Master help me recharge

Chapter 124 Not a Good Rabbit

Chapter 124 Not a Good Rabbit

Gu Anbao returned to the place where she picked the flowers just now, and picked up the paper bag she had lost. She looked around, feeling a little nervous for no reason.

Chen Yuheng walked a few steps around, and casually pushed aside a clump of grass with his feet, said "Hey", and said, "There is a rabbit hole here."

Gu Anbao hurried over, "So it's really a rabbit..."

It's not a mouse, so she feels at ease.

Suddenly there was a "bang bang" sound in the cave.

Gu Anbao's face changed drastically, and he ran behind Chen Yuheng to hide! "What sound?! Didn't you this a rabbit hole? Rabbits call that?"

Chen Yuheng laughed, "It's definitely not a mouse, right? A mouse is squeaking."

"Don't care if it's a mouse or not..." Gu Anbao looked nervously at the dark soil hole, tightly clutching the corners of Chen Yuheng's clothes with both hands, wishing he could put his whole body on it, "Let's go quickly...don't worry about it It's..."

Chen Yuheng felt that she was really scared, so he squeezed her little hand to comfort her, then turned around and prepared to leave——

At this time, a fluffy gray thing rushed out of the hole!
Gu Anbao was taken aback, said "Yah", and almost staggered and fell down!
Chen Yuheng hugged her in his arms, coaxing her softly: "It's okay, it's okay, it's just a rabbit... Open your eyes and see, it's really a rabbit..."

Gu Anbao raised his head cautiously and took a look.

What a rabbit!
" did it grow like this..." Gu Anbao curled his lips, inexplicably aggrieved, this rabbit doesn't look like a rabbit at all, it scared her twice!
Unlike the pet rabbit in her impression, the pet rabbit is round, soft, small... clean and cute, but the big mountain rabbit in front of her is like a puppy!Fat and big, but also very strong!It's just... like a rabbit who has been exercising!The muscles on his body are one by one, and his face is also elongated. The four big die teeth on the lower jaw are grinding back and forth menacingly, and there is still a strange "crack" sound in his mouth.

Not cute at all!

Bad bunny!
Seeing Gu Anbao looking at the rabbit's accusing expression, Chen Yuheng couldn't help laughing, took her hand and softly comforted her: "We seem to have broken into someone else's territory, probably a mother rabbit who is protecting the cubs, let's pick flowers in another place. "

"En." Gu Anbao nodded obediently, she really didn't dare to mess with this rabbit, it looked really scary.

A rabbit incident passed away, but it also added a bit of color to this summer trip.

From then on, Mr. Chen always liked to make fun of Gu Anbao about this matter, saying that she was so frightened by the rabbit that she was so useless. Faced with ridicule, Gu Anbao usually snorted coquettishly, then puffed out her cheeks and remained silent.Every time Chen Yuheng sees her like this, even though she can't bear to smile like the old man, her suspicions are reborn in her heart...

The closer you get along with her, the more you can discover many unreasonable things...

——At night, it is quiet, only the chirping of insects in the mountains and forests, and the rustling of branches and leaves in the breeze.

Two bodyguards on duty set up a small table in the courtyard, playing poker, and occasionally got up and walked around to check if any suspicious people or animals broke into the villa.

Chen Yuheng was lying on the bed, not asleep yet.

He recalled Gu Anbao's various performances during this period...

She will be curious, and when she sees interesting scenery, she wants to go and have a look.

She will have a sense of fear, afraid of the dark, afraid of heights, afraid of mice...

She will also have love and compassion, will want to release big fish, will take the initiative to help in the kitchen, and will ask everyone to bring water bottles and garbage bags when they go out.

But all of this should not be what a robot should have.Even, as an advanced life form of artificial intelligence, it is obviously very contrary to have so many humanized manifestations.

So... who should he ask?

Ask Ace the designer?Or ask the robot itself?

Or, he should ask himself, what kind of answer does he want to get?
Chen Yuheng resisted in his heart.

he will be afraid...

If these performances of hers are controlled by the program instead of her own wishes, then what about her feelings for him?Is her liking just a program?A string of codes?
The most basic premise for Chen Yuheng to accept her relationship is that her feelings for him come from her own will!Rather than programming these manipulable things!
He had to convince himself that Ruan Ruan was a living body with personal will, otherwise, wouldn't the relationship between them be ridiculous? !
Chen Yuheng took a deep breath, feeling a little confused...

He was originally a person who pursued the truth, hated beautiful illusions, and believed that self-deception was a sign of weakness and incompetence.

However, at this moment, he felt that if all this was a dream, he hoped that this dream would never wake up...

In the silent night, someone was knocking on his door.

Chen Yuheng was slightly stunned, thinking that he had heard it wrong, but after a while, the slight knock on the door sounded again.

Chen Yuheng got up from the bed, walked to the door suspiciously, and opened——

Gu Anbao stood outside the door with a face full of panic. She saw Chen Yuheng open the door, as if seeing a savior, and said in a choked voice: "Chen Yuheng... there are mice in my room..."

As pitiful as the small appearance is...

Although Chen Yuheng felt pity for her, he felt a little funny in his heart, stretched out his hand to scratch her little nose, and jokingly said, "Do you think rabbits are mice again?"

"It's definitely not a rabbit!" Seeing that he didn't believe it, Gu Anbao became anxious, "The tail is so long! Rabbits have short tails!"

Chen Yuheng nodded amusedly, "Well, the rabbit has a short tail. I'll help you get rid of it."

Gu Anbao was dumbfounded, "Is that how you want to go?"

Chen Yuheng was puzzled, "Otherwise?"

Gu Anbao pursed his lips, got into his room, walked back and forth——

He picked up the vase on the table, weighed it, and put it down when he felt something was wrong.

He took another magazine and rolled it into a stick shape, waved it, and put it down with a frown.

In the end, I dug out a feather duster out of nowhere, and thought it was very handy, followed behind Chen Yuheng with a serious face, and said, "Okay, we can go now."

Chen Yuheng couldn't laugh or cry.

Gu Anbao glanced at him, and emphasized again very seriously: "There are really mice."

"Well, there are mice." Chen Yuheng replied solemnly and very cooperatively.

The door of Gu Anbao's room was wide open, and the lights inside were not turned on. Apparently, she ran over in panic when she found the mouse, and didn't even close the door.

Chen Yuheng comforted her: "Maybe he has already run away."

Gu Anbao replied with a sad face: "No! Listen, there is movement!"

Chen Yuheng listened carefully, and there was really a sound. There were continuous creaking and creaking sounds coming from Gu Anbao's room. The sound was not loud, as if some animal was gnawing on food.

Are there really mice?

Chen Yuheng frowned, "Don't be afraid, tomorrow we will ask Fan Hao to pick up a cat." As he spoke, he raised his hand and pressed the switch on the wall.

The lights are bright!

- Whoo!A chubby raccoon is eating an apple on the table!

 Countdown to the man-machine war: 1...

(End of this chapter)

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