Chapter 94
Joy, of course, is really joy, and hesitation, is indeed true hesitation.

She likes him.

From the first time I saw him, I couldn't help falling in love with him.This feeling came suddenly and inexplicably, there is no reason, I just like him...

So when Chen Yuheng treats her well, she will be happy, but can she accept him?For this joy, can she?
Will she... harm him?

Gu Anbao kept his eyes open until dawn.She was full of thoughts, and felt that her heart was filled with highly poisonous honey syrup, which was both sweet and happy, but also painful.

It's so hard to choose...

She thought wistfully.

His waist suddenly sank, and Gu Anbao froze.

It was Chen Yuheng's arm.

Gu Anbao turned his head to look over, Chen Yuheng didn't open his eyes, he seemed to be still awake, with his palm on her waist.

Gu Anbao blushed slightly, but did not dare to move, for fear of waking him up.

His arms were slowly exerting force, and Gu Anbao was brought into his arms on the large double bed, and the two of them were so close that they almost merged into one.

The strength of the arm is so great that Gu Anbao is not sure if he is pretending to sleep...

Gu Anbao blushed and tried to move slightly.

"... Be good, don't move." His hot air got into her collar.

Gu Anbao was extremely embarrassed, closed his eyes and protested in a small voice: "I want to get up..."

"Just a little while..." Chen Yuheng murmured, "Just a little while..."

Sure enough, Chen Yuheng didn't lie to her, he just lay on the bed with his arms around her, neither moving nor speaking, after a long while, he finally loosened his body slightly and got up from the bed.

Even if he didn't do anything, Chen Yuheng was happy in his heart.

——After washing, Chen Yuheng changed his clothes, and sat face to face with Gu Anbao in the living room to have breakfast.

It's still milk with sandwiches.Robots can cook more than this kind of breakfast, but Chen Yuheng is not particular about appetite, so these are always the ingredients in the refrigerator.

Looking at the breakfast on the table, Gu Anbao thought to himself, what he eats is not as good as his grandfather...he eats this every day, and the nutrition is not balanced at all.

Chen Yuheng ate very slowly today. He usually eats breakfast just to fill his stomach, but today he deliberately wants to feel the feeling of sitting and eating with her, even if she just sits quietly in front of him, it's good.

Chen Yuheng said: "I'm going to change to a bigger wardrobe, so that we can hold the clothes of the two of us, and there is a separate charging power port next to the bed, so that we don't have to drag the power strip back and forth. What do you need? ... New pajamas, slippers, pillows ... what color do you like?"

Gu Anbao was about to tell him that she didn't plan to live here, when he heard Chen Yuheng's last question, he couldn't help answering: "Purple..."

I regret it after I finish speaking...

Why did she say this!

"Purple?" Chen Yuheng smiled, "I thought Ruan Ruan would like pink."

"No...I..." Gu Anbao said with some difficulty, "I don't think this is good."

"What's wrong?" Chen Yuheng didn't understand what she meant, "Isn't it good to change the wardrobe? You still have few clothes now, and if you have more clothes in the future, there will be no place to put them. You can't wait until winter and still wear skirts."

"Chen Yuheng." Gu Anbao looked at him, "I don't live here."

Chen Yuheng was stunned, and came back to his senses after a while, and smiled slightly, "Didn't you live here before? Why don't you stay?"

Gu Anbao bit his lips, and said falteringly: "I...I don't worry about Grandpa, Aunt Xu has bad legs and feet, and many things are inconvenient..."

Chen Yuheng stretched out his hand from the table, put it on the back of her hand, and held it, "I will send another person over to Grandpa. If you miss him, we can go back to see Grandpa every week."

", I mean..." She was a little anxious, not knowing what to say, "I really can't live here..."

The smile on Chen Yuheng's face faded little by little...

"Ruan Ruan doesn't want to be with me?" he asked.

Gu Anbao's body trembled slightly, she lowered her head, not daring to look into his eyes, "No way... really no way..."

"Where can't it be?" Chen Yuheng couldn't see any expression on his face, but the hand holding Gu Anbao was gradually increasing its strength.

He had already made up his mind, how could he let her escape so easily?

"Chen Yuheng, I'm a robot." Gu Anbao finally raised his head to look at him, "If anyone knows, they will say you..."

"Then let them talk!" Chen Yuheng said coldly, staring at Gu Anbao with deep eyes, "What about you? Putting aside the influence of other people, what do you think? Do you think I'm sick too?"

"No! I didn't!" Gu Anbao shook his head fiercely.How could she think he was sick?It's too late for her to be happy... She's just... just afraid, can she really bear this feeling?
Subconsciously, I don't want to see him suffer any sacrifice or harm because of me, even if it's just a little bit, I don't want to see it...

"Ruan Ruan." Chen Yuheng called her name, holding back certain emotions in a calm tone, "Do you want to be with me?"

Want to?

She wants, she wants to think so much!


In front of beautiful things, there are always so many buts... helpless and worrying buts.

Gu Anbao looked at Chen Yuheng with a confused expression, "...I..."

Chen Yuheng continued: "We can play tennis together, watch movies together, sleep together, wake up together... we can also go to the playground together, we can do many things together, Ruan Ruan, stay with me, okay?"

Even if those three words were not uttered, such a confession was enough to move Gu Anbao.Every sentence he described was a gorgeous and dazzling beauty to her, and she yearned for it, but she was timidly afraid of the cliff under the beauty...

She loves Chen Yuheng.

I love the gentleness and affection shown by this man to me, and I also love the majesty and courage of this man when he works.His confident and powerful appearance is so charming that people fall in love with him, how could she have the heart to destroy all of this?How can I bear to see... I become his burden, his burden, ruining the amazing and talented Chen Yuheng in people's eyes.

Chen Yuheng looked at her deeply, waiting for her answer.

Affectionate, irresistible, sane, tearing her soul at the brink.

Gu Anbao tilted his head, looked down at the grains on the wooden floor, and replied, "Let me think about it..."

(End of this chapter)

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