The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 691 The Name of King Yan Resounds Throughout the Land of Yanzhao (1 more)

Chapter 691 The Name of King Yan Resounds Throughout the Land of Yanzhao (Part [-])
Then Li Tai said to Luo Song again: "Master, what about the preparations to form the cavalry?"

Li Tai is going to use the Khitan captives, and the formation of cavalry archers has already begun.But it is not so easy at present, because Li Tai will soon use troops against Khitan and Xi.

Although they will not be used on the battlefield at that time, it will also make them resist.After all, it was their relatives that Li Tai wanted to kill.

"Your Highness, although we have selected 8 more suitable horses from the Khitan cavalry, we cannot guarantee their loyalty yet," Luo Song said to Li Tai.

"You just need to choose the right candidate first. As for the loyalty, I have another way. I plan to set up a political department in the army. When the time comes, the political department will naturally deal with this issue." Li Tai told Luo. Song said.

Another new term came out of Li Tai's mouth.This can't help but make everyone feel a little strange.I don't know what kind of organization this political department is.

"Your Highness, I don't know what the purpose of this political department you are talking about. How can they solve the problem of soldiers' loyalty?" Luo Song asked Li Tai puzzled.

Li Tai said to Luo Song: "Master should know the power of religion. A religion must have its beliefs. As long as believers believe in this belief, a great cohesion will be formed."

"And the main job of this political department is to let the soldiers have faith. And this faith is not a person, but a way of life."

"As long as the soldiers have expectations for this way of life, and let them see that this way of life is not impossible, then they will have faith in this way of life."

"I don't know what kind of lifestyle the lord is talking about. Will it make the soldiers believe in it?" Sheng Qinghan asked Li Tai.

"A fair and just society, no distinction between high and low. There will be no exploitation, and everyone is the master of this country. This king calls this kind of life a harmonious society." Li Tai said to Sheng Qinghan.

"If such a country can really be established, don't say that soldiers in the army will have faith. Even the people of Yan State will also have faith."

"But I feel that this is far from enough. Although the harmonious society mentioned by the lord will make everyone yearn for it greatly. But they still need an object of allegiance, someone who can really let them get this kind of life. " Sheng Qinghan said to Li Tai.

"It's not easy. The object of allegiance is naturally the lord. Because who else can give everyone a life like this?" Shen Yunfei said.

"That's why we need to select people from the army who are absolutely loyal to the country of Yan and to the king. Then let them set up a political office."

"And this king will personally teach them how to carry out political work. How to make everyone believe that what they say will become a reality." Li Tai nodded and said.

It can be said that this is another successful plagiarism by Li Tai.Because this method was not thought up by Li Tai.It is a successful case that achieved good results in later generations.

Afterwards, some other issues were discussed, and the meeting was not ended until noon.In this meeting, a new development route was formulated for Yan.

As long as it can be successfully implemented, the spirit of this meeting.Then the future of Yan Kingdom will be even more prosperous.Yan's army will be even more invincible.


Just when everyone was busy, carrying out Li Tai's meeting spirit.The Luwanda brothers returned home triumphantly.They didn't just come back with Liaodong cavalry.

Back with them, there are countless pigs, horses, cattle and sheep.There are hundreds of thousands of captives, and these captives are all strong men.

Li Tai personally led all the civil and military officials of Youzhou to greet Lu Wanda brothers outside Youzhou city.Li Tai was extremely happy when he saw the mighty troops.

Luwanda and the Rwanda brothers led dozens of generals from Liaodong cavalry.When he came to Li Tai, he knelt on the ground and bowed to the emperor and ministers.

Li Tai helped the two brothers up with his own hands, and asked the generals to excuse him.Then he happily said to the two Lu Wanda brothers: "This time, I have to thank you two, you have made great contributions to the country of Yan."

"My lord, these are the duties of a courtier. My brothers dare not take the credit," Lu Wanda saluted Li Tai again.

"With this king, merit is merit, and fault is merit. Even if you have made great contributions and committed violations of law and discipline, this king will still let you accept legal sanctions."

"But as long as you make contributions, this king will never disappoint the ministers who have done meritorious service. This king will never forget the rewards and commendations that should be given." Li Tai patted Lu Wanda on the shoulder and said.

"Thank you, my lord, but I hope that my lord will give the rewards of our two brothers to the families of the fallen soldiers. Let them rest in peace under the Nine Springs." Lu Wanda said to Li Tai.

Those Liaodong iron cavalry, although they are the forces of the Liaodong countries.But some also have family members.Moreover, the government soldiers in the capitals of the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun all have family members.

And the casualties in this war were also very heavy.Tens of thousands of people died in this battle.So naturally there will be many families of martyrs appearing.

In the past, no one would care about their life and death.That's why Lu Wanda decided to transfer his rewards to the families of these soldiers who died in battle.

"These people all died for this king and for the country of Yan. This king will naturally give their families an explanation." Li Tai said to Lu Wanda.

Afterwards, Li Tai ordered Lu Wanda to gather all the generals who pacified the Liaodong countries together.Li Tai stood on the high platform and bowed deeply to everyone.

Then he opened his mouth and said to everyone: "Soldiers, this king has prepared rewards for you a long time ago. It is because you shed your blood on the battlefield for the stability of our country Yan. posterity to recite."

"Those brothers who died in battle, this king will naturally not forget them. This king will build hero towers in the state capitals of Yan Kingdom. The names of all soldiers who died in battle will be engraved on the hero towers according to their native places."

"At the same time, this king will build a monument to the unknown hero on the square opposite the Yan Palace. He will symbolize all the brothers who died for our country. Every year, this king will lead civil servants and generals to pay homage to their heroic souls in heaven."

"As for the families of the brothers who died in battle, this king will take care of their parents, wives and children to the greatest extent. And he will pay them a pension so that they will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives."

Li Tai's words made the soldiers present cheer.Everyone shouted in unison: "King Yan, King Yan, King Yan."

More than [-] people shouted in unison, and this momentum can be said to be very huge.The shouts can be clearly heard tens of miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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