How bad guys are made

Chapter 1006 Trapped

Chapter 1006 Trapped
On the top of a mountain, Wen Dong's upper body was bare-naked, and almost his entire legs were sunk in the mud. The Sword of Chaos floated in front of him with an orange-yellow light and continued to spin, while the soil under the sword tip was just like sand. The vortex swirls like a vortex, and the sword of chaos hums softly, and as the sword of chaos hums, the vortex beneath it speeds up again.

pain!The pain that goes deep into the bone marrow!

This is all Wendong's feelings at this time!

With the Chaos Gate opened by the Chaos Sword, his body has a great affinity for the Earth Qi.

The abundant earth energy impacted Wendong's flesh and bones over and over again. Wendong's body surface, including his face, was covered with a thick layer of rustic atmosphere, just like a half sculpture, except that the half of his body exposed to the ground was shaking violently. trembling.

Every minute and every second is a kind of inhuman torture. Wendong feels as if there are countless saws on the flesh and bones, every part of his body, and even his nails. With the rapid rotation of the gate of chaos, life Rawly pulling and sawing every cell in his body...

He didn't dare to move, the little murloc had told him that this was the earth's energy helping him reshape his body for the second time, as long as he could endure these huge pains and reach the mountain, the pain would be much relieved.

"After these five hours, you can almost reach the state of a mountain." The little murloc saw the lines of the two overlapping hills on the hilt of the rapidly spinning Chaos Sword with vicious eyes. Under the refinement and absorption of the lines in the past few days, the lines of the bottom hill have been filled to two-thirds.

And with the absorption in the past few days, Wendong himself has a higher and higher affinity for the earth's energy, and the faster he absorbs it.Of course, the pain will increase exponentially!

Wen Dong only felt that every piece of flesh and blood in his body was about to be torn in half, his head seemed to explode, and the little murloc's words could still be heard there.

At this time, no one can help her, not even the little murloc. If she casts a healing spell on herself at this time, the effect will be counterproductive, or even all previous efforts will be wasted.boil!Gritting his teeth, this is what Wendong keeps thinking in his heart. He can only use this kind of self-hypnosis method to make himself last longer.

Now, after taking a large amount of soul-invigorating pills, his mental power is already saturated by the extraordinary master.The sharper the mental power and perception, the more the pain will be exacerbated. This kind of body training is simply an inhuman torture!

Looking inside, his body is filled with a thick earth energy, and the earth energy in his body seems to be affected by the rotating door of chaos, forming countless rapidly rotating vortices in Wendong's body, countless This vortex seems to form a huge yellow tornado, and strands of earth energy are driven to spin rapidly and scrape Wendong's flesh and blood, every cell...

It takes a lot of willpower for Gu Guan Yu to heal his injuries by scraping the bones, but Wen Dong doesn't admire him at all now, because this is 1000 times more painful than scraping the bones, which is simply Lingchi!No, Ling Chi still divides [-] knives and [-] knives, and he has almost [-] million knives these days!

In this bone-deep scraping pain, every minute and every second feels like years.

Back then, the He Wenlong incident gave him a wake-up call!He will never allow such a thing to happen again, let alone allow his weird dream to come true, so if he wants to become stronger, he must become stronger!

Wendong gritted his teeth, firmed his mind, and even said to himself, death is a big deal, and I don't regret my own death, go to the fuck!Labor and capital are not afraid of death, so what are you afraid of?The drowsy mind used various methods to hypnotize himself, and he was very confident in his willpower.But even so, he couldn't bear the qi quenching body, because this is simply life is worse than death!
The time of suffering always passed extremely slowly, but as the severe pain lasted, Wen Dong gradually became numb.But the thousands of whirlpools in the body are still spinning, and even the fighting spirit hidden in the Zhan Yuanjing cannot escape this calamity.Although Wendong is not yet able to see into the Zhan Yuanjing, he can feel that there are countless vortexes of earth energy blowing up in the Zhan Yuanjing, tearing and washing everything...

It takes a lot of time and energy every day to comprehend and practice "Lone Shadow Fantasy Killing", "The Body of the Earth", "Phantom Thunder Jue", "Sword of Qiankun Liangyi", and finally use the gate of chaos to temper the body .

Ten days passed in a flash...


In the green and lush primeval mountain forest, there are luxuriant canopies of several thick trees covering the sky and the sun. Under the trees, there is a thick layer of dry and decayed leaves that have not been populated all the year round.Occasionally, there will be bursts of roaring roars, startling countless birds resting in the forest and hares gnawing grass leaves leisurely. , making the air tense a lot.

Under the cover of overlapping green shades, there is a place where the mountain is steep. The bottom of the mountain peak has a huge gap due to the change of the earth's crust. From a distance, it looks like a valley.On both sides of the valley, there are steep and smooth rock walls that are difficult to climb. The only way out is the exit of the gap less than two feet wide.

This valley has been naturally formed due to changes in the earth's crust for a long time. It is also full of lush and tall trees. Although the entrance is small, the valley occupies a huge area. Looking from a height, it looks like a big pocket. , the valley got its name from this - Pocket Valley.

At this time in the valley, a large group of people stood around, although most of their faces were a little pale, but there was not much panic between their brows, they held the weapons in their hands tightly, and their eyes swept across the valley's mountain peaks.

This group of people is not very old, the older ones are only 27 or [-] years old, and the younger ones are only [-] or [-] years old, which is the age when they are at their most vigorous. Most of these people are men, and there are also many girls, and some of them are quite conspicuous. The young girl, especially the unique vitality of the young girl is the most eye-catching.However, the faces of the beautiful young girls at this moment are all pale, and such a delicate appearance is even more lovable.

At the head of the crowd, several men and women stood with dignified faces, their eyes fixed on the Taniguchi, which was vaguely covered by the green leaves in the distance, where there was a faint figure flashing coldly.

"Old Shuang, what should we do now? The Pocket Valley has been blocked by all those bastards. Our ammunition has been used up last night, and the surrounding mountain walls are extremely slippery. Throw them all away, and unless they are extraordinary warriors, no one will be able to escape." A man about 28-[-] years old, seeing this desperate situation, sighed softly, facing the strong figure in front of him with a heavy burden on his back. The man with a mountain ax smiled wryly.

Hearing this, the man with a blood ax on his back turned around slowly, revealing a face full of coldness and sternness. This person was Gu Fengshuang who had just been promoted to an extraordinary warrior and went out to experience together.

Gu Fengshuang's age is only 28-[-], but because of years of blood and fire, coupled with his strong body, he has a maturity that does not match his age.

Today's Gu Fengshuang is undoubtedly much more mature than when he was in the Suiyun Kingdom some time ago, and because of the promotion of "Body of the Earth" to the Extraordinary, the height of 1.8 meters has soared to nearly two One arm is as thick as a girl's calf. Standing there, the whole person feels thick and solid, like a small mobile fortress.

"Wait, we have passed the news to the base, and the leader will definitely bring people here to rescue as soon as possible." Gu Fengshuang also sighed as his eyes swept across the faces of everyone in the valley.

"How come there are so many master breeders in these damn mercenary regiments? What do they want to do?" On the side, a beautiful woman with a small figure and a tight black dress, her beautiful willow eyebrows were tightly frowned, as if At this time, Si's eyes were also full of chilling coldness, and there was a trace of complexity and sadness that could not be detected.

Yingzi looked a little embarrassed at this time, the black clothes wrapped tightly around her body were broken in several places, revealing patches of white skin inside, especially there was a long gap on the side of her legs that extended halfway, which looked slender and sexy and round With long legs, although the woman is embarrassed and full of coldness, she still can't hide the mature and charming atmosphere exuding from her whole body. Even the snow white exposed in the air has several irregular gaps all over her body, which adds to her sexiness. something wild.Even in this desperate situation, some male students in the rear couldn't help but look at it a few more times, and then secretly praised in their hearts: "Miss Yingzi is really becoming more and more feminine..."

Hearing Yingzi's words, Gu Fengshuang also nodded slightly, and immediately said helplessly: "We made a mistake. I didn't expect them to find a large number of expert breeders to help. Obviously, they were well prepared." Speaking of this, Gu Fengshuang He also frowned, he had been in the mercenary regiment for five or six years, but he had never heard of such a master on the other side, he thought that with himself and his younger brother two extraordinary warriors in command, going to revenge this time was a certainty What happened, but I didn't expect to be teased in reverse!
At first, they had already assigned the action plan, and the assigned teams also successfully entered the target range, while themselves, their younger brother and Miss Yingzi sat in the rear.Unexpectedly, within 10 minutes of starting the operation, all the operation teams successively sent signals that the operation was blocked, and there were even casualties.

The three of them were shocked, and after discussing, they immediately made a decision to cancel the plan and quickly evacuate, but unexpectedly, their retreat was blocked.So the three of them led the way first, and what they didn't expect was that they fought against each other in the first day of junior high school, which made them taste the bitter fruit because of their great confidence in being promoted to the extraordinary!

They encountered a large number of breeders to stop them.

(End of this chapter)

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