The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 119 Someone Wants Li Tai

Chapter 119 Someone Wants Li Tai
"I said our lord has a really big appetite. He swallowed so many Gubei flowers in one gulp. Is he really not afraid that the five surnames and seven sects will make trouble for him?" Cheng Tieniu said to Luo Huan, looking at the escort cart .

"Even if the lord returns these ancient bei flowers to the five surnames and seven sects, they will remember the lord's goodness." Luo Huan said after giving Cheng Tieniu a white look.

"That's true, my lord has already offended five surnames and seven sects. It's not bad this time." Cheng Tieniu said with a smile after hearing this.

Why did Li Tai dare to escort Gu Beihua back to Chang'an so blatantly?Wouldn't doing so give others a chance to seize the handle.

But Li Tai wanted to do this, even Li Chunfeng couldn't figure out what Li Tai's purpose was.After repeated dissuasion to no avail, Li Tai could only let Li Tai do it.

"My lord, there are still fifty miles away from Chang'an. It seems that we can only set up camp here tonight." Qin Huaiyu said to Li Tai.

"Yes, according to the current situation, we can't keep up with Sutou. We can only set up camp on the spot." Li Chunfeng looked up at the sky, then turned back and said to Li Tai.

Li Tai looked around and found that this was a very empty place.It was very suitable for setting up camp, so he nodded without thinking.


Just before the whole army had dinner, Li Tai called Luo Tong and others to his tent.He said to everyone: "I always feel weird today, as if someone is staring at us along the way. I don't know if you have such a feeling."

Everyone shook their heads, expressing that they didn't feel like Li Tai.Even Li Chunfeng couldn't stop shaking his head, and said to Li Tai: "My lord, it may be because I'm too tired from marching during this time. That's why I made my lord feel this way. You'll be fine after you get to Chang'an and rest. "

Although everyone didn't feel like Li Tai, Li Tai still said to Luo Huan: "You let the brothers work hard tonight, and your armor-breaking army will be in charge of patrolling."

Luo Huan stood up and said to Li Tai, "Don't worry, my lord, I will leave it to me tonight. I will definitely not let even a fly fly into the company camp."

Luo Huan's armor-breaking army has never been in charge of patrol missions.First of all, the number of armor-breaking troops is not very large, only [-] people.Even if they are responsible for patrolling, the number is not enough.

And the most important thing is that each of the [-] members of the Armor Breaking Army possesses outstanding skills.If they were placed in ordinary troops, they would definitely be middle- and lower-level officers.

"My lord, since you are worried, let me cooperate with brother Luo Huan to take charge of the security work of the camp." Qin Huaiyu got up and said to Li Tai.

Hearing Qin Huaiyu's words, Li Tai nodded, expressing his agreement with Qin Huaiyu's opinion.This made everyone feel even more abnormal.Even before the battle between the two armies, Li Tai had never been so cautious.

After leaving Li Tai's tent in the Chinese army, Luo Tong said to Li Chunfeng: "Sir, why do you feel that the Lord is a little weird today. Why did you become so cautious all of a sudden?"

"My lord's reaction today is indeed a bit strange, but I feel that something might really happen tonight." Li Chunfeng said to Luo Tong.

"Since Mr. also said so, I'll go and arrange it right away. Let the brothers be more energetic at night." After Luo Tong finished speaking, he turned and went to inform the others.

As for why Li Tai was so cautious all of a sudden.It's not that Li Tai is catching on to the wind, just relying on his own feeling, so laborious.

Instead, Li Tai got a message from the shadow guard, saying that someone has already been eyeing the ancient beihua in Li Tai's hands.It is estimated that they will do it near Chang'an. As for how to take Gubeihua from Li Tai's hands.It's not quite clear yet.

And Li Tai calculated that tonight should be their last chance.If they don't do it tonight, they won't have a chance to do it.

However, what puzzled Li Tai was that the other party was planning to take Gu Beihua away from him.

It is absolutely impossible to send troops to blatantly rob.Since you can't rob it blatantly, how can you take Gu Beihua away without anyone noticing it in an army of thousands of people.

Li Tai took these ancient shell flowers and blatantly walked through the streets.It has already been known by the five surnames and seven sects.They were angry and helpless.

What made him angry was that Li Tai was acting like this, ignoring them.Unfortunately, even so, what can they do.

Although in the hands of the five surnames and seven sects, there is wealth that can rival the country.But the emperors of every dynasty and generation are wary of them to a certain extent.

Therefore, in the hands of the five surnames and seven sects, there is no so-called private army at all.Although some diners were raised, the number was extremely limited.If you want to fight the regular army of the imperial court, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

So even if they want to take back their ancient beihua in Li Tai's hands.Pretending to be a bandit and thieves to rob directly is absolutely unworkable.

But it doesn't mean that everyone is willing to watch Li Tai transport Gubeihua back to Chang'an.So these people are going to attack Li Tai secretly.


"Master, the doormen in the other courtyard outside the city have already set off this morning. It is estimated that they have already started to act at this time." Wang Yushi's butler said to Wang Yushi.

"Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a short period of time, the emperor can control us to raise private troops. But he can't stop us from recruiting strange people from all over the world." Wang Yushi said with a smile while drinking tea.

"Wang Yushi, what you said is true, but we can't underestimate him, Li Tai. We have suffered a lot from him." It was none other than Prime Minister Pei Ji who spoke.

This Pei Ji is not five surnames and seven clans, but because he is closer to Wang Yushi.In addition, he also hated Li Tai deeply.So naturally I got involved.

"Prime Minister Pei can rest assured that we lose to his despicableness every time. This time we will give him a dirty look to let him know what is hard to say." Wang Yushi said to Pei Ji with a smile.


The sun was about to set, and the Huotou Army was busy busy.Dishes were brought out one by one and placed on the table.It's so steaming hot that people can't help drooling.

With the sound of a drum, it means that it is time to eat.The soldiers came in batches, ready to enjoy their sumptuous dinner.

Of course, this is only available to the imperial guards of King Wei.Because other troops only eat two meals a day.At this time, they had already disbanded and returned to the camp to rest. Where would there be a sumptuous dinner waiting for them.

Just as Wei Wang's imperial army was eating, it was on a few trees not far away.Someone was secretly looking over here.

(End of this chapter)

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