Master help me recharge

Chapter 95 Grandpa is unhappy

Chapter 95 Grandpa is unhappy

No rejection.

Nor was it accepted.

She needs to think about it...

Love him, but if this love hurts him...

It was as if two villains were fighting in my heart, and my brain became a battlefield. One made her rush forward, and the other dragged her back.

——Gu Anbao, don't you like him?If you like it, be brave enough to be with him!Are you really going to live the rest of your life like a robot?Have you become a robot not only physically, but also your soul? !Or, have you been a robot for too long, have you even abandoned the most basic feelings of a person?

——So what if you like it?What about being together?He likes you now, but after being together?When he is despised, criticized, or even loses his career because of you, will he still like you at that time?No, he won't!He just hates you!I will regret my decision today even more!

Gu Anbao was about to be driven crazy by himself...

She struggled with herself here, but Chen Yuheng always had a slight smile on her face. To him, Ruan Ruan didn't reject him, but accepted him.

The two went downstairs, got into the car, and set off in the direction of the old house.Along the way, the smile on Chen Yuheng's face never disappeared...

At a traffic light, the car stopped. Chen Yuheng looked at Gu Anbao, saw her frowning bitterly, and couldn't help rubbing her hair and ears in a funny way, "What are you worried about? Am I so unreliable?"

Gu Anbao's ears drooped listlessly, and the short fluff was rubbed into a mess.She couldn't explain the worries in her heart, and even thought that perhaps Chen Yuheng's decision to send her away in the first place was the right choice.

The gap between her and him is really too big...

"I'm a robot..." she murmured softly.

Chen Yuheng said: "Ruan Ruan, I don't mind if you are a robot, so... would you mind a person who likes a robot?"

Gu Anbao looked up at him.

There was a touch of bitterness in Chen Yuheng's tone, "Do you mind? Do you think... this person is crazy? Disgusting? Very..."

Gu Anbao covered his mouth with his hand.

"You are fine." She said slowly, "There is no one...better than you."

There was a smile in Chen Yuheng's eyes, he grabbed that hand, put it on his lips and kissed it, then put it down, turned around and started the car again.

Gu Anbao thought: What is this... She is like this, what is the matter...

——Finally back to the old house.

Aunt Xu heard the sound of the car and limped out to look. She met Chen Yuheng and Gu Anbao who had returned in the yard.

"I'm back." Aunt Xu couldn't help complaining, "Next time, you must remember to say hello to the old man. Even if there is something urgent, you should call and say it. If you leave without a word, he is very worried. ..."

Gu Anbao is a robot, and Aunt Xu knew it from the beginning, so the so-called story about Ruan Ruan’s brother coming back and they left the villa temporarily to see Ruan Ruan’s brother, Aunt Xu immediately knew that Chen Yuheng made up an excuse, but she also Without thinking too much, I only left when there was an urgent matter in Chen Yuheng's company.

Chen Yuheng smiled apologetically, "Well, I will pay attention next time."

Gu Anbao hung his head guilty, not daring to look at Aunt Xu.

It's still too difficult for her to lie...

The two were about to enter the house one after the other. Aunt Xu gave them a wink and said in a low voice, "The old man is in a bad mood."

Gu Anbao thought to himself, this time he must be scolded again...

Just the old man's outburst... He clearly told her to keep an eye on Chen Yuheng for a good blind date, but the two of them disappeared while playing together, and went to see some brother... Gu Anbao could almost imagine the storm that was about to come.

Even Chen Yuheng felt that it was doomed this time.

However, unexpectedly, when Chen Yuheng and Gu Anbao walked into the living room and saw Mr. Chen who was watching TV, the old man just lazily raised his eyelids, glanced at them, and said, "I'm back."



Mr. Chen has already turned his head and continued to watch TV...

Not getting angry at all!

Not even a trace of anger!

Both Gu Anbao and Chen Yuheng couldn't help being stunned. They looked at each other and saw the same shock as themselves in each other's eyes.

what's the situation? !

"Grandpa." Chen Yuheng went around to the sofa, sat down next to Mr. Chen, and tentatively chatted with him, "Have you eaten yet?"

Mr. Chen didn't even look at him, his eyes were still on the TV screen, and he replied in a neutral tone: "It's not time for dinner yet."

Chen Yuheng: "Oh... I don't know what delicious food Aunt Xu is going to make at noon today. I drove all the way, and I'm a little hungry."

Mr. Chen said: "Eat what you have."

The tone is definitely not good, but I can't hear how angry...

The state of the whole person looks more like he is holding back his unhappiness and not expressing it.

Chen Yuheng wished that he could scold him, it was better than being so yin and yang now...

Gu Anbao and Chen Yuheng thought the same.She frowned slightly, turned around and went to the kitchen to ask Aunt Xu: "What's wrong with grandpa? He looks so strange..."

Aunt Xu looked in the direction of the living room and waved to Gu Anbao.

Gu Anbao walked a few steps closer, and Aunt Xu lowered her voice and said softly, "There was a call from the Shen family this morning."


Gu Anbao was at a loss.

The Shen family?


Grandpa is unhappy because of this? ... She thought it was because she and Chen Yuheng would offend him by leaving the blind date... So it had nothing to do with it...

But... what did you say on the phone that made grandpa so angry?
It's a pity that Aunt Xu doesn't know what was discussed on the phone. The only thing she can be sure of is that after Mr. Chen put down the phone, his face turned dark.

Without knowing what was said on the phone, there was no way to judge why old man Chen was angry.Gu Anbao returned to the living room, looking at Mr. Chen with displeasure written all over his face, he felt helpless...

Alas, old and young, this old saying is true, the older you are, the more you are like a child, getting angry at every turn.

Chen Yuheng wanted to make the old man happy, so he walked around the living room, stopped by the glass fish tank, and deliberately said in a slightly exaggerated tone: "Grandpa, you have raised these goldfish really well."

Hearing this, old man Chen turned his head to look over, the gloomy look on his face loosened a little, he snorted, and said, "That's right, I don't even look at who raised it."

Chen Yuheng and Gu Anbao felt relieved when they heard this familiar tone, and said to themselves: It's okay, it's not serious...

Gu Anbao also went to the fish tank and praised him cooperatively: "Wow, that's amazing. A fish is about to give birth."

Old Master Chen sneered, and said: "Women have long hair but short knowledge. That fish with a big belly is a red-tailed crown pearl, and it's actually a pregnant fish."

Gu Anbao was slightly taken aback, and looked down at all the goldfish in the fish tank seriously, "No, there are only seven red grass goldfish and six red crane crowns in the tank, how can there be crown pearls?"

Mr. Chen suddenly stood up!He shouted: "What did you say?! Say it again!"

(End of this chapter)

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