Unparalleled Double Harmony

Chapter 262 Meeting at the Market

Chapter 262 Meeting at the Market
In the afternoon on the seventh day of February.

A market in Panyu.

Bigger, as usual, appeared on the street very arrogantly, surrounded by a large group of brothers.

This scene, in fact, is not surprising to the common people, because he will come out like this every few days to hang around in person, without him...just a daily demonstration.

Green Forest Road, that's all.

In addition to the largest self-operated business of "casino", their other two basics are the viewing fee of Fireworks and Willow Lane, and the protection fee of street vendors.

High-end brothels are full of money, but those rich people are usually controlled by the most powerful local dignitaries. They are only responsible for the "watching" part of the green forest road. Compared with others, they are earning money. Fraction.

As for the kilns in the middle and lower classes, they get more. Of course, there are obviously more people who come to make troubles in such places than in high-end places, so their money is really not in vain, and they have to work hard.

As for the protection fee of street vendors in the market, based on the individual unit price, it is very little; think about it, those who do business with small capitals only have a gross profit in a month. If you charge too much protection fee, they will not be able to live After that, maybe I won't do it.

Therefore, the income from protection fees is a business that accumulates and accumulates. The more "territory" you occupy and the more vendors you cover, the more money you can receive proportionally.

That's why, these gangsters are fighting for territory all day long.

But grabbing land, occupying land, collecting accounts, reminding accounts...all of these require manpower.

If there are fewer people, you can’t do the job. If there are too many people, you, the boss, open your eyes every day, and hundreds of people are waiting for you to eat, drink, tease, and scatter.

Let the brothers go out and kill people, do you want to pay labor fees?Do I need equipment fees to buy weapons?Do you need medical expenses after closing the team?Do you need a team building fee to celebrate winning?If there are casualties, do I need resettlement expenses?
You have to calculate the above-mentioned amount of money clearly and clearly, and you must not look for the young and Dangerous boy under your hands. Then do you have to spend a lot of money to hire a gentleman who settles the accounts?
In the end, how many bites are left in your mouth?
Not to mention, you have to guard against hostile forces, government undercover agents, and even brothers around you every day...

There is a line in "Flying Sand and Wind Turning" well-"Sitting in the hall (another name for the dragon head), it means that one, three, five sit in the mission hall, and two, four, and six sit in the funeral parlor. Black and white are also in charge. , worthy of the name, sitting and being controlled.”

Normal people, who are a little bit smarter and more diligent, would want to enter this way?

Those who step in, unless they can't help themselves, are basically either stupid or bad.

It's bigger, it's not stupid, and it's not involuntary, so he is undoubtedly the "bad" group.

Just look at him at the moment, walking in the middle of the street, he is yelling and drinking, domineering, with his nostrils upturned, and ostentatiously passing through the market.

The common people in front of him saw him as if they were seeing a plague god, and began to avoid him from a long distance; everyone knew that if they stood in front of the bigger group of people, the men would probably be punched and kicked, and the women would probably be beaten. Most of them are teased or punched depending on their appearance, but they are more "polite" to the old and young, usually by pushing them away or kicking them away.

Ordinarily, their "routine inspections" will not last long, after all, most of them are lazy, so at most they will walk around the main road in the middle of the market for a long time. After finishing intimidation with the people, they withdrew.

Unexpectedly, today...an accident happened.

When Da De and his minions passed by a wonton stall, a guy walking by saw a diner who was still sitting in the seat and did not avoid it, and it happened that his back was facing the street. Yes, so when he passed behind the other person, he slapped the person on the back of the head with a slap, and put the person's head in the bowl.

While slapping, this minion also laughed loudly: "Eat it again? Eat your mother?"

His actions naturally attracted the attention of other friends, including the older ones. Seeing that the diner's face was slapped into the bowl and jumped up because of the heat, they burst into laughter.

But unexpectedly... the next second, the diner turned around and cursed, "Who the hell pushed me?"

As soon as this remark came out, most of the laughter of Da De and the others disappeared in an instant.


Because this person's voice is very familiar to them, this is the local policeman "Liu Daleng".

Ladies and gentlemen, you can tell from this nickname that this policeman is not very smart.

And that's actually true...

This Liu Daleng's real name is Liu Buquan, which is even uglier than his nickname, because he had some hearing problems since he was a child, and he showed some obstacles when learning to speak, so his parents gave him such a self-defeating name. .

Today, you must think that being a parent is not kind, but in those days, there were many children from poor families, and the parents were mostly illiterate, and even able-bodied children were randomly named Goudaner, let alone Liu Not all of this.

However, when Liu Buquan grows up, he's okay. Apart from being a little deaf, his body is still strong and he's not a bad person, but he's a little dazed about things.

Once, he ran into a few gangsters molesting good women in a small alley, and he couldn't stand it for a while, so he stepped forward to stop him, but he was beaten by the other party's crowd, but fortunately, Bai Zhulong came over after hearing the news , to even things out.

Bai Zhulong saw that although this kid was dumbfounded, it was rare that he had a sense of justice, and this kind of person seemed careless at first glance, and he was an "obedient" and available person.

Therefore, Bai Zhulong lobbied Liu Buquan, saying that he could arrange an errand for him as a fast catcher.

At that time, Liu Buquan was a coolie. He had a lot of energy, but he didn't know martial arts. He felt that he couldn't do this, so he wanted to politely refuse.

But with Bai Zhulong's eloquence, it is not difficult to persuade such a stupefied young man; Bo Butou settled the account for the latter at that time: "If you go back like this today, the gang of bastards will call you in the future." Your accomplices are coming to revenge on your family, what do you do? You can’t expect a policeman to pass by your house every time, right? But if you follow me and have the status of a policeman, they will never dare to touch you again. As for martial arts... …It is enough for me to teach you a few hands.”

He said so, how could Liu Buquan be ignorant of flattery?Immediately, he agreed with a thousand gratitude.

As a result, Liu Buquan has been a fast arrester for eight years, and the neighbors in the neighborhood have a good relationship with him. He called "Master Liu, Master Liu", and finally called him "Da Leng Liu", and the local gangsters all knew him.

Today is also a coincidence, Liu Daleng just happened to be resting, not wearing a police uniform, he was sitting on the side of the road eating wontons in casual clothes, and he was deaf, so he didn't notice what happened behind him, so he was slapped by a minion as a passerby up.

Can he not go crazy?
But when he turned around and finished cursing, he saw the older group of people on the opposite side, and he didn't even bring a knife today, so he was a bit hypocritical at the time.

As for the older ones, it was very embarrassing to find out that they beat the local police by mistake... Although Liu Daleng is not a big shot, he is a member of the yamen, and he "beat" the police in the street for no reason. It's so small.

If it was not Liu Daleng who was slapped here today, but Bai Zhulong, then it doesn't matter if you are older or younger, you and your brother may have turned into dozens of corpses lying on the ground .

Even if he is Liu Da Leng, you can't pretend that nothing happened and pat your ass and leave.

Therefore, for a while, the atmosphere became very tense.

"Uh...haha...it turned out to be Catcher Liu, misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, hahaha." A few seconds later, the elder thought for a while, then thought of an excuse, and smiled apologetically, "My little brother's eyes Not good, I just identified the wrong person, he thought it was his friend, he was joking with you, Brother Liu, you have a lot of people, don’t take offense.”

"Hmph!" Liu Da Leng's face was red from the wonton soup on the outside, and red from the blood on the inside. How could he swallow this easily, "Misunderstanding? Is it a misunderstanding? I can't see it?"

When the older one heard this, he thought to himself: What's the matter?You little policeman surnamed Liu, I'll give you face, let you have a step down, you don't appreciate it, do you?
"Then according to your opinion, what do you want to do?" The next second, the elder's tone became cold.

"I..." Liu Daleng was also furious, and said in a daze, "Believe it or not, I will arrest all of you bastards and put them in the yamen?"

"Ha! Hahahaha..." The older one laughed out loud upon hearing this.

Seeing that the eldest brother laughed, the minions around him also booed and laughed.

After laughing for a while, the older one said again: "Brother Liu, my brothers and I are all good citizens, even if you really took us to the Yamen, you must say that we have committed a crime... just your crap, I will Give some money, please make a big deal, will you worry about not getting out?"

"You..." Liu Da was stunned, but he also knew that what Da De said was the truth, so he could only say incompetently and furiously, "Da De! You don't think you have money to show off!"

"Hmph...Sorry, it's really a big thing to be rich." The more angry the other party was, the more arrogant and complacent he became, "But I don't think you will have the chance to experience this feeling in your life."

Liu Daleng was also powerless to refute this, because he was a clean and honest policeman, if he wanted money... he wouldn't have to sit at a roadside stall and eat wontons on rest days.

On the other side, after finishing his speech, the elder led his subordinates to point and laugh at Liu Daleng a few times, and then said again: "Let's go, let's not disturb Detective Liu and continue eating quickly."

And just when the older one wanted to take someone away, suddenly!
"Wait!" A distinctive voice sounded.

Although many common people were watching and discussing the situation here at this moment, they all stood far away, leaving an open space around Da Di and the others, so the speaker just let out a soft shout, and the two The words clearly reached the ears of Da De and the others.

When Da Di and others heard the sound, Liu Daleng turned their heads to look.

However, a man with small eyes walked out of the crowd at some point and slowly approached them.

This is not Sun Yixie, who is it?

"I seem to have heard just now that one of you is older?" Sun Yixie asked those people in a calm manner when he saw those people looking over.

"Which fucking onion are you? How dare you tell us older brothers to stop?" At this time, the minion closest to Sun Yixie, the one who just slapped Liu Daleng, took two steps forward, While cursing with his face crooked, he wanted to push Brother Sun.

This guy has such confidence because he sees that Sun Yixie is very young and has a face like Zhang Sheng, and he doesn't feel that he is a very powerful character, so he wants to step forward and show him off, so that he can be considered in front of the older brothers Show your face again.

When Sun Yixie saw that minion approaching, he quickly stretched out his left hand and precisely grasped the protruding right hand of the other party.

At the moment when he interlocked with the opponent's fingers, Sun Yixie pushed his fingers forward and pressed his wrist down, and the forearm of that guy was twisted back into a very strange angle with a click, and that guy La Ye instinctively knelt down due to the severe pain and pressure from the joints of his hands, screaming in pain.

His cry lasted only three seconds, because in the third second, he was hit on the face by Brother Sun's knee again, and fainted on the spot.

"Big one, the quality of your subordinates is a bit poor, why are you swearing all the time?" Sun Yixie said, let go of the minion's hand, stepped over the other party's body, and took two steps forward.

At this time, the expressions of the group of people around Da De changed.

They are all gangsters who often fight, even if they don't have much martial arts attainments, they can tell from Sun Gelu's two hands that he is quite strong.

"Dare to ask, where is your friend from?" The elder was still calm, he pushed away the subordinates beside him, and went forward, "What can I do for you?"

"Oh..." Sun Yixie saw that the other party came out of the line, and immediately looked up and down the big one, and then confirmed with a look of disdain, "You are the big one?"

"That's right." The older one didn't get angry, but responded, "Thanks to my friends on the road who love me wrongly, they all call me elder brother." He paused, then asked, "I don't know what your name is?"

"Hehe..." Sun Yixie was waiting for this question, so he laughed immediately, "Well, I was also wrongly loved by some friends in Jianghu, so I was given the nickname, 'Dongxie'."

This person's name is the shadow of the tree. Even if he is a person in the green forest, he must have heard of the "harmony of the east and poison of the west" that has become famous in the Jianghu in the past two years.

"Oh? Your Excellency is Sun Yixie and Sun Shaoxia?" The elder immediately raised his eyebrows, raised his hands and cupped his fists and said, "I've been admiring you for a long time."

Whether it's Jianghu or green forest, the more famous the person you are dealing with, the more polite you have to be on the surface.

"But I don't know why Sun Shaoxia came to me?" The elder is a vigorous and decisive person, and it can also be said that he is very impatient, so after being polite, he can't wait to get to the point in the next sentence.

"Hmm...that's how it is..." Sun Yixie replied unhurriedly, "You must have heard about it too, my brothers and I have recently been entrusted by someone to investigate 'Master Gong' That matter, so, I want to ask the eldest brother to come out and talk alone to understand some situations." At this point, he intentionally paused, and then added a half sentence, "Elder brother... there should be nothing wrong Difficulty?"

It's okay if he didn't say the last half sentence, but if he said it, it would be hard to refuse if he was older, otherwise he would feel guilty.

The older ones thought: This kid can do it, one word is so strong that I don't even have room to shirk it, it seems that this "harmony of the east and poison of the west" is indeed as the rumors say, a bit capable.

"Okay." The older one thought for a while, and then replied, "Since that's the case, it's better to hit the sun than choose the day, otherwise, let's find a restaurant now..."

He obviously wanted to act preemptively and bring Sun Yixie to the place he wanted.

But Brother Sun didn't like this at all, and before he finished speaking, he interrupted: "Hey~ I'm not free today."

"Then... when will Sun Shaoxia be free?" the older one asked again.

"That depends on the weather and my mood." Sun Yixie replied leisurely, "After all, fishing is a matter of sentiment."

"Fishing?" This is a little too big to understand. He has been invited to drink, drink tea, visit casinos, visit brothels...but this is the first time for him to fish.

"Anyway, someday when I think it's appropriate, I'll come to see you. Today I just came to say hello." Sun Yixie continued, "Also, should we settle the account just now? ?”

"Account?" The older one was puzzled again, "What account?"

"Heh..." Sun Yixie smiled, strode up to Liu Daleng's side, and patted the latter's shoulder with one hand, "Brother Liu, it's Bai Tutou, and Bai Tutou is my good friend again." Brother, just now you invited Big Brother Liu to 'drink a bowl of hot soup', can't you just leave?"

When the elders and the others heard the words, they couldn't help turning their heads to look at the one who was put down by Sun Yixie just now. That brother has not woken up until now. If you want to say "reckoning", the one surnamed Sun just now is not enough. Is it even with interest?

"I don't know Sun Shaoxia...how do you want to calculate?" At this time, the older man smelled something bad, because he strongly felt a kind of fellowship from Sun Yixie's words and deeds.

"It's very simple..." Sun Yixie is really familiar with the ruthless tactics of street gangsters. He pointed to the big soup pot that was always boiling in front of the wonton stall, "As the saying goes, come and don't reciprocate Also, since you all invited Big Brother Liu to drink a bowl of hot ones just now, then... I think the brothers are all men, so it’s okay to have a bowl before leaving, right?”

(End of this chapter)

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