The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 435 Peng Tiebao, who was prepared

Chapter 435 Peng Tiebao, who was prepared
"Brother, I'm afraid it will not be so easy to land today with this posture." Zhou Qing said to Xue Rengui.

"If you can't take the Golden Beach tonight, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult to land in the future. Let the brothers put up shields, and you must take the Golden Beach for me." Xue Rengui ordered.


On the reef not far away, there were three people standing.These three people were none other than Li Tai, Li Tianming and Sun Qiang who had just come and reported to Li Tai.

"My lord, if things go on like this, I'm afraid that Xue Rengui will not only be unable to land on the Golden Sand Beach. In the end, the entire army may be wiped out." Sun Qiang said to Li Tai.

"Thinking to use a small warship to break through the heavily defended Golden Beach is nothing short of a dream. It seems that it's time for you to make a move." Li Tai said to Sun Qiang.

After Sun Qiang nodded, he uttered two chirps towards the sky.To say that this Sun Qiang is also a talent, no matter imitating any animal's cry, it is so lifelike.

Following Sun Qiang's chirping of the eagles, thousands of golden eagles flew from behind the golden beach.These golden eagles flew directly over the golden beach.

The chirping of the golden eagle made Peng Tiebao feel strange.When he looked up to the sky, he couldn't help being surprised.

"Damn it, why are there so many golden eagles? Could it be that the people who attacked Liaodong City have already arrived at the Golden Sand Beach?" Peng Tiebao said in surprise.

"It should be impossible. Liaodong City and this golden beach are separated by several big cities in Anshi Prefecture and Jian'an. How could they come here without anyone noticing." Peng Tiehu shook his head and said.

"Not necessarily, even if that team kills it. But the golden eagle flying in the sky can come directly." Peng Tiebiao shook his head and said.

At the same time when Peng Tiebao and the three brothers were puzzled, Xue Rengui on the boat also heard the sound of the eagle singing.

So Xue Rengui said excitedly: "Brothers, the lord's beast battalion is here. It seems that the Golden Beach will be won tonight."

While Xue Rengui was speaking, he shot a flare directly into the sky.The signal bomb exploded into a green flame in the sky.

Hua Nan, who was waiting on the warship, saw the signal from Xue Rengui.So immediately began to arrange for other people to continue to take the boat to the Golden Beach.

Fortunately, Xue Rengui considered various reasons at the time, and actually brought nearly a hundred small boats on board the warship.Otherwise, it is really not easy to deal with the current situation.

The golden eagles in the sky were not here to visit, and soon they began to attack the soldiers on the golden beach.

But this Peng Tiebao is really not an ordinary person. He only heard a loud voice: "The shield soldiers obey the order and immediately build a defense for the archers. Don't affect their attack."

As soon as Peng Tiebao gave an order, pairs of shield soldiers holding huge shields rushed forward.Then he raised the shield high and blocked himself and the archers under the shield.

As a result, the Condor Condor Army had nothing to do.After all, they can only interfere with the enemy by throwing stones from the air.

Or seize the moment and fly straight down from the sky, pecking out soldiers' eyes.But now they are unable to give full play to their advantages.

"I didn't expect that Peng Tiebao would have a way to defend against the golden eagle's attack, so let him see if he can obtain eternal life in the raging fire." Sun Qiang said with a smile.

So he uttered a few cries again, and the golden eagle in the sky faded instantly.Looking at the faded golden eagle, Peng Tiehu laughed and said, "Third brother, you are really clever."

"I'm afraid things won't be so simple, if I guessed correctly. The next thing is fire attack. Let the brothers get ready and start the fire prevention plan." Peng Tiebao said to Peng Tiehu.

Why did Peng Tiebao have such a complete defense against the golden eagle.The reason is that he has absorbed the combat experience of Liaodong City, so he has already made preparations.

He didn't believe those folk legends, saying that Liaodong City was killed by Shura who came out of hell.He felt that this must be a trick played by Tang Jun in order to shake people's hearts.

So Peng Tiebao had already started to think about how to deal with it.In the end, he felt that the Divine Condor Army had only two attack methods.

One is to attack soldiers directly from the sky.This only needs to use a giant shield to break it.

The second method is to drop offensive weapons from high altitude, which naturally includes kerosene.In order to prevent this, Peng Tiebao asked all the shield soldiers to carry a quilt.

If the opponent's golden eagle uses fire to attack, spread sand on top of the giant shield.In this way, the opponent's fire oil will not be able to help them.

Sure enough, the golden eagle soon dropped the fuel tank from the air.But it didn't, causing harm to the Fanbing of Jinshatan.

The crossbow bolts like flying locusts are still firing outwards.They crushed Xue Rengui so much that they couldn't even lift their heads.

And at this time, Peng Tiebiao actually brought in a few more catapults.And started throwing stones into the sea.

If things go on like this for a long time, I'm afraid Xue Rengui's body will really sink into the sea.

Li Tai, who was not far away, had a panoramic view of all this, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to himself: "I never thought that such a small golden beach would have such an admiral."

In fact, Li Tai still has a word in his mind, that is, the records in the history books cannot be fully believed.According to Li Tai's familiarity with this period of history, Xue Rengui should have killed the three Peng brothers without any effort.

Li Tai couldn't help but wonder if it was because of his butterfly effect.Let Peng Tiebao become even better than in history.

At this time, Sun Qiang said to Li Tai: "My lord, it seems that the Divine Condor Army is of no help in this battle. We can only let the Tiger Army and the Divine Dog Army try."

Sun Qiang knew that in the opponent's hands were all strong bows and crossbows.Sending out the Tiger God Army and the God Dog Army will definitely cause a lot of casualties.

But what can be done now, is it possible to just watch Xue Rengui helplessly, and just sink into the sea like this.

"Wait a minute, as soon as you see a fire in the city, let the Tiger God Army and God Dog Army attack immediately." Li Tai looked into the Jinshatan Walled City and said to Sun Qiang beside him.

At this time, Xue Rengui was really suffering. Several small boats around him had been hit by the opponent's catapult.It has now sunk in the sea.

Although most of the soldiers above were rescued by other boats.But if things go on like this, it is not a solution.

What made Xue Rengui even more anxious was that he had already seen the other party's water ghost go into the sea.If these water ghosts get under their own boat, then this battle will probably be over.

Xue Rengui is ready to order to retreat, after all, it is not a good thing to be beaten passively.Now he can only choose to withdraw the warship, and then think of other ways.

But at this moment, within the Jinshatan Walled City, a raging fire suddenly broke out, and the flames shot straight into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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