Master help me recharge

Chapter 123 Daughter Cake

Chapter 123 Daughter Cake

The summer vacation at the foot of the mountain was peaceful and happy. Sometimes I went fishing and boating in the Yanlai River, sometimes I went for a stroll in the town, and sometimes I went for a walk on the Black Dragon Mountain.

The ecological environment here has not been destroyed. There are many small animals on the mountain, and sometimes you will meet traditionally dressed herbal pickers.Gu Anbao also saw the legendary Black Dragon Cave. It really is a very abrupt hole in the middle of the mountain. Mark of.

Fan Hao does not recommend everyone to go in. He said that the Black Dragon Cave is not open as a scenic spot, so the cave has not been cleaned by anyone, and there will be wild animals or insects and snakes that use the cave as their nests, and entering the cave is prone to danger.

Gu Anbao was timid, and he felt a little hairy just looking in from the entrance of the cave.

As for Mr. Chen, he himself has a heart disease, and he came here to relax, let alone looking for that stimulation.

After the group visited the Black Dragon Cave, Fan Hao took them to the mountain road with good terrain, and said as they walked, "The Jingcao Slope is in front of you. Although it is a little detour, the road over there is relatively flat, and it is easier to go down the mountain."

After Fan Hao finished speaking, he walked up to the old man and said with a smile: "Old man, are you tired? We can rest when we get to Jingcaopo!"

Mr. Chen gave him a sideways glance, and strode forward leaning on a stick, "Do you think I look tired? I'm in good health! Unlike some people..."

Everyone looked over, and Dr. Song, who was at the end of the line, smiled awkwardly.


Jingcao Slope is an oblique section naturally formed by the mountain, as if being cut with a giant axe, it is extremely flat, and one cannot help but marvel at the uncanny workmanship of nature.

This large hillside is covered with green grass, dotted with colorful wild flowers, it is unbelievably beautiful, if there is a wind blowing, the green grass and wild flowers rise and fall like waves, this scenery will make the whole person intoxicated, It seemed that all troubles were blown away with the wind.

The grass is thick and clean, and everyone finds a place to sit and rest.

Gu Anbao took off the thermos that he carried with him, and poured a glass of water for Mr. Chen to drink. Others also took out their own mineral water and drank.

While drinking water, Gu Anbao excitedly looked at the beautiful scenery around him, and said, "This place is so beautiful, such a big green grassland... Hey, why don't you see anyone coming to herd cattle and sheep?"

Fan Hao shook his head with a smile, "One reason is that the mountain roads are not easy to walk, and the other reason is that there is a kind of flower that is only found in this mountain, so people in the village go to other places to herd cattle and sheep."

"What kind of flowers are they?" Gu Anbao looked around, "There are so many flowers here, all of which I have never seen before..."

"Look, there is a pink one with very long petals and only eight petals. Have you seen it?" Fan Hao said, pointing to a place, "Look there is one over there. We call it an eight-petal flower. It is used to make cakes, and the picked petals are kneaded into juice, mixed with rice noodles, and steamed directly in the pot without adding sugar. The cakes made are fragrant, sweet, soft and delicious. People in the village care about this The cake is called daughter cake. During the two-month flowering period from May to July, people with daughters will go up the mountain to pick eight-petal flowers to make daughter cake. It is said that after eating daughter cake, the daughter will be able to live happily ever after. Sweet and pleasing to the heart."

After hearing this, Gu Anbao looked at Mr. Chen with bright eyes, "Grandpa, let's pick some back too!"

Mr. Chen felt a little tired after walking on the mountain road for a while, and wanted to rest for a while, but it was difficult to say because of face, when he heard Gu Anbao's request, he couldn't wish for it, and immediately said: "Go, go, collect more, in a few days These flowers should be thanked."

Dr. Song next to him handed to Gu Anbao the paper bag he had brought with him to hold the garbage, "Take this and put it in, it's clean."

Gu Anbao took the paper bag and happily went to pick flowers.

Fan Hao stood up and shouted at her: "Pick off the stems together! Otherwise the petals will wilt soon!"

"Got it!" Gu Anbao waved at them from afar.

Mr. Chen looked at Gu Anbao who was going away, and muttered, "Isn't she having a stomachache, she didn't eat breakfast today, she's still alive and kicking..."

Everyone: "..."

Chen Yuheng coughed lightly, "Girls are always picky about what they eat..."

Mr. Chen shook his head, "It's not good, you should let go of your food and stop talking. Otherwise, if you have a child in the future, you won't be able to eat well."

Everyone again: "..."

Chen Yuheng glanced over, and everyone looked at the sky: We are soy saucers, we didn't see anything, we didn't hear anything.


Gu Anbao in the distance suddenly let out a short scream!

Everyone looked over and found that Gu Anbao was stumbling and running back, and he didn't seem to be injured.

Dr. Song looked at Fan Hao and asked, "What's going on? Did you encounter a snake?"

"Impossible?" Fan Hao's expression changed, "People in the village often come here to pick flowers, but they have never heard of snakes..."

If he really encountered a snake, wouldn't it be a big disaster for him to lead the guests to such a place? !

Chen Yuheng has already walked quickly towards Gu Anbao——

Gu Anbao crashed into his arms in a panic, and said with a mournful face, "Yes... big! Big, big mouse!"

As soon as these words came out, the people behind Chen Yuheng breathed a sigh of relief...

Mr. Chen, who was at the back, didn't hear clearly, and asked anxiously, "What's the matter? What's so big?"

Only then did Gu Anbao realize how...inappropriate it was for him to throw himself into Chen Yuheng's arms in front of so many people...

She raised her head from Chen Yuheng's arms with a blushing face, and whispered in a very embarrassed voice: "I was picking flowers just now, and then...a very big, very big gray mouse jumped over me...scared me Jump……"

I'm most afraid of mice...

Gu Anbao has four fears: rats, cockroaches, spiders and snakes.

Fan Hao laughed loudly when he heard this, "Miss Ruan! You read it wrong! That's not a mouse, it's a gray rabbit!"

Gu Anbao was taken aback, "...Huh?"

It's a rabbit? !

Thinking about it this way, it seems to be really... At that time, the thing jumped into the grass, and she only glanced at it. Because the fur was gray, she reflexively thought it was a mouse...


Gu Anbao was so ashamed that he lowered his head and murmured, "I made a mistake and scared everyone..."

"Make a fuss and make a fuss." Mr. Chen glared at her, then turned around and slowly returned to the original place to continue resting.

Doctor Song smiled kindly, and said, "Go and pick up the flowers, don't waste your time."

Gu Anbao nodded, and secretly pulled Chen Yuheng's sleeve with his small hand.

Chen Yuheng looked at her with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Are you still afraid?"

Gu Anbao said with a bitter face: "What if? What if... it's really a mouse..."

Chen Yuheng pinched her face, then took her hand and walked over there, "I'll accompany you."

He was amused in his heart, and at the same time, he was vaguely puzzled, as an artificial intelligence, Ruan Ruan, why would he be afraid of animals like mice?Is it...too human?
 Countdown to the man-machine war: 2...

(End of this chapter)

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