The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 690 Ironclad Warship and Black Powder (5 more)

Chapter 690 Ironclad Warship and Black Powder (Fifth Watch)
That's right, the entire Yan Kingdom is now in ruins.A lot of human resources are needed everywhere to make the whole country of Yan run.

But where are we going to get so many people now, even if it is to promote population growth and encourage people to have children.That is also far from being able to quench thirst.

"I will find a way to solve the population problem. After all, this is not a matter of urgency. Even if you force me, I can't help it." Li Tai could only helplessly say to everyone.

Everyone also understands that the population problem cannot be solved in a short period of time.So naturally I don't get entangled in this issue.

Then Gongsun Tian stood up and said, "According to my lord's instructions, next year's spring plowing will sow corn, rice, and sorghum on a large scale."

"Now the seeds have been distributed to the people, and which areas and which crops are planted have been regulated. So as long as there are no natural disasters, next year will be a bumper harvest."

"In this regard, we must not be sloppy in the slightest. After all, people depend on food. If there are any loopholes in this area, it will directly affect the stability of our country of Yan." Li Tai nodded and said.

Afterwards, everyone made simple reports to Li Tai about the bank, hospital, school and many other matters.Generally speaking, Li Tai was very satisfied, and everything went very smoothly.

Especially in school, with the help of Li Tai's Chinese Pinyin and dictionary, new children can quickly learn many characters.

Nowadays, the children in the whole country of Yan, although they can't write poems and answer correctly.But all of them can read and write, and the most basic reading and writing are no longer a problem.

However, Li Tai was not satisfied with this, and Li Tai said to Sheng Qinghan: "The next step is to set up some special schools in the school."

"The first thing to build is the military academy. Only the students trained through the military academy can be better enriched in our army."

"As long as our soldiers are educated, their combat effectiveness will be greatly improved. Therefore, this matter must be implemented immediately without delay."

"And this king will arrange active-duty troops to take turns to receive systematic education in the military academy. Try to make them become qualified soldiers as soon as possible."

"At the same time, we need to set up a health school to train more medical staff for the hospital. Only by solving the problem of people seeking medical treatment can our country of Yan develop more prosperously."

"As for the teachers who are responsible for teaching these two aspects, they will be selected from the hospital and the army. Let them be responsible for the teaching of these two aspects."

"Please don't worry, my lord. I'll go back and start handling these two matters right away. Try to set up the two schools by the beginning of the year." Sheng Qinghan said to Li Tai.

"The prosperity of a country is naturally inseparable from the strength of the army. Therefore, we will reform the army in the next step. This king is going to implement the compulsory military system in the country of Yan."

"That is, all men must serve in the army for two years. Whether there is a war or not, they must serve."

"After two years, they will be discharged from the army and go home, and transferred to the reserve service. Every year during the slack season, they will be organized for training." Then Li Tai explained the definition of reserve service to everyone in detail.

Li Tai's proposal received strong support from everyone.Because this is definitely more perfect than the Fubing system.Moreover, the combat effectiveness of the army will be greatly improved.

Then Li Tai said again: "This king is going to form a navy in Jinshatan. The soldiers this navy needs must be people who are proficient in water."

"However, in Yan Kingdom, there are not many people who are proficient in water. Therefore, we must try our best to select people who are proficient in water among our army and people."

"At the same time, the king will recruit the navy in the south. This king will obtain the consent of the emperor for this matter, and then hand it over to Zhao Bin, the governor of Yangzhou."

"However, a powerful navy naturally needs the support of warships. Therefore, the first thing to do is to build a shipyard in Jinshatan."

"My lord, my Gao family will do this, and I will definitely satisfy my lord." Gao Ping stood up and said to Li Tai.

After Li Tai nodded, he said to Gao Ping: "The warship that the king needs is not a warship in the traditional sense. Because such a warship cannot truly cross the ocean."

"So the warship this king needs is an iron-clad warship. And a steam engine will be installed on the warship. Using the steam engine to replace manpower and wind will increase the speed of the warship even more."

"My lord, I can understand the use of this steam engine. But what exactly is the iron-clad warship that my lord is talking about? Can heavy iron float in water?" Gao Ping asked Li Tai puzzled.

"The whole warship is still made of wood, but a layer of iron needs to be added on top of the warship. This is to resist the wind and waves in the sea." Then he told Gao Ping about his idea in detail. Fan.

It was also Li Tai's helpless move to wrap the wooden warship with iron sheets.After all, it is simply impossible to build an iron-clad warship of pure steel now.

First of all, welding was impossible, so Li Tai had to settle for the next best thing, and chose the most clumsy method.Of course, this method is a problem for anti-corrosion.

If the anti-corrosion treatment is not in place, it is estimated that an iron-clad warship will be scrapped due to corrosion in a short time.But Li Tai really had no other choice now, and could only make do with it.

But Li Tai will never be satisfied with this, as long as Li Tai develops steam power generation.Li Tai will develop in this direction.Of course, this is a difficult journey with heavy responsibilities and a long way to go.It cannot be achieved in a short period of time.

After understanding what Li Tai said, Gao Ping nodded and said, "Please rest assured, my lord, I have the confidence to complete this matter. Please wait and see this iron-clad warship, my lord."

Seeing Gao Ping's confident expression, Li Tai nodded in satisfaction.Then he said to Zou Qingyun: "I have a secret recipe here, you can take it back and let the alchemists of the Yin Yang Sect try it. See if you can get what I want."

After speaking, Li Tai handed a piece of paper full of words to Cheng Tieniu's wife, Zou Qingyun.Zou Qingyun took it over and took a look, but couldn't figure out what it was after looking at it for a long time.

I saw what was written on it, one nitrate, two carbon and three sulfur.and a more accurate ratio.And the effect that will be produced after the ratio is successful.

So Zou Qingyun asked Li Tai, "My lord, I don't know what this thing is called. Why did it explode?"

"Everyone should have seen the flare made by this king. It's the flare that can blow up brilliant flames in the sky."

"This secret recipe is written on the production process of this signal flare. It also has a name called gunpowder. In the past, this king asked Mr. Mo to make it himself."

"But now I need a lot of gunpowder, so I'm going to hand over this work to the Yin Yang Sect. Of course, Mr. Mo will also guide me personally." Li Tai said to Zou Qingyun.

"Since there is Mr. Mo's help, then my Yin Yang Sect is absolutely sure to produce enough gunpowder for the lord." Zou Qingyun nodded to Li Tai.

"However, the production of this gunpowder is very dangerous. If you are not careful, people will die. So you must be more careful." Li Tai explained worriedly.

"My lord, don't worry so much. I'm afraid those alchemists have experienced it. They already have a way to deal with things like frying furnaces." Mo Tiannan said to Li Tai with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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