The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 739 Cui’s Elder’s Examination and Measurement (1 more)

Chapter 739 The Examination and Measurement of the Elders of the Cui Parents (Part [-])
As far as this Qinghe Cui family is concerned, the savings in the family are not ordinary.The wealth of their family cannot even be described in terms of wealth.So taking out 50 taels of gold was not difficult for Qinghe Cui's family.

Even so, Cui Changnian still said to Cui Yongnian: "Brother, it's best to say hello to the elders in the family. In the end, they won't blame our brother for making decisions without authorization."

"Second brother is right. I really should say hello to the elders. But now is the time to send charcoal in the snow. If there is a delay, I'm afraid we won't be able to achieve this effect." Cui Yongnian said after thinking about it.

"Then it's better to call a few elders overnight to discuss this matter in the ancestral hall. Elders are also people who judge the situation, so naturally they don't understand this truth." Cui Changnian said to Cui Yongnian.

After Cui Yongnian nodded, he immediately ordered someone to summon the elders of Qinghe Cui's family.And rushed to the ancestral hall of the Cui family in Qinghe with Cui Changnian.

Not long after Cui Yongyuan and his brothers arrived at the ancestral hall, several elders from Qinghe Cui's family also arrived.The white-haired elder said, "Patriarch, what's the important thing to call us old guys at such a late hour."

"The Great Elder doesn't know something. The general situation in the world has changed. If my Cui family can't assess the situation as soon as possible, I'm afraid one day it will be absorbed by several other families." Cui Yongnian said to the First Elder.

Cui Yongnian's words not only shocked the elder, but also shocked the other three elders present.Now that the world is peaceful, how could there be such a change.

So the Great Elder said: "Now is a time of peace and prosperity, which is a good opportunity for our family to develop. Why did the head of the family speak so dangerously? What happened?"

Afterwards, Cui Yongnian told several elders about Li Tai's promotion of Tang Yuan in detail.And Cui Changnian specifically emphasized his personal experience in Youzhou.

"From this point of view, the implementation of Tang Yuan is imperative. Even if other families forcibly stop it, I am afraid that they will not get the results they want in the end. If they fail, they will offend His Royal Highness Yan."

"Although His Royal Highness King Yan has no intention of inheriting the throne, even if His Royal Highness the Crown Prince ascends the throne, the status of King Yan in the Tang Dynasty is undoubtedly equal to that of Yizi Wang." The Great Elder nodded and said.

"Brother is right. As the saying goes, giving charcoal in the snow is better than icing on the cake. So Yongnian and you two brothers, you should deal with this matter as soon as possible." The second elder of the Qinghe Cui family, also the father of the two brothers Cui Yongnian Said.

"Second brother, if you want to express the position of our Qinghe Cui family, then 50 taels of gold may not be enough, so His Royal Highness King Yan will take our Qinghe Cui family in his heart. After all, whether it is Fanyang Lu's family or Taiyuan Wang's family, they will all The family fortune has been handed over to His Royal Highness King Yan." The third elder said.

"Could it be that the third brother means that we should hand over all the Qinghe Cui family's possessions to His Royal Highness King Yan. Is this investment a little too big?" the elder said.

"Brother, the way of the world has been constantly changing from ancient times to the present, from the great princes dominating the Central Plains to the Qin Emperor's unification of the world. In the end, we, aristocratic families, appeared. Don't you think that it is time for us, aristocratic families, to withdraw from this stage? Already?" the third elder said.

"Brother, what the third brother said is right. The aristocratic family has been standing for a thousand years, according to the rules of survival of the fittest. I am afraid that the aristocratic family will gradually fade out of the stage of history."

"It will be replaced by another way of existence. If our Qinghe Cui family wants to continue to prosper, then we can't let this opportunity go to waste." The second elder said.

"Three elder brothers, we are not in His Royal Highness Yan's kingdom now. So even if we want to hand over the family land to His Royal Highness Yan, I'm afraid he won't want it now."

"So this time we just need to take out some more gold to help His Royal Highness King Yan get through this crisis. And let the master and brother recognize His Highness King Yan as the master."

"As long as the two of them become His Royal Highness King Yan's retainers, then our Qinghe Cui family will be bound together with His Royal Highness Yan." The Fourth Elder, who had been silent all this time, said.

"Then I don't know what the elders think, how much gold should we give this time?" Cui Yongnian asked the four elders.

In any family or sect, there will be restrictions on the existence of the sect master and the patriarch.They are the so-called elders, and the power of these elders is not fake.

Although they seldom participate in the management of families and sects, they have absolute right to speak at critical moments.Therefore, no matter whether it is the patriarch of the aristocratic family or the heads of the major sects, they dare not be presumptuous in front of these elders.

"I don't know how much gold is in stock in my Qinghe Cui family?" the Great Elder asked Cui Yongnian.

"Now my Qinghe Cui family has gold in stock, about 120 million taels of gold. This is the savings of our Qinghe Cui family for thousands of years." Cui Yongnian said to the elder.

"In this case, the two of you brothers will transport 100 million taels of gold to Youzhou. Presumably this is enough to show the determination of my Qinghe Cui family." The Great Elder nodded and said.

To say that the Qinghe Cui family, the head of the five surnames and seven sects, is really not in vain.The financial resources owned by the family are not comparable to other families.

Although Fanyang Lu's family and Taiyuan Wang's family definitely only have 20 taels of gold.But even if they tried their best, they would never be able to get the 100 million taels of gold.

In fact, there was no need for the Qinghe Cui family to spend such a large amount of gold to gain Li Tai's trust.Even if they took out 20 taels of gold, as long as the two brothers confessed to Li Tai, Li Tai would also accept Qinghe Cui's surrender.

However, there is also a prerequisite, that is, the loyalty of the two heads of the Qinghe Cui family to Li Tai.It must reach a level that satisfies Li Tai.After all, Li Tai wouldn't just stay by his side as a mere weed, otherwise he would pose a great potential threat to him.


Early the next morning, the two heads of the Cui family in Qinghe personally escorted 100 million taels of gold.Coming towards Youzhou. Dozens of large carriages were loaded with 100 million taels of gold, and they left Xingzhou in a mighty way.

It didn't take long to reach Youzhou from Xingzhou.But for the sake of safety, Qinghe Cui's family dispatched a large number of manpower.In order to protect the safety of the 100 million taels of gold.

Moreover, Cui Changnian specially found 33 Chongtian, and hired escorts from Ping An Escort Bureau to 33 Chongtian.And directly stated that the gold transported in this car was handed over to King Yan Li Tai.

Since the establishment of the Ping An Escort, it has not only operated within the scope of Yan State.And through 33 Chongtian, it has launched operations to the entire Datang.So as long as you find 33 Zhongtian, you can definitely find the escort you need.

Now Cui Changnian said that the million taels of gold in the car was transported to Li Tai.Then naturally he dared not neglect even more, not only did he not receive a cent of commission from Qinghe Cui's family.And dispatched all its strength.

And a notice was sent to other state capitals along the way, asking all the Mo Xia who stayed in the state capitals to join the escort.And Fei Ge passed on the news to Zou Fengchi.

After Zou Fengchi received the news, he was also extremely shocked.He didn't inform Li Tai immediately, but went to find Meng Li.And told Meng Li what happened.

After Meng Li learned about it, he immediately dispatched a large number of Mo Xia from Youzhou.Go to meet the convoy escorting Qinghe Cui's family.It is important to ensure that it arrives in Youzhou safely.

If the 100 million taels of gold arrives in Youzhou, then Li Tai's crisis will be completely resolved.Even as Xu Liang said, he can take advantage of this opportunity to let Tang Yuan implement it.

After the two dispatched Mo Xia, they hurriedly came to the inner mansion of King Yan's Mansion to meet Li Tai.After all, Li Tai would not stay in Yin'an Hall when he was not dealing with official business.

When Li Tai received the news, he couldn't help but feel extremely shocked.So he immediately ordered Zhou Zou Fengchi to notify all civil and military officials in Youzhou to go to Yin'an Hall to discuss matters.

Not long after, the Jujiang drum in front of Yin'an Hall was sounded.As soon as the drum sounded, it meant that Li Tai urgently summoned all the civil servants and military officials to go to the Yin'an Hall to discuss matters.

So everyone naturally didn't dare to be negligent, and came to the Yin'an Hall one after another.After saluting to Li Tai, he sat in his own seat.

Li Tai's Yin'an Palace is different from the Yin'an Palace of other princes.The Yin'an Hall of other princes followed the rules of the Jinluan Hall.All civil servants and generals are not qualified to sit.

But Li Tai's Yin'an Hall is more like a large conference hall for later generations.Everyone has their own seats, and they don't have to get up at all except when speaking.

When Li Tai established this rule, he was also unanimously opposed by everyone.Thinking that this would be against the courtesy of a monarch and his ministers, it was Li Tai who made the decision directly in the end.

It can even be said to be mandatory, otherwise these would have been used to it long ago, and monarchs and ministers have other civil servants and generals.That would definitely not agree, sitting in front of Li Tai.

"My lord called everyone here urgently today because there is an important matter. We have received accurate information that the two patriarchs of the Cui family in Qinghe personally escorted 100 million taels of gold to Youzhou." Zou Fengchi said to everyone.

As soon as Zou Fengchi said these words, everyone present was not calm.They wouldn't think that Qinghe Cui's family was going to give the 100 million taels of gold to Li Tai.Instead, they feel that they are here to support those dignitaries from aristocratic families.

So Liu Rengui stood up and said: "My lord, I'm afraid this matter is strange. If the Qinghe Cui family wants to participate in this conspiracy, he should not send gold to Youzhou, because it will not do them any good. On the contrary, it will be very serious to the lord." beneficial."

"Liu Xiang is right. According to reliable information, the Qinghe Cui family's 100 million taels of gold is going to be given to this king. That is to say, the Qinghe Cui family is going to send charcoal to this king." Li Tai said to Liu Rengui.

Liu Rengui was speechless in shock at that time, that was 100 million taels of gold.The Cui family of Qinghe actually gave it to Li Tai when they said they would give it away.This is not only something that Liu Rengui dare not think about, but no one here would think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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