurts so much."

"Stick the talisman!"


The chaotic talisman is used to deceive the secrets of heaven and avoid being spied by Taoism.The ink fountain line is made up of "Concealing Heaven and Crossing Haifa", the purpose is to modify the time of life and death, and the combination of the two can avoid ghosts and ghosts.

The most important thing is not to be contaminated with karma, no matter whether Zhu Dachang is resurrected or not, the karma with the underworld has been formed.

It was Ayun who wanted to save Zhu Dachang, and she was the one who confronted the ghost messenger. Shachen used Taoism to hide himself. As long as the ghost messenger didn't find out, then he and Ma Danna had nothing to do with this matter.

"Sly boy!"

A voice with a strange tone suddenly reached Ma Danna's ears. She was slightly startled, and subconsciously turned her head to look behind her.

The voice sounded again, "Dana, outsiders can't hear the Ma family's sound transmission technique, don't turn your head to look, the kid next to you will be suspicious... Such a condensed power of the soul!"


Sand Dust, who was checking the formation, suddenly turned his head to look behind him, and the power of his soul gushed out like a tide. After a while, he showed suspicion, "It's strange, there seems to be someone behind..."

"Brother Shachen, what did you say?"

"Oh, nothing."

Sha Chen suddenly became vigilant, and with the power of his soul, he always checked the surroundings. When he found that the time was approaching, he quickly stuck the chaotic sky talisman on his chest.

With a little volley in the air, a white divine light sank into the golden basin, and the disappearing image reappeared at the bottom of the golden basin.

Ma Danna looked intently, and suddenly exclaimed: "Brother Shachen, the ghost messenger is here, no, sister Ayun is asleep..."

"It doesn't matter, ghost messengers won't hurt people easily."

Ayun had been guarding Zhu Dachang for several days at night, and he was already exhausted. He knew that tonight was the critical period for Zhu Dachang's resurrection, so he couldn't bear it and fell asleep.

As soon as the midnight passed, three strange black-faced ghost messengers appeared in the mourning hall. They were wearing ancient costumes, with the word "pawn" written on their chests.

The strangest thing is their hands, shaped like chicken claws, with sharp and curved claws, very weird.


(End of this chapter)

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