Chapter 427 The Rare Guard

Li Tai said to Li Tianming beside him: "Let's tell everyone, what is 28 constellations. So that everyone's mind is full of doubts."

Hearing Li Tai's words, Li Tianming nodded, and then told everyone about the origin of the 28 constellations.

The formation of these 28 constellations began at the same time as the construction of Mozhou City.At that time, Li Tianming received an order from Li Tai to recruit some special talents.

These people are required to be in good health, and the age cannot be younger than 14 years old and cannot be higher than that.And it must be alone and unattached.

After a period of recruitment, Li Tianming found more than 100 people for Li Tai.In the end, under Li Tai's layers of screening, only 27 people remained.

Then Li Tai began to teach them martial arts, and taught all the Wudang secret codes to these 28 people.Among them, Li Tianming was naturally included.

For these people, Li Tianming led them to train during the day, and Li Tai prepared a medicinal bath for them at night to soak their bodies.

This allowed them to improve by leaps and bounds, and their martial arts also improved at a rapid speed.But how do they know that it is not how good their understanding is.

Instead, Li Tai secretly used the grant option on them.That's why they were allowed to master all the martial arts in the Wudang Secret Code in a short period of time.

But the training of the 28 constellations is just the beginning.Next, what they endured was the invasion of the body by ten thousand poisons, and Hua Nan was personally responsible for the training.

Of course, Li Tianming was not spared, and he endured the abuse from South China every day.They don't know how many times they have been poisoned, and how many times they have been dragged back from the gate of Lord Yan by South China.

In the end, these people became invulnerable to all poisons, and had instinctive immunity to any poison.This is also the reason why Li Tai let them suffer from the poisonous invasion.

It sounds like Li Tai's training of 28 constellations is somewhat similar to Tangmen's training of undead troops.But there is an essential difference between the two, that is, the 28 constellations have their own thinking ability.

They are still a complete person, and have not lost their humanity like the undead army refined by Tangmen.

Afterwards, Li Tai asked 28 Xingxiu to follow the various families of the Momen to learn all the knowledge of the Momen.Also secretly use the given option to let them quickly master these.

After all kinds of experience and torture, it took nearly three years.Only the 28 constellations can be regarded as successful and complete.

But even so, it is impossible for the 28 constellations to come and go without a trace.The reason why they have this ability is that Li Tai obtained the Sui family's yin and yang technique.

The Sui family's yin and yang technique is not just as simple as looking at Feng Shui for others and choosing a graveyard.That is definitely a broad and profound knowledge.

As long as you have fully mastered Yin-Yang Art, you can use Yin-Yang and Five Elements to hide your own body shape.But it's just hiding, not really disappearing.

The ninjas of the island countries in later generations practiced this yin and yang art.It's just that the yin and yang techniques they obtained are not complete.That's why nondescript ninjas are produced.

The yin and yang technique possessed by Li Tai originated from Sui Mingyang, the Patriarch of the Sui family.Although this Sui Mingyang didn't have it, he practiced Yin-Yang Art to the extreme.But he has mastered all yin and yang techniques.

So Li Tai used the copy option to turn the entire book of Yin Yang into his own knowledge.Then Li Tai varies from person to person, bestowing the yin and yang techniques suitable for them to the 28 constellations.

Of course, in order to deceive others, Sui Mingyang also personally taught the 28 Constellation Yin-Yang Art.And it's still imparting all the money without any secrets.

Only in this way did Li Tai get these 28 invincible bodyguards.However, Li Tianming would not tell everyone about these things.

He knows what to say and what not to say.Of course, he didn't know that Li Tai used functions to make them so powerful in a short period of time.

After listening to Li Tianming's introduction, Xu Liang couldn't help but said in surprise: "Such a mysterious guard. It is estimated that no one in the whole world can train it except King Wei."

"That's up to you to say, don't learn how to get along with your father, just learn this nonsense. If there is no strong support from Momen."

"No matter how powerful the lord is, I'm afraid there is nothing he can do." Cheng Tieniu looked at Xu Liang with disdain and said.

"Third brother is right this time. Without the full support of the Mo sect, I am afraid that the 28 constellations would not be successful." Li Tai nodded and said.

Why did Li Tai suddenly want to train such a weird guard force?In the eyes of others, Li Tai has the protection of blood drops.

That would definitely make Li Tai invincible, and it was impossible for anyone to hurt him at all.

But Li Tai knew in his heart that he could only use this blood droplet once a year.It is impossible to truly become one's own guard.

What Li Tai will encounter in the following days is not even clear to him.So Li Tai urgently needs a guard that can protect himself and his beloved.

So Li Tai came up with the idea of ​​training 28 stars.At the same time, another group of guards, all made up of women, also completed training.

The female guard was named Yaochi by Li Tai.It is responsible for the safety of Wu Meiniang and Xuanhua, and there is a shadow guard.

"My lord, if this method can be used to train an army, wouldn't it be an invincible existence." After thinking for a while, Qin Huaiyu said to Li Tai.

"Brother's thinking is simple. How can such an army be obtained so easily. At that time, the king selected nearly a hundred people, but in the end he only got these 28 stars."

"However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the king spent no less than 5000 taels of silver on each of them." Li Tai said to Qin Huaiyu with a heartbroken expression.

This is not Li Tai's bluff, let alone Li Tai's exaggeration.Because Li Tai prepared medicinal baths for them every day, and the medicinal materials used in them were expensive.

In addition, South China is for them, when the poison invades the body.The poisons needed are also the best of the best.

Of course, this does not include Li Tai's loss that others cannot see.That is, how much influence Li Tai spent on these 28 people.

Hearing Li Tai's words, Luo Tong couldn't help but smiled and said, "This way my heart will be more balanced. Otherwise, it took the Lord three years to train 28 stars."

"You can completely abuse my Luo family, the Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry who have been trained for generations, then it is a bit too shocking."

Hearing Luo Tong's words, everyone couldn't help laughing.Even Yanyun Shibaqi who was following Luo Tong couldn't help but smile.

Because at this time they feel that it is not shameful for them to lose.I even feel that it is a rare honor to fight against such a person.

(End of this chapter)

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