Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 266 Night Meeting Onmyoji

Chapter 266 Night Meeting Onmyoji

Night, big mansion.

"What do you mean?" Looking at the money that Three Character King put on the table, Da De asked coldly.

"I'll give it back to you." The three-character king was still the same, always jumping out three words and three words.

"Didn't I already tell you, don't you need to retreat?" the elder said again.

"It's not for nothing." But the three-character king still insisted.

Obviously, Sanziwang is a more principled person, where money should be added, money should be added, but when money should not be taken, for example, if he quit halfway through the job, or couldn't do it, he would also Will refund the full amount.

He used to be like this to Di Bujuan, and now he is like this to Bigger.

"I know that Liu Huaqiang has been arrested now, and that Ding Run didn't take advantage of the people from the Hunyuan Stargate..." The older one also understood what the three-character king meant, so he replied, "But because That's why I need you more."

"How do you say it?" Three Character King asked.

This is indeed a problem, after all, the older people that he needed to deal with are no longer a threat, so it seems unnecessary to continue hiring him.

"Hmph... It's not obvious." The older man snorted coldly, and read with squinted eyes, "As soon as the East Harmony and West Poison arrived in Guangzhou, they found me, Ah Yan, and Gong Jingyi successively, and now the other two are with them." I was devastated by the 'beating' and became extraordinarily peaceful, so the next one they're going to deal with... is definitely me."

"It's none of my business?" Three Character King asked again.

"Brother Wang, don't you use money to do things?" The eldest continued, "It's the same way to do things. I don't need you to kill people now, I just need you to protect me in secret for a while... I will give the money, and I can even do it again Add some for you, you can earn money from this business."

Hearing the words, the three-character king thought for a while, then raised his finger and pointed to himself: "Only killing people." After saying these three words, he paused, shook his head, and then said, "No bodyguards."

A trace of displeasure flashed in the elder's eyes, and he said sophisically, "Then you can treat it as if I hired you to 'kill some people who are not good for me', won't that be enough?"

"Heh..." Three Character King laughed, he is an old Jiang Hu, can he be fooled by this?He immediately continued, "For example?"

The older one really dared to speak out, and immediately said: "For example... tomorrow morning, I have to go to a place where chickens don't shit, birds don't lay eggs, and go to Sun Shaoxia's fishing appointment."

"Ha! Haha...hahahaha..." Hearing this sentence, Three Character King couldn't help laughing out loud.

Because of this sentence, he recalled the days when he practiced Sword Qijue, he often heard Huang Dong talk about many stories about "why you have to wear a helmet when you go fishing with Brother Sun".

"I have also heard a little about the friendship between Brother Wang and Dongxie Xidu." Seeing that the other party smiled and said nothing, the elder went on, "Let me just say it clearly. Brother Wang can accompany me for a walk; I think... as long as you stand by my side, then Sun Yixie has to show some face, or be a little jealous."

When he said this, he paused for a few seconds. Seeing that the three-character king still didn't nod his head in agreement, he increased his bargaining chips and added: "As long as you agree, brother Wang, how much you want, you can talk, and after tomorrow's business is over, Whether you want to stay or not, it's up to you."

Hearing this, Three Character King suppressed his smile, took half a step forward, patted Big Daddy on the shoulder, and suddenly said, "You're a nice guy."

The older ones didn't understand why the other party started to praise themselves.

And the Three Character King immediately continued: "Listen to a sentence of advice..." He said, pointing to his head with his finger, "Wear a helmet."

He said these nine words three times, then turned and left.

Money, he still left on the table.

Even older people can't keep it.

Of course, to the older ones, being rejected by the Three Character King wasn't a big surprise, so he wasn't too angry.

Judging from the results, after the two-day toss of Shuangxie, among the three giants of the Longmen Gang, the big one is currently the one who has suffered the least loss; Ayi and Gong Jingyi, who have conflicts of interest with him, have now suffered heavy losses, and the three-character king Although nothing was done for him, all the money he took was refunded.

If you want to say what the big brother lost, it was nothing more than scalding his arms at the market the day before yesterday, and also scrapping a younger brother. Compared with Ah Chen and the others, his incident is not ashamed.

The immediate problem is: he is worried that when he goes fishing with Sun Yixie tomorrow, the other party will do something to him, or make some unacceptable demands.

This... is impossible to guard against.

After all, Shuangxie is backed by the mountain of the imperial court, and now all the big bosses of the Green Forest Road who are fighting for the top position in Guangzhou have heard of it... Even the boss of Bai Zhulongbai had to listen to Shuangxie's dispatch, even Longmen The leader of the gang and the young leader of the gang can't take advantage of them... If they continue to make trouble like this for a while, let alone investigate the "death of the leader", they will "fix" all the competitors , Whoever they say will be the one?

In fact, Sun and Huang did plan that way.

Think about it, the former leader Gong Lianjun has been dead for more than half a month, and his body has been buried for many days, and because of his special status, he was not sent to the government for an autopsy after his death, but Longmen helped him find someone A "death by a blunt blow to the back of the neck" was detected; in those days... there was no modern forensic technology, so Huang Donglai and Sun Yixie went to investigate, can they find out a ghost?

Therefore, it is basically impossible to find out the truth from the physical evidence; if you want to settle things, you have to start with those living people.

That's the classic approach -- if you can't solve the problem, solve the person who raised it.

Why did Shuangxie not care much about the details of the leader's death after meeting Gan Feihong, but was very interested in "who has the strength to compete for the leader"?
It's very simple, as long as you can "fix" all the most powerful competitors, and after the new leader takes over, you can ensure that no one makes trouble, then you'll be fine, right?

Those uncles, just because they have no seniority, but no strength, can't figure it out, so they are timid and dare not choose.

As for the government, just as Deng Tianlin said, although they have strength, but because they and the green forest are generally in an antagonistic relationship, it is unfair for them to directly "arrange" the ownership of the leader...

But when the government found a third party like Shuangxie, the situation suddenly became clear.

In the past two days, the members of the Hunyuan Stargate have been able to cut through the chaos in Guangzhou, and they have "beaten" the three big men of the Longmen Gang in a blink of an eye.

Hao Jingyu of the Cangdu Gang was originally one of them, "facing the imperial court". He didn't actually want to be the leader, but as the leader of the green forest road and waterway, he had to be there when such a big event happened. .

And "Yan Luo at once" Dong Xiao, "Ghost Face Wind" Ling Sheng'er, and "Farewell at first sight" Luo Yu, to put it bluntly, they are here to join in the fun. It will be too difficult.

To sum up, the only difficult bone that Shuangxie will face next is Nazu Tingfeng.

After all the above-mentioned people have been dealt with, and then formulate a method that everyone can accept, and select the new leader, it will be fine.

As for who the murderer of Gong Lianjun was, it didn't matter at all.

This kind of thing that even the family's own son doesn't care much about, let alone outsiders really care about it. Those who argue that "you are not allowed to choose the leader unless you find out the truth" are nothing more than biting a morally inconvenient refutation. The idea of ​​muddying up the water and profiting from it... This is all tacitly done by everyone.

However, Shuangxie has a plan for Shuangxie, and Zu Tingfeng also has a plan for Zu Tingfeng.

No one expected that the ancestral gang leader would come to the point of "finding out the truth about Gong Lianjun's death"...

It may be because Zu Tingfeng and Gong Lianjun have always been at odds. He, the biggest suspect, is very enthusiastic about finding out the truth on the premise that he knows he is not the murderer.

Even at the expense of... using some power that he doesn't understand.


Also this night, the temporary residence of the Zhenyun Gang.

"Master, the person has arrived."

"Please come in."

After Zu Tingfeng answered this sentence, not long after, his deputy, Alai, opened the door and brought in a person.

This person looks to be in his 30s, dressed in a white safari suit, a black black hat, a bat fan in his hand, and a pair of shallow shoes on his feet, with an indifferent expression and extraordinary appearance.

After A Lai led the man into the house, he stepped forward a few steps, and said to Zu Tingfeng: "Master, this is Master He Mao from Dongying."

As he said that, Alai waved his hand towards He Mao who was behind him.

Zu Tingfeng sat there without moving, but raised his hands and cupped his fists: "Zhenyun Gang, Zu Tingfeng, I have seen a mage."

"Hayato Kamo, please take care of me when we meet for the first time." As He Mao said, he also bowed to Zu Tingfeng in a decent manner.

"Huh?" Zu Tingfeng only heard the other party say a word, then raised his eyebrows suspiciously, "Master, you speak official Chinese very well."

His doubts are also justified. Zu Tingfeng has met some Dongying people before, and although some of them can also speak the official dialect of Dazhu, most of them have obvious accents. The Master He Mao in front of him doesn't have that kind of accent, and his official speech is even more standard than Zu Tingfeng.

"Heh... the boss is overwhelmed." He Mao replied with a smile, "Because our He Mao family has deeply studied the culture of the Han people for generations, so I can speak the official dialect here since I was a child."

He Mao's answer was not false.

It is normal for a disciple like him who came from a famous family of Onmyoji to be familiar with Han culture.

Since the Asuka era, these families who inherited Yin and Yang Dao have never been far away from the core of power in Japan. During most of the period, their status was higher than ordinary warriors and officials, even some royal families and nobles. Can't compare to them.

These people can be said to be the "invisible nobles" in Japanese history. At least before the Meiji Restoration, they never really declined.

But... In the story of our book, they happened to be in a relatively delicate period-the Warring States Period in Japan.

Seeing this, someone must have something to say, the big man in your book has lasted for more than 300 years, that is to say, at least it was at the end of the seventeenth century, but the Warring States period ended at the beginning of the seventeenth century, right? up?
Damn, parallel universe.

Since the Great Mong Dynasty can continue forever, why can't Japan's Warring States Period come a few years later?
Let's just say that in our book, the entire Warring States Period came more than 100 years later, that is to say, during the Yongtai period of Dazhao, the Tripartite War on the neighboring island country was still going on, what Oda Nobunagatoyo Chen Hideyoshi and others are still alive.

Of course, about them, we will mention them later in the "Eastern Chapter" of the document, so I won't list them in detail here.

For now, let's talk about the Onmyoji Kamo Hayato first.

"Oh..." Zu Tingfeng nodded after hearing his answer, "That's great, it saves a lot of trouble." He waved his hand at Ah Lai, "A Lai, don't Stand still, quickly move a seat for the mage."

"Yes." Alai's hands and feet were very agile, and when he answered, a stool had already been moved.

Na He Mao sat on his knees most of the time in his hometown, but after coming here, he also quickly followed the local customs, and he sat on a stool if he had one.

After all... this high table and chairs are more comfortable than kneeling on tatami mats after all; we are all human, it doesn't mean that after you kneel into bow legs, your knees will not be numb again, who wants to be uncomfortable if you can be comfortable.

"Thank you, Chief." After sitting down, He Mao thanked him.

"You're welcome." After Zu Tingfeng answered this sentence, he got straight to the point, "Zu is a rough man, and he won't talk politely to the mage anymore, so I'll just say it straight, this time please Come on, just one thing... I want Master to find out the cause of a person's death."

"Heh..." He Mao smiled calmly when he heard the words, he didn't need to wait for the other party to say the name of the deceased, he continued, "The person mentioned by the leader of the ancestors is the former leader of the Longmen Gang, Gong Lianjun?"

(End of this chapter)

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