The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 118 Luo Huan Kills Wang Meng with One Move

Chapter 118 Luo Huan Killed Wang Meng with One Move
"You are finally here. I have been waiting for you here for a long time by the order of my lord." Luo Huan looked at Wang Meng and said with a smile.

At this time, Wang Meng couldn't help feeling regretful in his heart, why did he insist on marching in a hurry in order to grab credit?If he marched normally, it is estimated that when he arrived in the car, there would be nothing left to clean up the battlefield.But at least I won't be in danger of my life.

"Brother, as the saying goes, the mountain never turns. If you let Wang Meng go today, you will repay him twice in the future." Wang Meng said after clasping his fists at Luo Huan.

"Grandpa's kindness is not something you can repay." After Luo Huan finished speaking, he got off his horse and rushed out.The [-] Armor Breakers quickly dispersed and surrounded Wang Meng and his guards.

Seeing Luo Huan coming to fight alone, Wang Meng did not show any weakness.He touched the horse with both feet, waved Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and killed him.

The two men fought in the same place, and Wang Meng leveled Fang Tian's halberd in his hand, and stabbed directly at Luo Huan's face.A seemingly ordinary move, but it implies a murderous intention.

Among the eighteen kinds of weapons, the halberd is a ghost.They are all tricky and insidious routines, not like a big knife.Therefore, one must be extremely careful when fighting with a halberd wielder.

If Luo Huan chooses to dodge Wang Meng's halberd, then Luo Huan will really fall for it.Because even if he escaped this move, Fang Tian's second move of painting a halberd would follow immediately.

There are crescent blades on both sides of this Fangtian painted halberd, even if you escaped the tip of the halberd.When the opponent draws Fang Tian's halberd and withdraws it, the crescent blade will attack your stamina.

Even if you managed to escape the blow to the back of the neck, your shoulders would be torn apart from the opponent.This is the insidiousness of Fengtian's painting of a halberd.

This is also why, fighting against the person who makes Fang Tian draw a halberd is often a head-to-head battle.Because if you compare skillfully with the person who uses the halberd, then you will suffer first in terms of weapons.

If the ten halberds were infinitely powerful, they would definitely be a formidable opponent.For example, Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu in history, and Lu Bu, the Marquis of Wen, all existed like this.

But he met Luo Huan today, and Luo Huan did not confront Wang Meng head-on.Instead, he turned his head to the left, bent his body straight down, and gave way to the halberd.

This action made Wang Meng very happy, he lowered his wrist, and casually pointed Fang Tian's painting halberd back.With just one click, Luo Huan's back should be torn apart.Even if Luo Huan couldn't dodge in time, he might lose his head.

But the next moment Wang Meng's smile froze, because he realized that he had no choice but to pull Fang Tian's painting halberd back.Because a spear point with a cold light pierced directly under his chin.

The reason why the Jiang family gun is called the deadly gun is that every move and style is a deadly move.Not only do you want to lose the other party's life, but you also want to lose your own life.

If the opponent's reaction speed is faster than your own, then you will be the one who is desperate.On the contrary, it is the other party who is desperate.

Seeing that Wang Meng was beheaded by the opponent in just one round, his guards were not calm.Just when they don't know what to do.Luo Huan gave the order to attack.

I saw the 108 Armor Breaking Army, mobilizing their horses in an instant, and gradually narrowing the encirclement.Then he started fighting with these guards.

108 armor-piercing troops, 108 spears in their hands, coupled with the speed of the horses, it is definitely a force that cannot be underestimated.It was just a charge, and the dozens of guards were sent to serve their general.

"Brothers, cut off their heads. Go back and ask the lord for credit." Luo Huan said with a big laugh.

By the time Luo Huan came back leading the armor-breaking army, the battle was already coming to an end.There are only sporadic places, and there is weak resistance.


The sky was slowly getting brighter, and the newborn sun shone on the earth.Brings light and warmth to the earth.But there are some people who have been unable to see this beautiful sunrise.

"My lord, the battlefield has been cleared. They have all been put to death, including their general Wang Meng." Luo Tong came to Li Tai and said.

At this time, Li Tai was standing on the wall of the village and looking into the distance, looking at this land of Bashu.When he heard Luo Tong's report, he turned his head and said to Luo Tong: "Brother, immediately order people to burn all the corpses. Then take out all the materials in this cottage and load them into the car."

"Reporting to my lord, Mr. has already taken Xue Rengui and the others to do it. It is estimated that in a short time, all the things in the entire cottage will be loaded into the car." Luo Tong said to Li Tai.

After Li Tai nodded, he said to Luo Tong: "Brother, this is the so-called war. A war without humanity. Once the war starts, there will be only killing. Only whoever has the stronger fist will be eligible to live." .”

"My lord is right. Only absolute power has the right to be the victor of the war." Luo Tong nodded and said.

"This time I sent troops to hunt for thieves, I saw a lot of shortcomings. After I go back, I will formulate a new training plan and form a special team." Li Tai said to Luo Tong.


"Report to the emperor, the King of Wei sent back 800 miles to expedite. All the thieves in the Bashu area have been wiped out. Now the King of Wei has returned to the court." Xu Maogong went out to Li Shimin to play.

"I didn't expect that King Wei would not live up to everyone's expectations, but I don't know what the casualties of King Wei's imperial army are." Li Shimin asked happily.

"Your Majesty, King Wei suffered a great loss because he underestimated the opponent's strength. If reinforcements hadn't arrived suddenly, King Wei's imperial army would have been completely wiped out." Xu Maogong said with his head bowed.

"I just said that King Wei is too young to take on such a big responsibility, and in the end the governor of Lizhou has to come forward to help." Wang Yushi said with a disdainful expression.

"He can explain in the letter who sent troops to help." Li Shimin's face became very gloomy.

"Reporting to the emperor, there is no explanation in the memorial sent back. It is just that the bandits set fire to the cottage at the end when they knew they were invincible. They were buried in the fire together with the cottage. There is no One person chooses to surrender." Xu Maogong continued.

"That's the end of this matter. Everything will be decided after King Wei comes back." Li Shimin said after waving his hand to Xu Maogong.

Everyone present can hear very clearly that the entire cottage has been burned down by the fire.In other words, their robbed Gubei flowers also disappeared with the fire.

But these people knew in their hearts that the so-called fire was probably not caused by thieves.On the contrary, he, Li Tai, was more suspected of arson.

Because in this way, all the Gubei flowers entered Li Tai's pocket in a legitimate manner.But it made those five surnames and seven sects suffer.He could only watch Li Tai helplessly, taking their things as his own.

(End of this chapter)

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