The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 428 Reaching the Lion's Mouth Black Wind Pass

Chapter 428 Reaching the Lion's Mouth Black Wind Pass
After arranging everything, Li Tai set off for Golden Beach.At this moment, no one would worry about Li Tai's safety anymore.

Because by his side, not only the armor-breaking army led by Luo Huan, but also the 28 stars who are elusive.

With these people guarding Li Tai, it is estimated that there are very few people in this world who can hurt Li Tai.

What's more, Li Tai's own fighting power made it even more difficult for everyone to worry about it.

"My lord, do we want to participate in the battle head-on when we go to the Golden Beach this time?" Luo Huan asked Li Tai.

"It is estimated that we don't need to participate directly, and it is impossible for the guards of the Golden Beach to block Xue Rengui from the Golden Beach." Li Tai said to Luo Huan confidently.


Here Li Tai and Luo Huan were heading towards the golden beach, while Zhang Shigui led the vanguard army's fifty warships, which were already two days away from the golden beach.

At the same time, Li Shimin had already led the army to board the ship, and followed the vanguard army, and also came to the Golden Beach.The time gap between the two is estimated to be about one day.

"Father-in-law, according to the map, there should be Heifengguan Shizikou in front of you. After passing here, you can reach the Golden Beach after another day's journey." He Zongxian pointed to the map and said to Zhang Shigui.

"This Black Wind Pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Only one warship can pass through. If Gai Suwen sets up an ambush here, I'm afraid this Black Wind Pass will not be so easy." Zhang Shigui said with a sigh.

"Father-in-law, why worry, we can let Xue Rengui's Huotou camp go first. It will be clear at a glance whether there is an ambush." ​​He Zongxian said to Zhang Shigui with a smile.

"Father, brother-in-law is right. If the guard of Heifengguan is strong, Xue Rengui is the one who died. If Xue Rengui can take down Heifengguan, brother-in-law deserves the credit." Zhang Zhilong said to Zhang Shigui with a smile.

"Order immediately, Xue Rengui's warship is the first to enter Heifengguan Lion's Mouth. Be sure to take Heifengguan before the army arrives." Zhang Shigui nodded and ordered.

Zhang Shigui issued the military order, and immediately the messengers used the order flag to notify Xue Rengui's warship.

When Xue Rengui received Zhang Shigui's order, he called all the brothers in front of him.

The vanguard army, with a total of 10 horses, came to the Golden Beach on [-] warships.However, Xue Rengui's Huotouying owns a warship alone.

Logically speaking, this warship is definitely at the rear of the army, after all, it is just a logistics force.

But now it's just the opposite. This warship, which was supposed to be at the end, is now at the forefront of the entire army.

"Brothers, Zhang Shigui has issued an order. Let me lead the brothers into the Black Wind Pass." Xue Rengui said to everyone.

"This old bastard always thinks about putting his brothers to death. I really wish I could cut off his head with a knife now." Xue Xiantu said angrily.

"Brother, according to the news sent back by the lord, the guard of Heifengguan is named Dai Lipeng. He has three thousand water ghosts under his command. All of them are proficient in water skills and good at water warfare." Zhou Qing said to Xue Rengui Said.

"I'm afraid there are not only three thousand water ghosts in the Fanbing in the Black Wind Pass. I think Gai Suwen will definitely send more troops." Hua Nan said to Xue Rengui.

"But the three thousand water ghosts are the only ones who really pose a threat to us. After all, what they are good at is water warfare." Xue Rengui said.

"Although our brothers are all brave and good at fighting, if we have to deal with these water ghosts, I'm afraid we will really suffer." Xue Xiantu said.

"The way this water ghost fights is nothing more than manipulating underwater. The most common way is to cut through the warship and let us fall into the water."

"Once we fall into the water, we will become the target of water ghosts. I'm afraid it will be a little difficult to get out alive."

"So we must avoid falling into the water, because once we fall into the water, we will be passive. At that time, we can only let it be slaughtered." Xue Rengui said.

"But these water ghosts are all hiding in the water. How can we fight them if we don't go into the water. If we don't fight them, why don't we just watch them go through the warship?" Xue Xiantu asked puzzled.

"Order all the brothers to go to the ship's side, and turn all the eight-ox crossbows prepared for us by the lord downward. Once you find any changes in the water, start attacking quickly." Xue Rengui ordered.

Then everyone left the shipyard and started to prepare separately.One by one, eight ox crossbows were placed on the side of the ship.

At the same time, Dai Lipeng in Heifengguan also received reports from his subordinate water ghosts.It is said that there is a Tang army warship, about fifty ships, approaching Shizikou at Heifeng Pass.

"Hahaha, the time has finally come. Children, our opportunity to make contributions has come. As long as we capture Li Shimin alive today, we will be able to enjoy the blessings in Sanjiang Yuehu City in the future." Dai Lipeng said with a big smile.

"There is a general guarding Heifeng Pass, even if Li Shimin sends a million troops, it is impossible for a single person to pass through here." A water ghost flatteringly said to Dai Lipeng.

"Hahaha, the children are going to take a look." Dai Lipeng said with a big laugh, and then ordered someone to take the weapon, and immediately closed the door on Heifeng.

This Black Wind Pass is built on a narrow water area, which is nearly thirty miles long, with steep cliffs on both sides.There is only a narrow waterway in the middle.

Although it can accommodate warships to pass through, it can only pass through at most at one time, just one warship.This adds a lot of difficulty to this waterway.

So this waterway has another name, which is called Shizikou.The meaning is like entering the mouth of a lion, life and death are in between.

At this time, Dai Lipeng has led his three thousand water ghosts to Heifeng Pass.From a distance, he saw more than fifty warships opposite him.

But at this time all the warships had stopped, looking at Heifengguan Shizikou from a distance.It doesn't mean to be ready to pass.

Only one warship was slowly moving forward, and it was the warship led by Xue Rengui, which belonged to Huotouying.

"It seems that the barbarians of the Tang Dynasty were really timid and afraid of death. Now that they have reached the pass, they dare not come to pass, but stop there and watch from a distance." A water ghost said to Dai Lipeng with a smile .

"Did you see that warship approaching? If the general is not mistaken, he should have come to find out the truth."

"Listen, children, go and sink him to General Ben. Let them know that our Black Wind Pass is not something he can just think about." Dai Lipeng said with a big laugh.

Following Dai Lipeng's order, the three thousand water ghosts jumped into the sea with weapons in hand.I saw several small waves in the sea, and the three thousand water ghosts seemed to have disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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