It's time to wear a female match

Chapter 118 The Alchemist's Wish (8)

Chapter 118 The Alchemist's Wish ([-])
Li Shishi left the resting place of Xuantianmen disciples, and she came to the depths of the trees.

She felt that something was really wrong, the medicine was probably like a strong aphrodisiac.

   She didn't know what she would do if Lin Ye was here at this time, she only knew that she could hardly restrain herself now.

The medicine was so strong that she could almost lose herself. She was a little scared, but fortunately she left, otherwise she really didn't know what the consequences would be if she was with Lin Ye.

After a while, Li Shishi felt worse and worse, because she felt a wave of heat coming up from her body, and she really wanted to find something to comfort herself.

Feeling that she would suffer this kind of loss, Li Shishi smiled wryly. Now that she has fallen to this point, is she like a prostitute?

Relying on the big tree behind her, Li Shishi decided to try to see if she could force the medicinal properties back into her body.

However, just as she was running the spiritual power in her body, the lust in her body became more and more empty.

She blushed with shame, and immediately stopped using her spiritual power, holding on to the tree beside her with one hand, panting continuously.

"Junior Sister, are you there? I'm here!"

Li Shishi kept panting, and suddenly heard Lin Ye's calling from not far away.

Her heartbeat quickened, and she was about to move here, but just as she got up, her legs went limp, and she slumped on the ground again.

"Junior Sister, where are you? Say something."

Hearing Lin Ye's call, Li Shishi was getting closer and closer, and Li Shishi quickly came to the space of the main god.

Lin Ye searched for a long time but couldn't find Li Shishi. He was angry, so he gave Li Shishi

Even Immortal Da Luo couldn't escape the medicine given, but now Li Shishi escaped right under his nose.

Because he knew that Li Shishi's cultivation was advanced, he was afraid that he would not be able to subdue her, so he got this rare secret medicine.

If this kind of medicine does not go through intercourse between men and women, it will not be able to relieve the medicinal properties at all.

Lin Ye was very afraid that what he did would hurt others, so he continued to search for Li Shishi in the woods.

After all, Li Shishi has the physique of a furnace. If others find out about this matter, no one is willing to let it go.

After all, it is an excellent furnace for cultivation, whoever has tasted the benefits is willing to let go.

In the Ditian Continent, it would be a hundred years to have someone like Li Shishi, and it would be rare in a thousand years. One can imagine how great a sensation it would be if others found out about Li Shishi's physique.

However, Lin Ye never gave up looking for Li Shishi, and he searched around again.

It's a pity that no matter how long he searches, it is impossible to find Li Shishi, and everything he has done has indeed benefited others.

After Li Shishi entered the main god's space, she happened to see Ye Qi. At this moment, she thought of Li Hexuan.

"Yeqi! Send me to Li Hexuan! Hurry up!"

When Ye Qi heard Li Shishi's words, he saw Li Shishi's face was flushed with beads of sweat, and he directly sent Li Shishi to the plane where Li Hexuan was.

Li Shishi has been controlled by her emotions at this time, she can't think about anything, her head is in a mess, and she just wants someone to help her out.

So when Ye Qi teleported her to the place where Li Hexuan was, she smelled the familiar cold breath, and immediately wrapped her hands and feet around that person.

Li Hexuan was discussing with everyone about saving and curing Palace Master Yaqin in the Demon Clan Hall.

After all, he has worked so hard during this period just to prepare all the spiritual herbs, just to relic Yaqin.

So after he left the ruins, he couldn't wait to start the treatment. If he wanted to get rid of the other party's control, he had to make her recover.

Tianxincao is also the last herbal medicine for treatment. Li Hexuan has been waiting for this moment for a long time, and he really can't tolerate the other party's control.

The only thing to blame is that he was too young at that time, and half of Yaqin's heart was used. The half heart he had at that time also had to pay a price.

If this half of the heart is not returned to Yaqin, he will be controlled by her for the rest of his life.

Palace Master Yaqin is the first palace master of this demon palace, and she is the only daughter of the former Demon Race Palace Master.

And Li Hexuan is the adopted son of the former Palace Master of the Demon Clan. He has no father or mother, but his status is just a member of the Demon Clan.

When he was dying, he met the Palace Master of the Demon Race, because his heart was cut and he was discarded.

At that time, I didn't know what the young Yaqin was thinking. When she saw Li Hexuan and learned that his heart was not complete, she insisted on donating half of her heart to Li Hexuan.

How could the former palace master of the Demon Race have the heart, her own daughter endured this heart-wrenching pain, even if her daughter has a special body, she can live without half of her heart.

But he still refused, but in the end he couldn't help Yaqin's stalking.

After Palace Master Yaqin exhausted all means, the former Demon Race Palace Master finally agreed to give half of her heart to Li Hexuan.

Li Hexuan was young at that time, he didn't know that since then he couldn't get rid of Yaqin's control.

Because that half of the heart belonged to Yaqin, and after she gave half of the heart to Li Hexuan, she suffered from angina pectoris.

So there is no feeling of gratitude towards Yaqin. As long as Yaqin asks for everything, Li Hexuan will satisfy her. From childhood to adulthood, every time Yaqin asks him to do something, sometimes he does not do it, Yaqin will use it to demand him .

As time passed, Yaqinti's request became more and more unreliable, Li Hexuan would sometimes refuse.

But if Li Hexuan doesn't do it, Yaqin still has another trick, that is, when she gave the half heart to Li Hexuan, she tampered with it.

As long as Li Hexuan resists her, she can make Li Hexuan's life worse than death.

By chance, Li Hexuan finally knew Yaqin's tricks, and he decided to start getting rid of Yaqin.

Because in order to get rid of Yaqin and return her heart, her angina must be cured, otherwise there may be dangerous accidents in the process.

So Li Hexuan thought to cure Yaqin's angina first, and then give her back half of her heart.

Now that his ability is getting stronger and stronger, even without Yaqin's half of his heart, it will be fine, which makes Li Hexuan even more determined to return his heart to the other party.

When Yaqin heard Li Hexuan's thoughts before, she was very resistant, claiming that she couldn't do it, her heart had already become one with him, and if she forced to separate, her life would be in danger.

Helplessly, Li Hexuan already knew what Yaqin had done in that heart, so he directly picked up the topic, forcing the other party to have nothing to say.

Only then did she reluctantly agree to return the heart to her, and they will never owe each other again.

ps: Please take care of me, everything will lead to Huahua, come on, then~mua!(^3^)/~

(End of this chapter)

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