It's time to wear a female match

Chapter 119 The Alchemist's Wish (9)

Chapter 119 The Alchemist's Wish (Nineteen)
When Li Hexuan came out of the ruins, he used the spiritual herbs he had been looking for without delay.Refined into a elixir for angina pectoris.

So at this moment, Palace Master Yaqin's angina has healed up, and he just waited for the next step, Li Hexuan's final process of returning his heart to him.

It was originally planned to start today, and the hall is full of main members of the Demon Race, so Li Hexuan gathered everyone together today to be a witness.

However, when it was about to end, a person suddenly appeared in his arms, and before he could react, he was embraced by the other party with both hands and feet.

Smelling the faint fragrance, Li Hexuan knew that the person in his arms was Li Shishi, whom he had been obsessed with ever since he left the ruins.

He didn't understand why Li Shishi suddenly appeared in his arms out of thin air.

And even through the clothes, he could feel that Li Shishi's whole body was hot, and the heat from the other party's body was transmitted to him, which made his mouth dry.

The demon insiders in the palace had different expressions after seeing a strange woman suddenly appearing in Li Hexuan's arms.

Jianren, standing behind Li Hexuan, also saw Li Shishi's appearance, how could he not recognize this woman.

After thinking over and over again, Jianren slowly withdrew from the meeting hall. After he and Li Hexuan left the ruins and returned to the magic palace, he told Palace Master Yaqin about Li Shishi's appearance and their one-month appointment with each other.

After hearing this, Palace Master Yaqin only asked him to pay attention to Li Hexuan at all times, but did not say how to deal with Li Shishi.

How long has it been now, Li Shishi has appeared in the magic palace so grandiosely, Jianren feels that the master of Yaqin has an unprecedented sense of crisis at this time.

He decided to hurry up and tell Palace Master Yaqin so that she could make plans earlier.

How could Li Hexuan not see Jian Ren leaving? Although he saw it, he didn't bother to care about it.

Because there was something wrong with Li Shishi in his arms, no, it was very wrong.

She even started to pull his coat, moaning continuously in her mouth, the hot air from her mouth brushed against Li Hexuan's skin, making his heart beat faster and faster.

But Li Shishi is like an annoying little goblin, where is he fixed.

Li Hexuan really couldn't do anything about Li Shishi, if it wasn't for the fact that there were other demons around, he would have severely punished this tortured little goblin.

Seeing that there were other demons in the meeting hall, Li Hexuan calmed down and kept his voice as unchanged as possible, "We will discuss today's matter later, you all stand down!"

"Yes, this subordinate is waiting to retire."

The demons all slowly withdrew from the meeting hall, but they still kept looking back when they left.

They were too curious about this strange woman who suddenly appeared.

Because for so many years, Li Hexuan has never had a creature like a woman around him, and even if there was, he doesn't know where the corpse is.

The other women in the Demon Palace did not dare to get close to Li Hexuan. Although he was extremely handsome, powerful and unfathomable, none of the women in the Demon Palace dared to approach him.

Because they wanted to live, they didn't want to lose their lives because of Li Hexuan, and they didn't dare to look Li Hexuan directly.

Sometimes even when they walked past Li Hexuan, they would leave quickly, fearing that if they were not careful, they would lose their lives.

There is an unwritten rule in this magic palace, any woman who dares to keep a close relationship with Li Hexuan will die for no reason.

Even if you talk to him a few words, it is possible that the person's body will appear in a certain corner of the magic palace the next day.

Everyone in the Demon Race knew that these dead women were almost all the work of Palace Master Yaqin, because she had been too possessive of Li Hexuan since she was a child.

People at the level of the elders of the Demon Palace still remember that when Li Hexuan first entered the Demon Palace, there was a little maid from the Demon Race. Seeing Li Hexuan's delicate face, she had a good impression of him and always went to play with Li Hexuan.

Sometimes when she has something delicious, interesting, or weird, she will share it with Li Hexuan.

At that time they were still so young, they didn't know about male|huan|female|love, they only knew that they had a crush on each other and liked to play with each other.

But Palace Master Yaqin was not happy, she couldn't stand it, and without Li Hexuan's knowledge, she locked up the maid.

Tortured her every day, soaked her body in the devil insects, and let those insects gnaw at the maid's body.

They would also bring some animals and violate the maid who was not very old, and the young child was treated like this by Palace Master Yaqin.

In the end, the little demon maid was raped to death by monsters, but the desperate and painful voice she uttered every day made people remember her.

In short, after that incident, Li Hexuan gradually lost the maids around him, and even older women dared not approach him.

It is really that Palace Master Yaqin's methods are too terrible. Thinking of the desperate and painful sounds she made when she tortured the maid, everyone shuddered.

That voice kept ringing in everyone's ears for a long time, and every time they recalled it, it gave them goosebumps.

Since the appearance of Li Hexuan, the demons have discovered that their once innocent and lovely Palace Master Yaqin has changed, become cruel and tyrannical.

Afterwards, as they grew up, new maids entered the magic palace every year, and because they did not understand this unwritten rule, they all died for no reason.

Almost every year, a group of women die or disappear in the Demon Palace, and after careful investigation of these people, almost all of them are inextricably linked to Li Hexuan.

Either they were obsessed with him, or they took the initiative to find a topic, or they had physical contact with him, in short, those dead women were inextricably linked with Li Hexuan, and the reason was unpredictable.

Although some people knew that they would lose their lives if they were in close contact with Li Hexuan, they were still unable to extricate themselves from being attracted to him, and were overwhelmed by his charm. As for their results, one can imagine.

That's why after Li Shishi's appearance, the demons present were so curious. They even thought about how long it would take for this woman to die.

It's a pity that such a beautiful person is about to die in a fragrant way. When Li Shishi appeared, many people saw her beautiful face and expressed pity for her upcoming encounter.

(End of this chapter)

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