Master help me recharge

Chapter 160 Turning into a Cat

Chapter 160 Turning into a Cat


There is no one in the laboratory, and the instruments that work continuously day and night, even when no one is operating them, are transmitting data without interruption.

In the whole room, there is only the slight sound of the machine.

Wang Yan took a few steps in and took a look, but he couldn't help feeling strange that he didn't see Pei Lijun.

Could it be that he is dazzled?I just saw her come in...

"What are you doing?"

A female voice suddenly sounded.

Wang Yan turned around in astonishment, and saw Pei Lijun standing behind him, with loose long hair, wearing a light blue nightgown, holding a can of drink with plain white fingers, it seemed that he had just taken it out of the freezer, and he was breathing coldly Son.

Pei Lijun looked at him with a smile, "It's so late, why don't you go to sleep?"

Wang Yan was stunned for a moment, and asked her back: "What about you? Why didn't you sleep?"

Pei Lijun raised the drink can in his hand and shook it, "I feel thirsty, so I get up to find something to drink."

Wang Yan looked at her steadily, then looked down, and saw her straight calf and slender ankle, and there was a snow-white cat beside her feet. Wang Yan asked, "Where did it come from?"

Pei Lijun followed his gaze and looked down, "I asked Lu Qian to send a few prototypes of the smart pets released by the company last month during the summer vacation. Do you want to? There are also puppies and little turtles."

Wang Yan was not interested in these small mechanical animals. He withdrew his gaze, lowered his eyes and walked away, saying, "Rest early."

"Ah, you too."

When Wang Yan left completely, Pei Lijun put the soda can to his mouth, took a sip, then bent down slightly, and took the white cat at his feet into his arms with the other hand.

She said softly as if talking to herself: "He almost found out..."

The white cat moved slightly in her arms, its blue eyes shone with fluorescent light, it was really pretty.

Pei Lijun walked to the magnetometer, put down the white cat, and turned on the computer.

The white cat jumped onto the workbench immediately, and lay anxiously in front of the keyboard, opened its mouth slightly, and let out a meowing sound.

Pei Lijun laughed, "Forgot, the vocal cords of this smart pet can only simulate the meowing of a cat, isn't it very uncomfortable?"

The white cat lowered its head slightly, as if embarrassed.

Pei Lijun rummaged through his messy desk, found a small part, and smiled, "I'll change your vocal cords for you, so you can speak, don't move, open your mouth."

The white cat really sat down obediently, and raised its neck to ask Pei Lijun to change its vocal cords.

After changing the vocal cords, it first tried to whisper "ahhh" a few times, and then said: "When will you let me go?"

Pei Lijun half-supported his head, looking at it in his spare time, "You can leave anytime you want."

Gu Anbao anxiously walked back and forth on the table twice, how could she walk like this?
I was anxious and wronged, why was I hit by a car and turned into a cat when I woke up?
"Let me go home, or he should be in a hurry." She begged Pei Lijun, "Hurry up and transform me back."

This was different from the parting she had imagined.

It was so sudden, without any preparation... She originally planned to wait...

Pei Lijun still smiled: "Go home? Which home?"

Gu Anbao choked, and after a while, she said in frustration: "I didn't even have time to say goodbye to him." Not a single word was left...

Mr. Pei Li said: "Don't worry, after you finish helping me, you will be able to go back naturally. At that time, it is your freedom to say goodbye or recognize him."

"What do you need me to do for you?" Gu Anbao looked at her in confusion, "Do you need to use my spiritual source for experiments?"

Apart from the source of spirit, she couldn't think of any use value for Pei Lijun.

Pei Lijun patted the white cat's head, and didn't answer her, but said, "I'll show you something nice."

Slender fingers tapped on the keyboard a few times, and the room suddenly became dark——

Total darkness.

Soon, dots of starlight began to appear in the darkness, some were shining brightly, some were dim and weak, and between the dots of light, there was a faint line.

Gu Anbao was shocked by the scene in front of him and stared blankly.

Pei Lijun picked up the beverage can on the table, put it to his mouth and took a sip, swallowed it, and said with the corner of his lips curled up, "Isn't it beautiful?"

"What are these?" Gu Anbao couldn't help asking.Like a star, but not so much.

"Xinhai City." Pei Lijun replied.

"...Xinhai City?" Gu Anbao once again looked at the stars in the darkness. They were bright and dark, and their distribution was irregular. From the outline, there was no way to associate it with the map of Xinhai City.

Pei Lijun pointed in one direction and said to her: "Did you see those particularly bright light spots? Those are Soul2 spiritual proton instruments, which can detect spiritual sources within a certain range. I have installed a total of six such instruments in Xinhai City. You What you see now is the projection image of the spiritual source sent back by Soul2."

"You mean..." Gu Anbao murmured, "These glowing spots are spiritual sources? Are they people?"

Pei Lijun nodded lightly, "In addition to humans, there are also animals. Any living body living in the city, as long as it has a spiritual source, will be detected by Soul2. You can understand them as wireless network points, and Soul2 is a network signal. Tower, the difference is that the network signal tower transmits outward, while Soul2 collects backward.”

Gu Anbao felt like he understood it, but also didn't seem to understand it...

Pei Lijun didn't care if she really understood, and continued on his own: "I originally placed two such instruments in Qingjiang City, but they were destroyed by Chen Yuheng."

Gu Anbao looked at Pei Lijun in surprise.

Pei Lijun also looked at her, "Want to know? About... why you became a robot."

The white cat's pupils opened wide, " know the reason?"

Pei Lijun raised his hand and slowly stroked the white cat. From the top of the head to the back, the artificial cat fur was soft and smooth, and it felt very good to the touch.

"Of course I know, otherwise, how do you think I made you a cat..."

The cat's pupils opened wider...

Pei Lijun continued: "I have been misleading them all the time, trying to make them think it was a coincidence, but unfortunately... It seems that my trust level has been greatly reduced recently, and I actually sent someone to monitor me..." The smile on the corner of his mouth slowly It became extremely cold, "Since you are dealing with me secretly, how can I obediently offer things to you?"

Gu Anbao was a little confused, "What do you mean by this? Is it not a coincidence?... Then I will become a robot, and you did it?"

Pei Lijun pulled her long cat tail and wrapped it around her hand to play with, "That's right. I placed an instrument in the basement of Mingrui General Hospital. Once a dead patient is detected, this instrument will automatically work. Absorbed the spiritual source of the deceased for analysis, but Chen Yuheng found out about the experiment, and he sent someone to destroy the instrument. I guess, when you were destroying the instrument during the operation, the magnetic force of the spiritual source suddenly stopped in the middle of the absorption, and the nearby The robot made by Ace just started, and the magnetic field just happened to match you very well..."

She said, narrowing her eyes slightly, and said, "So, by accident, you became a robot."

 I guess some friends will vomit blood after reading this chapter... Do you think the heroine has changed? is indeed about to change into a human being, but there is a small, small transition before the transformation. ------------sorry!The truth is I can't hold it!I really want to write about her turning into a cat! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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