The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 436 Successfully Landed on the Golden Beach

Chapter 436 Successfully Landed on the Golden Beach

Seeing the raging flames within the Jinshatan Walled City, Sun Qiang let out tiger roars and dog barks without hesitation.

At this time, Peng Tiebao also discovered a fire in the city.And Fang Wei is exactly where the granary is located.So Peng Tiebao said to Peng Tiehu: "Brother, hurry up and take someone back to have a look."

Just as Peng Tiehu led his people back to the city wall, the ground of the entire Golden Beach began to tremble.This made Peng Tiebao's first reaction was that there were cavalrymen coming to kill him.

This can't help but make Cheng Tiebao turn pale with fright. If at this time, a large group of cavalry is killed.Then I'm afraid this golden sand beach is really going to be unbearable.

But soon he knew that he was wrong, but he felt a bigger crisis.He immediately ordered the soldiers to turn around and shoot crossbow arrows at the tigers and Tibetan mastiffs running over.

At the same time, all the shield soldiers were ordered to build a defensive shield wall in front of the archers.In order to resist the attacks of tigers and Tibetan mastiffs.

The tigers rushing to the front were all wearing aluminum armor.The purpose is to prevent the opponent from attacking with a crossbow.

Although it cannot achieve [-]% defense, it can at least reduce a lot of casualties.If possible, Li Tai would rather put armor on all the tigers and Tibetan mastiffs.

But Li Tai knows that this is currently unrealistic.One is that aluminum armor is produced in limited quantities.The other is the tiger wearing aluminum armor, which greatly limits its flexibility.

So in the end, Li Tai had no choice but to choose a part, especially a huge tiger.Let them act as defensive moving walls.

Seeing what happened on the shore, Xue Rengui naturally gave up the idea of ​​retreating.And sent out a signal again, ordering the whole army to advance rapidly.

At the same time, Xue Rengui ordered the soldiers to hold spears to guard against the underwater sneak attack of water ghosts.If you find something in the water, you will quickly throw the spear into the water.

Although such a tight defense was made, some boats were overturned by the water ghosts.The soldiers who fell into the water soon became corpses and slowly floated to the surface of the water.

But at this time, there were two small boats not far away, sailing towards Xue Rengui rapidly.It was none other than the South China Rattlesnakes on board.

When the two boats came in front of Xue Rengui, Hua Nan said to Xue Rengui: "Brother Rengui, let brothers be careful, don't fall into the water, I will poison the water."

Hearing Huanan's words, Xue Rengui nodded and gave the order.He knows the poison in South China too well, if South China is poisoned in the water.Then the water ghosts in the water will not be spared.

I'm afraid that within a certain range of sea creatures, fish and shrimp will be implicated.But if the soldiers on one's own side have a large area of ​​contact with sea water.It will also be harmed by this poison.

Seeing that Xue Rengui had issued an order, Hua Nan raised the crossbow in his hand and pulled the trigger first.A sharp arrow shot directly into the sea water in front of him.

Then the brothers of the Cobra troops shot out the crossbow arrows in their hands at the same time.Reload immediately after shooting, and then start firing one after another.

Not long after, there were screams in the sea, and water ghosts floated up from the sea one by one.Along with them, there are also fish and shrimp in the sea.

At this time, Peng Tiebao had also discovered it. He never thought that Tang Jun could poison such a large water area.It is conceivable how powerful this poison is.

But at this moment, Peng Tiebao didn't have time to care about these things.Now he is commanding Fanbing to prevent Xue Rengui from landing.On the one hand, he had to command Fanbing to resist the attacks of the Tiger God Army and the God Dog Army.

At this time, Peng Tiebiao's catapult had also been occupied by the Tiger God Army, and all the soldiers in charge of using the catapult had their necks bitten off by the tiger.

Even Peng Tiebiao was very embarrassed and fled to Peng Tiebao's side.Panting, he said to Peng Tiebao: "Third brother, what are these tigers and vicious dogs all about? If this continues, this Golden Sand Beach will be unbearable."

"Sure enough, as I expected, the people pretending to be ghosts in Liaodong City have come to our Golden Beach. I really don't know what those people in Anshi Prefecture and Jian'an are doing." Peng Tiebiao said angrily.

But the bad luck didn't end there, because the fire inside the Jinshatan Walled City was not only not extinguished at this time.Instead, more places were burned.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Peng Tiebiao has nothing to do.If I don't make a decision to withdraw my troops, I'm afraid I will soon be attacked by the enemy.

Of course, if he knew that the only ones who set fire in the walled city were the [-] members of the Armor Breaking Army.It is estimated that he will not think so.

But at this time, Peng Tiebao believed that the mysterious force must have infiltrated the Golden Sands.So after thinking for a while, he decisively issued an order to retreat.

As Peng Tiebao's retreat order was issued, all the Fanbing did not disperse like birds and beasts.It was also protected by shield soldiers in an orderly manner, and retreated in the direction of the Jinshatan Walled City in an orderly manner.

What Peng Tiebao is most anxious about now is to get back to the city wall as soon as possible.Just help your elder brother to put out the fire in the city wall.

They can continue to use the city as the base to resist the Tang army's attack.In this way, even if the Tang army successfully lands, it may not be able to take the Golden Beach in a short time.

And this also leaves time for myself to deploy troops.As long as you give yourself time to breathe, I believe Gai Suwen's reinforcements will arrive.

As for the small group of troops that attacked him unexpectedly, Peng Tiebao didn't take it seriously.The reason is that it is definitely not that easy to find them.

Now that you know you can't find them, if you put more effort on them, the gain outweighs the loss.

Seeing Cheng Tiebao lead the people back to the Jinshatan Walled City, Xue Rengui's hanging heart finally let go.He knew that the landing battle tonight was a success.

But Xue Rengui did not relax because of this, he knew that the next battle would be even more brutal.So he ordered all the soldiers to land quickly and set up defenses immediately.

Although there was no obstruction from the opponent, Xue Rengui still spent nearly an hour.The landing of all soldiers was completed.

A village wall was erected in front of the Golden Beach, and temporary camps were built.Until now, Xue Rengui could be regarded as standing firm on the golden beach.


But the three Peng brothers who returned to the Jinshatan Walled City were all frowning.Although the rescue was timely, not all the food and grass were burned.But at least [-]% was lost.

"Third brother, it looks like what you said. The Tang army that was going east and west in Liaodong City should have arrived at Jinshatan." Peng Tiehu said to Peng Tiebao.

"The most troublesome thing now is not them, but the vanguard army that landed in front of us."

"If you can't drive them back to the sea before the arrival of the large Tang army, then Goguryeo is really in danger." Peng Tiebao said with a sigh

(End of this chapter)

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