Master help me recharge

Chapter 159 Chips

Chapter 159 Chips
At two o'clock in the morning, the maintenance department of RK Building was brightly lit, just like daytime.

I don't know if it's because of nervousness or exhaustion, big beads of sweat kept rolling down Ace's face.

Finally, he stopped, took a deep breath, and then let it out heavily.

The assisting technicians finished their work one after another——

"RCX sensor connected."

"Varistor debugging completed."

"The mechanical brake system is connected."

"Microcontroller detection completed..."

Everyone who completed it looked at Ace. Ace was in charge of the central control system, which was the most important part and also the most technically tested part.

Ace remained silent.

Chen Yuheng noticed something, got up from his seat, and walked over.

"What's wrong?" He looked at Ace.

Ace didn't dare to look into Chen Yuheng's eyes, he swallowed hard, and said, "'s the chip... there's something wrong with the chip."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone around fell silent...

The chip, which controls the key components of the central system, is the most important part of the robot.Just like a person's heart, if there is a problem with the heart, it will not help if the limbs are healthy.

Chen Yuheng stood blankly for a while, and said, "Show it to me."

In the early years, like Ace, he was engaged in technology. It was only later that the company got bigger and bigger, so he put down technology and turned to study business finance and management, so he also knows a little about robot maintenance.

Using tweezers, Ace carefully took out the broken chip, put it in a glass tray, and handed it to Chen Yuheng, "The location where it hit happened to be the central area...the chip was broken..."

The chip of the robot is square and about the size of a mobile phone battery. At this moment, it was broken into several pieces and lay quietly on the tray.

Ace tentatively said, "Otherwise...let's change a chip, there should be another chip of this model..."

Do you want to change the chip...

Chen Yuheng looked at the chips in the tray, but did not speak.

The robot's main control program, carrier data, and memory storage are all in this chip.

If the chip is changed, will it still be Ruan Ruan...

"The chip cannot be changed." Chen Yuheng said hoarsely.

Ace seemed to have expected Chen Yuheng to say this, and his heart was full of powerlessness.

At this point, how can it be repaired well... This small chip uses ultra-micro-nano process technology, which contains 100 million neuron cores, 2.56 million synaptic cores, and 4096 synapses The fracture of the inner core and the flat set layer caused data faults on the order of billions, and it was as difficult as heaven to repair!

It is not a plastic shell, it can be easily glued together with glue!
But Ace opened his mouth and couldn't say no at all.

Because, it's rare that Chen Yuheng doesn't know these truths?He is also from a technical background, he knows how difficult chip repair is!
"I need to go to Finland..." In the end, Ace lowered his head, "Professor Dutch from the Finnish Institute of Intelligent Mechanics, repairing the chip, I need his assistance."

Chen Yuheng nodded, "Let Lily book a plane ticket for you, and hand over the work of the Mars project before leaving. I'll wait for your news."

Ace nodded, turned around and told the technicians that they could go back to get off work.

These staff worked overtime until two o'clock at night, and the leader finally let them go. They wanted to cheer, but seeing Chen Yuheng's complexion, they all left the maintenance studio obediently and quickly.

Ace simply cleaned up the tools on the operating table, looked at the unresponsive robot lying on the table, and said hesitantly: "I will take the chip to Finland, Ruan Ruan... put it in the maintenance room first? "

Chen Yuheng shook his head lightly, "Help me close her skin layer, and I will take her home." He thought for a while and said, "She is timid, if she wakes up, she won't be so scared at home."

When Ace heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

He thought he could understand... Even though there are tens of thousands of robots in this world, there is only one Ruan Ruan.

Ace remembered that when he was a child, a wealthy eighty-year-old woman in the town held a grand funeral for her pet dog and spared no expense to buy a luxurious cemetery.People sneered and said: As for it?Isn't it just a dog?
The world is always like this.

He was still in the orphanage at that time, only seven or eight years old, and he couldn't understand why the old lady would rather waste the money on the dog than donate it to the orphanage.

He later learned that the old woman had no relatives to accompany her, and her children never came to visit her. During the 30 years of widowhood, only this dog was her companion. After the death of her pet dog, the old woman barely lived for two years. went.

Ace has never experienced that kind of emotion, but he also vaguely understands it, so he can't say it: As for it, isn't it just a robot...

Ace silently closed the metal cover on the robot's chest, temporarily glued the cut skin layers, and then put the clothes back on her.It was just the clothes, which were torn and torn due to the violent impact in the car accident, showing a bit of a mess.

"Would you like a replacement?" he asked.

"No need." Chen Yuheng took two steps closer and hugged Ruan Ruan, "I'll change it for her when I get home."

He turned around holding Ruan Ruan, took two steps outside, stopped again, turned his back to Ace and said, "Ace, thank you today."

Ace was stunned.

Chen Yuheng has already left the maintenance room with Ruan Ruan in his arms...

Ace stared at the wide open door, a little dazed.

After a long time, he let out a breath, turned his face to look at the chip on the tray on the table, and thought to himself: Although the possibility of repairing is very slim, I have to try it... Even if it fails in the end, at least Chen Yuheng can accept the robot. Dead buffer period.


Chen Yuheng took Ruan Ruan back to the apartment, entered the door, turned on the light, the robot nono slid over slowly, and took out Chen Yuheng and Ruan Ruan's slippers from the shoe cabinet.

Chen Yuheng changed her slippers, carried Ruan Ruan to the sofa and put her down.

nono also followed, its robotic arm holding Ruan Ruan's slippers, wondering why Ruan Ruan didn't change her slippers today.

Chen Yuheng patted Nono's shiny metal head, "It's ready for standby, Nono."

Nono slid back obediently, put away the slippers, and returned to its charging position in the corner.

Chen Yuheng sat quietly on the sofa for a while, got up and went to the bedroom, took the pink nightdress Ruan Ruan usually wore, and helped her change into it.

The small satchel on the side slipped and fell to the ground, and the contents inside spread out.

Mobile phones, hair cards, hair rings, pencils, small drawing books...

Chen Yuheng picked them up one by one and put them away again.When picking up the small book, he gently rubbed his fingertips and opened it to read.

The picture book is only the size of a palm, and it contains blank paper. The content is like freehand notes. Some places have recipes written down, and some places have drawn graffiti.

He flipped through the pages one by one, with fewer and fewer texts and more and more small cartoons. He didn't know when she started drawing them, recording every bit of the relationship between the two of them...

Turning to one of the pages, a simple and fat raccoon was drawn on the paper, holding an apple in its small paws.Chen Yuheng smiled, he remembered that night, she was scared by raccoons and slept in his room... Turning another page, there was no picture on the back, only a row of small characters: Chen Yuheng is too bad !

Chen Yuheng couldn't help laughing at that sentence.

Just smiling, the grief surging from the bottom of my heart became more and more heart-piercing...

More and more sad and sad...


(End of this chapter)

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