The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 738 Qinghe Cui's 2 brothers (1 more)

Chapter 738 Qinghe Cui's Two Brothers (Part [-])
"There are a total of 40 taels of gold here. Handing them over to Brother Huang will definitely help Brother Huang get through this difficult time." Li Lizhi looked at the gold in front of him and said with a smile.

"Princess, the gold must be transported to Youzhou as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams. Tomorrow morning, I will take the gold and rush to Youzhou. Hand it over to the emperor's brother one day earlier, so that we can feel at ease." Changsun Chong said to Li Li Said.

"But Brother Chong's injury hasn't healed yet? Although the journey was by train, it was also very bumpy." Li Lizhi said distressedly to her husband.

"Don't worry, princess, I just suffered a little injury. Now I'm [-]% or [-]% better, so princess don't have to worry about me." Chang Sun Chong said to Li Zhi with a smile.

"Brother Chong, you must be careful on this journey. If someone knows that what Brother Chong is transporting is gold, they may plot something wrong on the way. So I think it's better for Brother Chong to bring more people." Li Lizhi still said uneasy .

"I have ordered people to hide the gold in the carriage overnight. So no one will know that I am escorting the gold. After all, when I board the train tomorrow, it will only be me and a few entourages." Chang Sun Chong said with a smile .

Chang Sun Chong naturally knew that the road was extremely dangerous, so he had already made secret arrangements.All the gold sent by Li Shimin, Qin Qiong and others was secretly hidden under the floor of the train carriage.

And the person in charge of this work is Li Tai's Mo Xia who stayed in Mozhou City.And it was done on the grounds of overhauling the train, so there would be no news at all.


Early the next morning, Chang Sun Chong brought dozens of followers and a small wooden box.Boarded the train to Youzhou.Moreover, Chang Sun Chong did not shy away from letting others know that the small wooden box contained gold.

But even if this small wooden box is full, it is only a few thousand taels.For Li Tai now, it is definitely a drop in the bucket.

But even so, Chang Sun Chong's itinerary was noticed by others.And it wasn't court officials who paid attention to Changsun Chong, but people from Qinghe Cui's family.

Therefore, Chang Sun Chong's itinerary was naturally known to Qinghe Cui Family Patriarch.The owner of the Cui family in Qinghe is named Cui Yongnian, a middle-aged man in his 40s.

This person is very deep in the city, he is cautious in dealing with others, and never acts aggressively.As long as it does not concern his immediate interests, Cui Yongnian will rarely express his position.

Even when the officials of the early Tang Dynasty revised the "Clan Records", the Cui family was listed as the first.When Li Shimin heard about it, he said angrily: "The Cui family has long since declined. There are no prominent officials and no talents. Why is it listed as the first? Is it possible that my Li family is the emperor, and I can't compare with the Cui family?"

And it was directly ordered that the Li family of the royal family be the first, the Queen's patriarch Sun's second, and the Cui family and the other five surnames and seven clans rank third.In order to suppress the influence of the five surnames and seven sects.

Even so, Cui Yongnian of Qinghe Cui's family did not express any dissatisfaction.He also took the initiative to write to Li Shimin, expressing his support for Li Shimin's decision.

Even this time, the dignitaries of the noble families in the country of Yan contacted the great families of the world, preparing to fight against Li Tai together.Several other families with five surnames and seven sects participated in it.Only Qinghe Cui's family chose not to take this muddy water trip.

Of course, Fanyang Lu's family and Taiyuan Wang's family can't really fight against Li Tai.Even the Boling Cui family agreed on the surface, but secretly got in touch with Li Tai.

"Brother, Changsun Chong has already led people to Youzhou. However, it was not found that he was carrying much gold, only he brought a dozen followers and a small wooden box." The visitor said to Cui Yongnian.

"Could it be that I'm paranoid? Could it be that the emperor really feels bad about what His Highness King Yan has done? I'm afraid things are definitely not that simple?" Cui Yongnian said to himself.

"Brother, but judging from the current situation, Changsun Chong does not have a lot of gold in his hands, otherwise he will definitely transport the gold to Youzhou at this time. After all, His Royal Highness King Yan has reached a critical time."

"He is not allowed to slowly transport gold to Youzhou. Otherwise, the gold in the hands of His Royal Highness King Yan would have been sold out before he finished transporting the gold." The visitor said to Cui Yongnian.

The person talking to Cui Yongnian was none other than Cui Yongnian's younger brother, Cui Changnian, the second head of the Cui family.He is only a few years younger than Cui Yongnian.

This Cui Changnian is different from his elder brother, he is a very curious person.He also learned martial arts well, but he has been hiding behind Cui Yongnian's back and rarely walks around in the family.Most of the Cui family in Qinghe only knew that the Cui family had a second head.But few people have seen him.

"Second brother, for safety's sake, you should go to Youzhou. We must truly know ourselves and the enemy before we can make our final decision. Otherwise, my Qinghe Cui family may be expelled from the five surnames and seven sects." Cui Yongnian thought After thinking about it, he said.

"Brother, even if King Yan succeeded in promoting Tang Yuan. Even if the emperor will also promote Tang Yuan in Tang Dynasty in the future. Our Qinghe Cui family can just follow the trend. How can we talk about being expelled from the five surnames and seven sects?" Cui Changnian was puzzled asked Cui Yongnian.

"The Lu family of Fan Yang has completely surrendered to the King of Yan now. The Cui family of Boling and the King of Yan are probably inextricably linked. I am afraid that even the Wang family of Taiyuan is now his retainer of the King of Yan."

"Half of the five surnames and seven sects have chosen to support King Yan. What do you think will be the final result if we become enemies with King Yan?"

"Of course, as you said, my Qinghe Cui family can choose to be neutral. But I'm afraid it will be more miserable in the end. Because our Qinghe Cui family will become a family in the world and a common enemy of His Highness King Yan." Cui Yongyuan said to Cui Changnian.

"If King Yan is really capable of crushing this conspiracy, then how will Big Brother choose?" Cui Changnian asked Cui Yongnian.

"Whatever choice we made at that time, I'm afraid it won't help. After all, as the saying goes, it's better to give charcoal in the snow than the icing on the cake." Cui Yongnian said with a sigh.

"Could it be that elder brother is going to fully support King Yan? Even if he is loved by the emperor, he is nothing more than a feudal lord. The one who will inherit the world in the end must be the current Crown Prince."

"If elder brother chooses to attach himself to King Yan, His Highness the Crown Prince will probably be unhappy. I'm afraid our Qinghe Cui family may not end well."

"Although we have five surnames and seven clans, we all feel that we are taller than others. Even the imperial power is not in our eyes. But in the final analysis, this is only superficial. If the emperor wants to move our five surnames and seven clans, I am afraid no one can bear it. The emperor's anger." Cui Changnian said to Cui Yongnian.

"Second brother can understand this, which makes eldest brother very happy. Remember, no one in this world is more powerful than the imperial power. Therefore, we must rely on the imperial power so that our Qinghe Cui family can continue to prosper." Cui Yongnian said happily .

"I don't want to think about these troublesome things, I'd better leave it to you, big brother. I will always be a sharp sword for you, as long as big brother points, I will hit second brother." Cui Changnian said to Cui Yongnian said.

"You're right. The tacit understanding between you and my brother is just like His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the King of Yan." Cui Yongnian said to Cui Changnian.

At this time, Cui Changnian finally understood why his elder brother had the idea of ​​preparing to join Li Tai.It turned out to be such a reason.


Afterwards, Cui Changnian rushed to Youzhou City, and Sun Chong arrived in Youzhou half a day earlier.After all, the speed of the train is not very fast now. If you ride a fast horse day and night, it will naturally be faster than the train.

Cui Changnian has been secretly hiding in the train station, after all, if Changsun Chong really brought the gold secretly.It must be taken out of the train.

But what Cui Changnian didn't expect was that after the eldest grandson rushed off the train, he didn't bring any extra things from the train.This made Cui Changnian feel strange.

Because according to his elder brother Cui Yongnian's analysis, Chang Sun Chong must have brought a large amount of gold to Youzhou this time.So at this time, Cui Changnian was extremely puzzled.

But at this moment, the entire train entered the maintenance factory under the pretext of maintenance.This overhaul factory is not outside the city, but like the overhaul factory in Mozhou City, it is built inside the city.

This inevitably made Cui Changnian feel a little suspicious.Because when this train came, it had just been overhauled in Mozhou City.Now that I have just arrived in Youzhou, it has been overhauled again.

Although the train needs to be overhauled every time it runs, it is not necessary to drive to the overhaul factory.It seems that there must be some secret on this train.

So Cui Changnian decided to investigate, to see what was in the train.So after a simple make-up, I was ready to mix into the overhaul factory.

But what disappointed Cui Changnian was that he failed.This made him very surprised. He had even sneaked into the palace to satisfy his curiosity.

But he didn't expect that in this maintenance factory, he would be turned away.This made Cui Changnian even more curious about Li Tai.

So Cui Changnian lurked directly outside the maintenance factory, after all, if there is really a large amount of gold.It is impossible to disappear without anyone noticing, and it must be transported from the maintenance factory to Yanwang Mansion.

Sure enough, as Cui Changnian expected, several carriages came out of the repair shop at midnight that day.And go directly to the Yanwang Mansion.

Afterwards, Cui Changnian quietly followed the team to find out by virtue of his own skills.And I overheard the escort say: "With these 40 taels of gold, the gold in the master's hand is enough."

"That's natural. I have 40 taels of gold, plus the 20 taels sent by the Wang family in Taiyuan. The lord has another 60 taels of gold in his hands. It is definitely more than enough to tide over this difficulty."

Cui Changnian did not dare to sneak into Yan Wang's mansion, because he felt that the risk factor was too high.After all, now that I have grasped what I want to know, there is no need to take that risk.

However, when Cui Changnian left, he didn't realize that the faces of the two people who had just talked to each other showed smiles.These two people are none other than Qin Huaiyu and Luo Tong.They also said these words specially for Cui Changnian.

Because just when Cui Changnian was about to sneak into the maintenance factory, his whereabouts were exposed.Naturally, someone notified Li Tai of the Prince Yan's mansion of the news.

So Li Tai ordered Qin Huaiyu and Luo Tong to reveal the news to that person unintentionally.Although Li Tai didn't know who the person who came was, Li Tai was sure that he was definitely here to inquire about gold news.

Since he wanted to know how much gold Li Tai had in his hands, it meant that he must have some relationship with those aristocratic families.Li Tai even suspected that this was someone sent by those floating families.


After Cui Changnian got the news, he left Youzhou early the next morning.He hurried towards Cui's house in Qinghe.Because he had to tell his eldest brother the news as soon as possible.

When Cui Changnian returned to his home, he was exhausted.After all, I have been traveling day and night for several days and nights, and I have never rested.Even the fast horses didn't know how many were exhausted.

Seeing his second brother's tired expression, Cui Yongnian asked, "Why is second brother like this? Is there something important that can't happen?"

"As expected, Changsun Chong did bring a large amount of gold this time, as expected. And it's a total of 40 taels." Cui Changnian said panting.

"With the 40 taels of gold, King Yan should be able to deal with this conspiracy. It seems that it is time for us to make a decision." Hearing what Cui Changnian said, Cui Yongnian nodded and said.

"Brother, and I also found out. The Taiyuan Wang family also sent 20 taels of gold to King Yan. It seems that what Brother said is correct, the Taiyuan Wang family has long been the retainer of King Yan." Cui Changnian said.

"Go back and have a good rest. Tomorrow you will personally escort 50 taels of gold to Youzhou. You must hand over the gold to King Yan with your own hands. And show her the position of my Qinghe Cui family." Cui Yongnian said.

At this time, Cui Yongnian had made up his mind completely. He felt that the Qinghe Cui family wanted to continue to prosper.Then he must hug Yan Wang Li Tai's thigh, otherwise he will be swallowed up by other families one day.

"Brother chooses to surrender to King Yan. For our Qinghe Cui family, it is definitely a wise choice. Because the result of fighting against King Yan must be bloody..." Afterwards, Cui Changnian shared his experience in Youzhou, I told my brother again.

This time Cui Yongnian was even more surprised, did he know that his younger brother had entered the palace.Even his younger brother Cui Changnian secretly tasted the delicacies in the imperial dining room.

But in Youzhou, they couldn't even enter a maintenance factory, let alone enter Yanwang Mansion.From this, it can be seen that this King of Yan, Li Tai, is by no means an ordinary person.

Cui Yongyuan even felt that if King Yan wanted the throne of the Tang Dynasty.I am afraid that even the prince may not be able to compete with him.

This strengthened Cui Yongnian's determination.So he opened his mouth and said to Cui Changnian: "It seems that you and my brother should go together tomorrow. Only in this way can King Yan see the determination of our Qinghe Cui family."

(End of this chapter)

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