Chapter 268
On the same day that Brother Sun asked the elders to go fishing, Zu Tingfeng... also started to act.

On that day, the ancestral gang leader asked the younger brothers of the Zhenyun gang to send an invitation card to all the more prominent and respectable people in the Green Forest Road gathered in the Guangzhou area.

The content of the invitation is roughly: My ancestor Tingfeng has found a way to find out the truth about Gong Ye's death, so I invite everyone to gather in front of Gong Ye's grave tomorrow to witness together how I solved this "leading case" "of.

As soon as this incident happened, the entire Lulin Road, as well as Li Chongda, Bai Zhulong and other officials in the government, were all amazed.

Everyone finds it strange: Your ancestor Tingfeng has been in Guangzhou for many days. Earlier, before Lord Gong was buried, you didn’t make much noise. Now that April [-]th is almost here, you suddenly said that Solve the case?Or the case at the grave?What is this all about?Don't you want to lure us all to the wilderness in the middle of the night to catch them all?

But doubts are doubts, inexplicable are inexplicable, can they not go?

That's obviously not possible...

According to the normal way of thinking - no matter whether the Zu Gangzhu can solve the case or not, it is always possible to go and see, at most it is a waste of time.

To put it to the extreme - if the Zhenyun Gang really has the strength to kill all the green forest road predators except them overnight in a place that is not their base, then the leader will be given to his ancestors. Listening to the wind is also necessary.


As the saying goes, a book is long, and a book is short.

So let's turn to the next paragraph, and it's the second day.

It was night, just after midnight (that is, eleven o'clock in the evening), and the grave of Mr. Gong was already very lively.

Whether it was the big shots who had received the invitation, or those who hadn't received the invitation but got the news, they all came running.

Zhenyun Gang, Cangdu Gang, Longmen Gang, Tingfenglou, Hunyuan Interstellar Gate, Six Doors, etc., these prominent figures stand a little closer to the front (closer to the grave), while those who are not The green forest heroes and stragglers classified by sects and gangs stood a little further back.

Anyway, there must be hundreds of people from all walks of life.

Undoubtedly, everyone wants to come and see how this ancestor Tingfeng will solve this leading case.

As for the people of the Zhenyun Gang, they had already prepared for it. During the day, they set up a large number of torches and lanterns around here. At this moment, these light sources illuminate the cemetery brightly. I don’t know if they thought there was a night market here. .

"Dear comrades, and... a few adults." Zu Tingfeng is impatient. When he saw that the time had come, he stopped procrastinating. He stood on a stool, cupped his hands, and said loudly, "Zu I'm a vulgar person, I won't repeat those silly polite words, let's get straight to the point..." He paused for half a second and said, "Today Zu invited everyone here, not for other reasons, but to Finding out the truth about Mr. Gong's death and making it public can be regarded as a contribution to Green Forest Road."

Before he could finish his sentence, a voice continued with a strange voice: "Hmph... find out the truth? I'm afraid it's not a thief calling for a thief?"

I have to say, this Gong Jingyi is really a flatterer. Although everyone knows that Zu Tingfeng and Gong Lianjun are at odds, but at the moment, only Gong Jingyi will point out this sentence in front of others. Others really dare not speak nonsense. .

"Oh?" Zu heard the rumors, and immediately cast his eyes on Gong Jingyi who was standing at the front of the crowd, "Young Master Gong, do you not trust Zu?"

"What are you pretending to be?" Gong Jingyi was also unceremonious to the ancestor's leader, "Who doesn't know that you and my father are at odds? You may have killed the person... You are the one to investigate the real culprit. "

"Hey, that's not right." In the next second, before Zu Tingfeng could argue, Huang Donglai interjected first, saying to Gong Jingyi, "Young Master Gong, you said 'maybe', that means nothing Is it all based on guesswork? There are so many people who get along with each other in this world. Whether you are in the rivers and lakes or in the green forest, as long as you are on the road, you will naturally have interests with others... If you have someone you can talk to, you will have a talk. No, but it doesn't mean that when you die, it must be killed by someone who has a bad relationship with you."

Brother Huang's words are indeed reasonable.

Zu Tingfeng felt very comfortable when he heard it, and he thought to himself: "Huh? From this point of view, nephew Huang Xian is actually facing me, so why did they avoid me when I went to pick them up a few days ago?"

He thought for a few seconds, and then suddenly realized: "Oh! I understand!"

What did the ancestral leader understand at this time?

To put it simply: he inferred that Huang Donglai and the others deliberately avoided his reception and courtship a few days ago, in fact to avoid suspicion; it was precisely because they were not picked up by him at the beginning, and since then they have never had anything to do with the Zhenyun Gang. So now that Huang Donglai stood up to speak for him, it sounded like "fair words".

Thinking of this, Zu Tingfeng couldn't help sighing to himself: "Nephew Huang Xian's hand is so high, it's more than one layer higher than my strategy, hehe... good! Well, well, it's worthy of being the queen of the Huang family, I will say Master Huang has worked with me for many years, his son will not intentionally oppose me, it seems that I was shallow before."

Zu Gangzhu was thinking wildly on this side, but on the other side, Gong Jingyi confronted Huang Donglai again: "Ha! Okay, even if he didn't kill him, let's take a step back... My father died almost a month ago. No one could find a bird before, but now that everyone has been in the ground for so long, his surname Zu suddenly said that he could find something? Don’t you think this is absurd?"

His point of view is also a point that most people present, including Shuangxie, have not figured out.

At present, the more likely and logical hypothesis that Sun and Huang can think of is that Zu Tingfeng found a very powerful foreman and planned to "open the coffin for an autopsy", so he called everyone to wait at Gong Ye's grave. .

Of course...

"Ha! Absurd?" Zu Tingfeng smiled generously when he heard Gong Jingyi's words, and continued, "Well said, I thought this was ridiculous, but the facts are right in front of me, so I can't believe it."

"Master Ancestor, what exactly are you going to do? Don't be secretive, tell everyone clearly." Ah Yu in the crowd still asked a more constructive question.

"It's easy to say." Zu Tingfeng said, raising his hand to show.

At the same second, the members of the Zhenyun Gang behind him also stepped out of the way very cooperatively, and invited out a young man who was dressed in a strange way in the eyes of everyone.

" the 'Onmyoji' invited from Dongpu by Zu." Zu Tingfeng took advantage of the situation and introduced to everyone, "Master He Mao Hayato."

When the voice fell to the ground, it was no surprise that the group of heroes present was in an uproar.

"Brother Huang, what is the way? Is it true?" As a time traveler, Sun Yixie was no stranger to the word "Onmyoji" and what it represented, so he asked Huang Donglai in a low voice at this moment.

"How do I know his way? Today is the first time I know that there are onmyojis in this world." Huang Dong replied; he was telling the truth, because when he was practicing on the mountain, his master never told him about the Central Plains. Is there anyone else who knows magic in other places?

"Ah? Isn't he your Japanese colleague? You should know." Sun Yixie began to talk nonsense.

"He's still your fellow Japanese, why don't you ask yourself?" Huang Donglai's retort came out of nowhere.

"Get lost! You're from the same hometown as the Japanese!" Sun Yixie said with a twisted mouth, "Also, listen to the name of this guy, what's wrong with it? It's called 'harming others', even if it's called 'self-interested'? "

"Tsk..." Huang Donglai looked at Sun Yixie with distaste in the eyes of an illiterate, "He is the falcon of 'Eagle Falcon'."

"Yeah, the damage of 'yin damage'." Sun Yixie said, "Do you think I can't read?"

"What the hell...hey, forget it." Huang Donglai shook his head while propping his forehead, and gave up explaining.

Just as the two of them were chatting these few words, the crowd around them also slowly fell silent.

Immediately afterwards, an early bird asked again: "What onmyoji and gossip master, I've never heard of it! Why did you ask him? Could it be to dance to the master?"

This cry came from among the crowd.

With the sound of shouting, everyone looked around, and soon, they saw the big one lying on a chair without a roof, his arms were fixed by wooden boards and bandages, and many bandages were wrapped around his head.

"Uh... Hall Master Lei..." When Zu Tingfeng answered, his tone was a little hesitant, because he was also taken aback by the older man's appearance, "You are..."

"What! I slipped and fell by the river, can't I? Haven't you ever fallen when you grow up?" The older one is like a firecracker now, and it explodes at a little bit, and the anger is really big.

"Xingxing..." Zu Tingfeng could tell that the other party might have something to hide, so it's better not to ask too much, so he quickly brought the topic back on track, and continued, "What Hall Master Lei said should also be of concern to everyone present. Yes, Zu doesn't want to spend too much time convincing everyone, after all, no matter how much I say...seeing is believing." He paused for two seconds, then made a gesture of invitation to He Mao, "I invite you to congratulate Master Mao came to perform the method of "psychic communication", and when Master Gong's soul arrives, the authenticity will be self-evident."

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd was clamoring again.

Although the voices of discussion were one after another, there was no one to question or interrupt any more loudly.

Master He Mao didn't delay either, he knelt and sat on a straw mat prepared in advance, and began to "channel".

The process of his "psychic channeling" was unexpectedly simple—he just had to sit in front of the grave of the deceased, close his eyes, mutter something, and then sway his upper body, and he was done.

To be honest... Those fake psychics in modern Japanese variety shows look more real than him.

Because when those swindlers do these things, they often use props to create a sense of ritual; some of the tricks are clever, and they will chat with their family members beforehand to get some information out of it. .

If they just sit there without using any props, don't talk to any acquaintances of the deceased, and just sway with their eyes closed, and say they have "invited the spirit" when they open their eyes, then most people will definitely think that this person is unprofessional.

"What the hell is this? It's too unprofessional." Sun Yixie feels this way now, "This Zu's surname is looking for someone to dance, and he can find someone decent, can it hurt people?"

"I see..." Fortunately, Huang Donglai knows how to do it. He looked at He Mao intently, and he knew that the other party really had the ability, "This is the so-called 'Spirit Summoning Physique'..."

"Huh? What do you mean? This guy can really be psychic?" Sun Yixie wondered, "No can't even do this kind of thing, can you?"

"It's called specialization in the arts... For example, there are some things that Taoists can do easily, but monks can't, and there are some things that monks can do easily, but we can't... Their onmyojis should be the same," Huang Donglai explained. Dao, "For example, his 'Spirit Summoning Physique', as far as I know, people with this physique can use 'spells' without having to study the 'Tao' too deeply, and can easily If the blood is pure enough to 'invite the gods' and 'psychic', the yin and yang eyes will be opened at birth..."

"Oh, are you so awesome?" Sun Yixie exclaimed.

"Awesome is awesome, but there is a price." Huang Donglai said back, "This kind of physique is the same as the so-called 'innate spiritual bone', it is really unique, and it is different from the 'innate spiritual bone' in that, If a person with a summoning spirit physique is not protected and guided by a knowledgeable person, his body may be taken away by ghosts or spirits at a very young age, or he may go crazy and die..."

When Sun Yixie heard this, he thought for a few seconds, and then said, "Then this Kamo Hayato can live so long and become a professional, does that mean he is from a noble family?"

"Maybe it's true." Huang Donglai said, "Speaking of the legendary 'Onmyoji' we've heard in the previous universe, it seems that most of them are from aristocratic families, right?"

They were all right, but they didn't think deeply, and they didn't know something... In this universe, the existing Onmyoji families have a huge obsession with the blood purity of the family heirs. In each generation, at least one person with extremely high purity "spirit calling physique" will be the head of the family, and they can do almost anything.

Preventing one's own descendants from falling in love freely and "giving birth" is already a trivial matter. Since folk "spirit summoners" are very rare, even if they exist, they may encounter accidents before they are discovered, so those Onmyoji families Intermarriage is the norm, and in some eras when the population is dying, it is common for families to exchange and even compete for women from each other's families.

Descendants like Kamo Hayato, who are not descended from direct descendants and whose blood is not so pure, can live a more relaxed and free life.


Finally, with a groan with a "duplicate sound", He Mao's "psychic" was completed.

When he opened his eyes again, not only did he become pale, but the expression and demeanor of his entire face seemed to be a different person.

"It's really hard to die..."

After He Mao opened his eyes, as soon as he uttered the first sentence, the scalps of those in the Longmen Gang went numb.

One is because the voices of two people come out of He Mao's voice, one is his own and the other is Gong Lianjun's. These two voices are superimposed together, which is very strange.

The second is because of the tone of his voice when he said this, anyone who is familiar with Gong Lianjun will immediately understand that this is Lord Gong himself.

"Speak quickly if you have something to say, I won't be here for long." He Mao, or Gong Lianjun, looked around without showing any surprise, but said calmly.

"Master! Is it really you? Master!" Ah Chen's reaction was really quick. While pretending to be excited, he walked out of the crowd. Before taking two steps, he staggered and fell to his knees. As he landed, tears fell from his eyes.

"Guild Master——" Although the elder's reaction was half a beat slower than Ah Yan's, his movements were more imposing. He used his lower body to get up from the sedan chair without moving his hands. Jumping to the front of the crowd, there was a slippery kneeling.

"Father!" Gong Jingyi saw that the two outsiders were more excited than his own son, so he couldn't lag behind, so he quickly knelt down and climbed up to "father" on his knees all the way.

Look at that Gong Lianjun again, when he saw these three people approaching him, he stepped on the ground and jumped up. Standing up, he first kicked Ah Mao's heart: "You smiling tiger!" Then he kicked in the same way. He kicked harder, "You troublemaker!" After kicking, he turned to Gong Jingyi, changed his feet into hands, and cursed, "And you are a prodigal son!" At the same time, he slapped Gong Jingyi's big mouth and slapped Gong Jingyi to death. After turning twice in mid-air and flying one meter, it landed.

These three tricks go on and the effect is remarkable.

Originally, Ah Yan, Da Die, and Gong Jingyi were only seven-point believers and three-point doubts, but now they can be sure that this is the real Mr. Gong.

Because beatings and scolding like this will not be shown in front of any outsiders, only the few of them who have experienced it know... When they did something wrong, Master Gong beat them and scolded them like this in private of.

"Fart, let it go! Don't give me a fake mourning here! Shame on me!" The leader is the leader, and he is the big brother of Green Forest Road after death. In terms of momentum alone, he is more powerful now than when he was alive.

And when his weird "accent" resounded through the cemetery at night, the other people present felt that the scene was a bit intrusive.

"Master Gong." At this time, it was still the ancestor Tingfeng who had the courage to clasp his fists, and said to Gong Lianjun neither humble nor overbearing, "This time I disturbed your peace for no other reason than to hear you say it yourself. Who killed your life... so that everyone can uphold justice for you."

"Hmph..." Gong Lianjun sneered when he heard the words, "Administration of justice... It sounds nice, don't you just want to settle the matter early, and then you can justifiably grab the leader's seat?"

What he said was honest and blatant.

Zu Tingfeng dared to answer: "Yes, you can say that."

"Ha! Hahahaha..." After hearing this, Gong Lianjun laughed loudly, "Okay! As worthy of the ancestors, you dare to be brave! I, Gong Lianjun, admire you!"

"To each other." Zu Tingfeng's words also came out of emotion.

Although these two people have never chatted amicably or drank a glass of wine, this does not affect their understanding and admiration for each other.

Many of these high-ranking people who have been in Taoism for many years are like this-what they admire most is often their old enemy, while the most disturbing, despised, and disgusting... are those "totals" around them. Love relatives and friends".

"People who are here today count one by one, thinking that Zu Tingfeng will find someone to plot against me... They are all fucking idiots!" Gong Lianjun immediately scolded his son.

Zu was overjoyed when he heard the rumors, and thought that the surname Gong was okay, this means that people who are dead can speak well, right?
Unexpectedly, Gong Lianjun's next sentence was: "However, if you ask me, the most suitable person to pick up the class of 'Leader' is Brother Haojing Yuhao. You, who are surnamed Zu, are not as good as him."

"I just turned around and lifted your ashes..." Zu Tingfeng felt as if he was riding an elevator, he was happy and cursed at the same time.

"But in the end, it's up to you living people to decide who to choose. It's useless for me to see who I like. If I can see through, I won't die." Gong Lianjun's words can be said to be repeated, Saying it is tantamount to not saying it, but he finally said something useful, "Okay, you didn't come to listen to me talking about these things, don't you just want to know who killed me? That's easy..." Yan At this point, he suddenly raised his hand and pointed at one of the crowd, "That's him!"


At this moment, everyone looked in the direction he pointed.

And the one he identified was already terrified.

"It's him!" Gong Lianjun immediately read out the nickname of the other party, "Master Su!"

(End of this chapter)

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