It's time to wear a female match

Chapter 172 Love in the End Times (2)

Chapter 172 Love in the End Times ([-])
Li Shishi and Er Lan moved the corpses of the original owner's parents to the yard, and she decided to cremate them here and let them float away with the wind.

Erlan learned from Li Shishi that these were her parents, she broke down and even cried.

She thought it was all her fault, otherwise Li Shishi would not have killed her parents just to save her.

But Li Shishi told her with a serious expression that this is the end of the world, what do you want to know, and she will tell her in person afterwards, provided that they leave here.

So Erlan followed Li Shishi and moved the two corpses to the yard. She was very scared, so she went back to the car first, and she needed to calm down.

In this house, only Li Shishi and the original owner's parents in the courtyard were left.

Li Shishi felt sore in her heart. She didn't know what went wrong. The big cities were the first to explode. How could it be this small village.

Moreover, the original owner's parents were already dead, how she would explain to the original owner, after all, she was too late, and not a step too late.

Judging from the situation of the original owner's parents, what happened to them should have been going on for some time.

Li Shishi threw the lighter in her hand to the dry firewood surrounding the original owner's parents, and the fire suddenly lit up.

May they find their daughter, reunite with her, and stay away from the bloody blood of the last days.

The fire kept spreading and rising, they had already surrounded the bodies of the original owner's parents, and were burning their bodies.

A long time passed without knowing it, the fire was slowly getting smaller, and when Li Shishi was about to leave, she suddenly found the image in the fire.

She stopped her leaving footsteps and looked at the thing in the fire. After so many lives, she had never seen any monsters and ghosts. Naturally, she had nothing to be afraid of at this time.

Li Shishi didn't see clearly until the image revealed her real body. These were three people, no, it should be said to be 'ghosts'.

A pair of middle-aged men and women, they had smiles on their faces, they looked very simple, and another girl was similar to her.

Li Shishi was a little unbelievable, she knew who that girl was, she was a little unbelievable, this was the first time she met the original owner of the mission world.

She could tell that the original owner did look like her, but there were so many different things about them, apart from their looks, they were two completely different people.

Looking at the three ghosts slowly floating in front of her, Li Shishi waited for them to take the initiative to speak. Since they appeared, they must have something to say.

"Thank you... thank you..."

The girl spoke first, she was still a little shy, and she held her parents' hands when she spoke.

Li Shishi knew what she meant, and said politely, "You're welcome, I came to this world to fulfill my wish, and besides, you paid a certain price."

The girl probably saw that Li Shishi was not aggressive, and she seemed to be easy to talk to. When she spoke again, she was a little more generous.

"Well, I didn't expect that my parents still didn't escape this catastrophe. Because of you, I met my parents. In order to thank you, they said they had something to say to you, so this happened."

Li Shishi didn't understand what the girl meant. Why was it because of her? Could it be what she was thinking just now: May they find their daughter and reunite with her?

Regardless of the reason, when she heard the girl say that the middle-aged couple had something to say to her, she looked at them, wanting to hear what they had to say.

The two middle-aged men and women, that is, the original owner's parents, are not as old and haggard as the previous corpses.

At this time, they were smiling and said words of thanks to Li Shishi. After they had sincerely thanked Li Shishi, they said what they wanted to tell her.

It turned out that the virus of the last days spread out from this small village.

The reason was that a soldier in J city was discharged due to injury, and because his family was not very good, he patrolled the back hills of this village all day long, wanting to hunt some wild animals.

Suddenly one day, he went forward to hunt wild animals as usual, but this day he found a big hole in the ground on the mountain.

And there is a large piece of blue crystal stone in the pit, which has a large area, bigger than his own, and he thinks it is very valuable.

So I ran down the mountain and prepared to ask my family to get this thing down the mountain together, but it was a pity that outsiders still knew about it.

It was passed on from ten to ten, and soon everyone in this village with less than a thousand mouths knew that there was a valuable object in the back mountain, which was very valuable.

Everyone rushed to the back mountain, afraid that they would not be able to grab it if it was too late, but they didn't know that disaster was coming, and they were already on the verge of death.

People almost all snatched the crystal, sapphire-like thing, and they went down the mountain happily, deciding to take this thing to the city to sell.

The retired soldier, he got the most, even took away the essence of that big blue stone, it was a blue gemstone like a teardrop.

Because he had been a soldier in J city for many years and knew quite a few people, he decided to take his things to J city overnight.

After that, some villagers really sold the thing, and they sold it for a lot of money. They were very happy.

The original owner's parents were also one of these people, but before they had time to sell the thing, they suffered a catastrophe.

On that day, the couple discussed selling this item as well, and then left the money to the original owner as a dowry.

Then they took out the crystal blue stone that they had put away, which was taken out by the original owner's father.

It was still wrapped in red cloth, and they were very precious to that thing.

When they opened the red cloth, they found that the blue stone became smaller and darker in color.

The original owner's father took the thing in his hand and looked around, it didn't matter, the stone actually melted and entered his body.

This frightened the two of them. They had never seen such a thing in their lives, and the couple was very flustered.

Afterwards, the original owner's father changed into a dead body. He couldn't control himself and killed his wife.

Then there is the scene of Li Shishi's arrival.

After hearing what they said, Li Shishi cleared up her doubts. It turned out that the virus was spread from this small village in her previous life, and it was also where the zombies first broke out.

Thinking of the instigator of this incident, Li Shishi asked the two middle-aged men and women in front of him, "How long has that veteran been gone? He took the innermost thing of that blue stone with him? Are you sure?"

The original owner's father said, "I'm sure, he took the blue gemstone with him, and a man from the same village also walked with him. He has been gone for more than half a month, and I don't know if he is still alive?"

Li Shishi thought it must be this man who brought the virus to City J alive, otherwise the place where the zombies broke out in the previous life could not have been in City J.

She decided to go to City J as soon as possible, hoping to intercept the blue gemstone, which she felt would be the key to stopping the tide of zombies in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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