How bad guys are made

Chapter 1007 Gu Fenghan's Guess

Chapter 1007 Gu Fenghan's Guess
If they fight alone, the two brothers are naturally not afraid of these breeders, and even have the confidence to break out, but what about the students behind them who have not yet reached the extraordinary or even graduated?Facing the colonizers, they could only be slaughtered. In desperation, they could only retreat under the cover of the three of them.

Mountain field combat has always been one of the necessary courses for the students in the base, but those colonizers are invulnerable to weapons and guns, and they are chasing after them, and some students can't keep up with the speed and are scattered and fled. In one night, there were only more than 40 people left in the raiding team of more than 20 people. They came to this Pocket Valley until they ran out of ammunition and food and had no choice. People came to the rescue.

Yingzi also didn't care about her image, she sat down on the bluestone beside her, her beautiful eyes filled with heavy melancholy and shame, what was supposed to be an excellent opportunity to practice, turned into such a mess at this time. Not to mention half of the more than 40 Guardians were killed or injured, and even in a few days, they would be trapped here to die.This is all Wendong's hope. As a senior resource allocator, she knows how much he has bet on these people, but she feels guilty and ashamed in her heart.

Thinking of the oath made a few days ago in my heart, it seemed more like a joke here, and I slapped myself hard in the face. This kind of helpless frustration most affected morale.And these forty guardians have different abilities. After all, the first choice was talent. Many students were pulled out to practice before graduation, and these students also had the highest casualty rate. It's even more tragic...

Gu Fenghan's slender figure was leaning against a tree trunk, with a slender figure, a stern face, a firm and straight nose bridge, and wild and unruly eyes. Everywhere exudes a powerful masculine aura, and this aura Not only did his recent cold expression not discount his handsomeness, but on the contrary, he had a more unique attraction to some girls.However, from time to time, the cold and stern murderous intent flashed from the corners of the narrow and long eyes, making several pretty female students beside him want to get close but dare not get too close.

"Their purpose is not ours." Gu Fenghan who had not spoken much said suddenly, his hoarse voice was uniquely magnetic, only made a few girls look at him fascinatedly, but what he said made everyone stunned All of a sudden, doubts and even suspicious eyes gathered at him.

"Gu Fenghan, what did you see?" Yingzi raised her head in surprise, staring at him tightly.

Although Gu Fenghan doesn't talk much, he has always been the brains of the base mercenary group, because he is calm enough to think of many things that others can't think of.

"I can't see the specific purpose, but there are several reasons. First, let's analyze their attitude."

"The most obvious fact is that they only surrounded us but didn't kill us. We were trapped in Pocket Valley, and we had no way out. If they defended the entrance of the valley and sent many master colonizers to sweep them away, even though it would be a big deal for them damage, but on our side, I am afraid that only five fingers can break through." Gu Fenghan said coldly.

Hearing this, the complexions of the people who were listening intently turned pale.Yingzi's delicate body flickered even more, her heart was miserable, but she had nothing to refute. The only one who can really fight against and kill the planter is Chaofan. "Illusion Killing" can increase the speed of stabbing in a short period of time, and I am somewhat sure. Although there are many students here who practice this "Gu Ying Fantasy Killing", after all, the time is still short. Gu Fenghan said that the number of five fingers is really no Any bias, but this is too demoralizing.

Gu Fenghan ignored the pale faces of everyone, and continued: "So, the most possible thing we can think of is - to besiege the city and fight for aid!"

"They knew that we would definitely send out a distress signal, but they still besieged us here without killing them. It was very likely that they were sending reinforcements. Maybe the reinforcements from the base had been sent, but they were intercepted and killed halfway, or even some of them The big mercenary group has already blocked the gate of our base, come out and kill one by one."

"This..." Yingzi opened her sexy mouth, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak.But she still didn't refute it, and she couldn't refute it at all, because the real masters of the base have been besieged here. Although the base has a lot of heavy thermal weapons and is impenetrable, it is impossible to say that it is impossible to fight a siege.

"Perhaps, there is another possibility." Gu Fenghan continued without giving everyone a chance to think.

"That's because they don't have many experts in planting equipment, and they are afraid of heavy losses, so they are waiting for large-scale damage to heavy weapons and razing this valley to the ground." Gu Fenghan said astonishingly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he let out a few whispers, and all the girls turned pale in an instant, because they couldn't accept every possibility Gu Fenghan said.Of course, most people are quite calm. After all, they have received professional training since childhood, and many of them crawled out of the dead.

Yingzi gritted her silver teeth, tried to calm herself down, and immediately stood up and clapped her hands. Seeing everyone looking at her, her tightly pursed red lips parted slightly: "So, it seems that the only one who can really save us now is Master, this valley cannot communicate, but we sent out a distress signal before entering the valley, the base will definitely be able to find out where our signal disappeared, all we can do is wait."

Yingzi's expression was dignified and her voice was crisp and clear: "In addition, from now on, we will divide into six teams, with a three-eight system. Two teams will be in charge of valley whistle detection, two teams will search for water and food, and the other two teams will rest immediately. Take turns on duty. Special attention: people looking for water and food must not come within three miles of Taniguchi."

Hearing Yingzi's arrangement, Gu Fengshuang nodded secretly.This arrangement is very reasonable.The water source is okay, but for food, we can only hunt some wild animals. It would be good if we can hunt some hares and birds, but most of them eat a lot, especially in the valley at night when it is humid and cold, so they need a lot of nutritious food. To maintain body heat and drive away the cold, if the hares and the like are not enough, I am afraid that snakes and rats will be used to satisfy the hunger.

These students have all experienced wild survival training, and eating snake rats is a necessary course, but a few pretty girls still can't help but turn pale when they think of those dirty things.But when a person is in a desperate situation, he can eat and drink feces and urine, so it is nothing now.

So, apart from Gu Fengshuang and Yingzi, more than 20 people quickly divided into six teams, and in the food-hunting team, a few dexterous girls found Qingteng to make bows and arrows, and they have now run out of bullets. Food is exhausted, so if you want to hunt wild animals, you will naturally need some auxiliary tools.

But now it was already afternoon, and it would be even more troublesome if most of the wild animals had rested and fell asleep at night, they had to be quick.


The top of the mountain.

After these few days of hard work, Wendong has now reached the strength of a mountain and has passed the most difficult and painful period.

After reaching the strength of a mountain, coupled with the help of the Chaos Sword, Wen Dong's body has a more affinity for the earth's energy.

I heard from the little murloc that if there are no accidents today, we can break through.

Wen Dong could clearly feel that any muscle, any bone in his body had reached the limit of his current tempering.

The peak power of a mountain, if combined with the practice of "The Body of the Earth", it is difficult for ordinary extraordinary warriors to cause harm to themselves. Wen Dong has tried his own body's defense power, and it can probably reach the defense level of a planter. His defensive power is much stronger than that of extraordinary warriors, because not only their genetic perfection is almost [-]%, but they are also mutants; and if they break through the power of the two mountains, they are invulnerable, and it is difficult for people below the extraordinary king to cause damage to his body.

Breakthrough is possible today!
He calmed down and slowly inhaled the earth's air.After his body has accumulated a mountain of earth energy, the earth energy absorbed by Chaos Sword from the outside world can already be controlled by him, and the earth energy freely shuttles through every part of his body.Feeling the comfort of the flesh and bones immersed in the earth's air, the earth's air flows through the flesh and blood, trembling slightly with the flesh and blood, like countless ants crawling in the body, this feeling is undoubtedly very uncomfortable, but Compared with the kind of pain I suffered a few days ago, this is a heaven and a hell in comparison.

Yishan body quenching is to remove impurities and dross in the body, especially if it is forcibly removed. The pain makes Wendong dare not think about it again, while Ershan body quenching is the consolidation process after removing impurities in the body.

And the process of being nourished by the earth's air is like soaking in a hot spring, and there are two fucking beauties sitting on his lap, that kind of enjoyment is unparalleled.

He tried his best to relax his body, so that the earth qi that was constantly penetrating into his body could be tempered and consolidated to every ounce. He continuously absorbed the earth qi, but his spiritual consciousness was slowly immersed in his body.

After these few days of painful torture, he felt that even his mental power had been tempered, his perception was more sensitive than before, and every subtle change in his body was under his divine consciousness, becoming unprecedented clear up.

The earth's energy became more and more intense, and the earth's energy in Wendong's body reached an astonishing level. Even the meridians full of fighting energy were oppressed by the earth's energy.The plethora of earth energy began to slowly hit Wendong's flesh and bones. Wendong's body couldn't help shaking with pain again, the hot spring disappeared, and even the two beauties sitting on his lap turned into Two demons.

He gritted his teeth tightly and did not dare to move. He knew that his Ershan Body Tempering Breakthrough was imminent. This was the Earth Qi helping him to reshape his body. the benefits of!
(End of this chapter)

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