It's time to wear a female match

Chapter 173 Love in the End Times (3)

Chapter 173 Love in the End Times (Thirteen)
The original owner's parents told Li Shishi all these in detail, and then thanked her sincerely again, before leaving.

Seeing the original owner and her parents leave, Li Shishi feels pity for this girl. As a 'ghost', she only met her parents, and they will be separated again soon.

As a tasker, she goes to every world and fulfills their wishes for them. Every time the task is completed, they will pay a certain price.

Maybe it's the disappearance of the soul, maybe it's the reincarnation of animals in the next life, maybe they become disabled people, in short, it's impossible for them not to pay something.

Until they disappeared, Li Shishi turned her head and left the courtyard. She lost the original owner's parents in this life, and could only go to J City alone.

Li Shishi opened the car door, and saw Er Lan who was nestled in the co-pilot, forming a ball. The little girl's eyes were a little red, and her eyes were gone. When she came here before, she was so energetic.

"The end of the world, I think you know what it is. You have seen TV and movies. It is full of blood and violence. From now on, there will be no blue sky and white clouds, and there will be no worries about eating and drinking."

Seeing Er Lan, Li Shishi listened to her words with pricked ears, she decided to send her home first, and then talk on the way.

"I'll take you home now, and you and your family must protect yourself in this last day."

Er Lan nodded, reported the address of the family, and the two drove in the same direction.

Along the way, Li Shishi told Erlan everything she had to pay attention to in the last days, and told her implicitly that in the choice of her family, let her try to protect herself as much as possible.

Because Erlan's home is some distance away from the original owner's home, so they don't have much influence here, and there are no dead bodies.

Li Shishi put Er Lan at the door of her house, and then left her the food and things in the car.

And told her again and again that in the last days, she must protect herself well, and a zombie will die if her head is shot. Let her not be afraid when she encounters a zombie, and boldly attack its head.

After explaining everything that needs to be explained, Li Shishi took a last look at Erlan, she drove away, she had done everything she could do, and hoped that the girl behind her car could survive in this apocalyptic world.

Erlan watched Li Shishi's car getting farther and farther away, and her heart began to tremble. It was fear. She was not so afraid when Li Shishi was by her side before, but now that she is gone, it made her a little afraid of the road ahead.

If it was just Li Shishi who told her directly that she definitely did not believe in the end times, that would be nonsense, but everything that happened today was witnessed by her own eyes.

This made her have to believe that she felt that Li Shishi knew a lot of things. She seemed to have known the end of the world early in the morning, and she knew it very well.

No matter what happened, Li Shishi brought her back home. She may have been too indifferent to her parents, but she brought her home and reunited her with her parents in advance, which she remembered in her heart.

Seeing Li Shishi's disappearing body, Er Lan also turned around and entered her home, and moved the things Li Shishi left for her into the house.


A black and dirty off-road vehicle was driving fast on the national road, and occasionally there were two or three zombies blocking the road.

Ordinary people would definitely bypass it, or be too scared to drive, but the owner of the off-road vehicle rushed over directly.

Then the car body was stained with the blood of those zombies, or red and white things, which is why the car body is so messy.

The person sitting in the driver's seat at this time was Li Shishi. After sending Er Lan home, she took the expressway and headed straight for J City.

Now that she had walked halfway, she saw a lot of zombies along the way, and she no longer felt it, because they were a group of walking dead, and they couldn't hurt her at all. She just pressed them over and ignored them.

She also saw a lot of rest stops along the way, and there were no one running there. She found that the closer she was to City J, the more zombies became more.

In the previous life, City J also had the most zombies, but they established the largest security base. Isn't this just a response to the saying 'Heroes come out of troubled times'.

Looking at the rest station not far ahead, Li Shishi decided to take a rest there, and the car was almost out of gas, so she went there to fill up some gas.

The car drove into the temporary rest station, and Li Shishi found that it was not the same as the station she had encountered before. Before, she would encounter one or two zombies at the rest station.

But it was very quiet here, and there was no movement at all. She drove the car to the refueling place. At this time, she didn't get out of the car, but just scanned the surroundings.

Soon she found the covered 'monster' in the corner of the supermarket. It seemed that she had met many people who were traveling with her.

Since she is a human being, there is nothing to worry about. Li Shishi got out of the car and prepared to refuel her own car.

But when she got off the car, seven or eight men poured out from the supermarket, and they surrounded Li Shishi.

After seeing Li Shishi's face clearly, they felt it was unbelievable. For such a girl, she drove here alone. Isn't she afraid of the monsters outside?

And when the girl saw that she was surrounded by them, she didn't show a scared expression. She picked up the refueling gun and refueled the off-road vehicle.

"Hey! Girl, leave your car! We want to commandeer!"

The seven or eight men in front of me surrounded Li Shishi. They watched her calm movements, and finally someone couldn't hold back anymore.

A burly man with a beard stood up and shouted in a threatening manner.

After listening to what they said, Li Shishi realized that this group of people was after her car.

After she filled up the oil, she saw that there were six oil dispensers around, and she decided to pack all the oil in five of them, but she needed oil barrels.

Presumably there should be oil barrels in the supermarket, because she would do this when she arrived at the gas station along the way. As for why she left one, it was of course for the lucky ones.

So what, 'Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda', well, she also left a glimmer of life for the people who came later.

"Stinky girl! Did you hear me talking to you! Throw the car keys over obediently, or I will be rude to you!"

The bearded man saw that Li Shishi ignored him at all, so what should he do, he didn't take his words seriously at all.

He felt very humiliated, which made him lose face in front of other men, he walked a few steps closer to Li Shishi, and yelled at Li Shishi again.

This time the threat was obvious, other men also looked at the bearded man, which made Li Shishi see that this bearded man was the leader of the group.

That would be easy, as long as this bearded man is dealt with, I believe others will be able to deal with it too.

Li Shishi stopped what she was doing and squinted at the bearded man who clamored to show her a good look, "Why do you expropriate my car? If you don't give it to you, then give it to me? Then try it, see if you have the ability to get it?" Here are the car keys."

(End of this chapter)

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