Chapter 261
In the northwest of Guangzhou Mansion, there is a dangerous mountain named Baiteng Hill, not far from the hill is a waterway.

On weekdays, this place is also quite lively, because many travelers who go to Guangzhou by water will choose to disembark here, and then walk for about half a day before they can enter the city.

Of course, this "lively" is only limited to the daytime.

After all, there was no electricity in those days. Except for Fireworks and Willow Alley and some special places, there are very few places in the city that are still open after dark, let alone this place outside the city.

But tonight, there is something abnormal in this place...

I saw that there were more than 30 men with uniform uniforms, five big and three rough, and hideous faces, equipped with weapons and torches one after another, gathered here since the evening.

This group of people is not a good person at first glance, they are obviously waiting for someone here.

Who are you waiting for?
That is naturally waiting for Shuangxie and the others.

According to the original estimates of this group, the boat from the Cangdu Gang should have arrived around Youshi, but before they knew it, they waited eagerly until Haishi.

"A Lai, it's been this hour and we still haven't seen the shadow... Could it be that the news from the spies was wrong?" Looking at the almost completely dark water, Zu Tingfeng, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, finally turned towards his side A Lai, the powerful horseman, asked.

"Master, the news must be correct. When the boat passed Mafang Village and the mouth of the Sanshui River in the afternoon, several spies saw it. If they made a detour, they would definitely be discovered." Alai replied.

"Then what do you mean, they deliberately stopped on the river and didn't come over?" Zu Tingfeng paused, and then said, "Or... what happened to their boat during the last part of the journey?"

"This..." Ah Lai is not a drone, how could he know what was going on.

Zu Tingfeng didn't really want him to answer, but just wanted to hear what his subordinates thought of his two guesses, and complained along the way.

Coincidentally, when the two of them were talking about this, one of the gang members who were in charge of watching on the bank saw a few shadows of boats coming on the river.

"Guild Master! Here we come!" The group of people stared at it for a few more seconds, and after making sure they read it correctly, he shouted loudly.

At this point in time, there are generally no more ferries or cargo boats on the water, and the shadows of the fishermen's own boats and fishing boats are not so big; Dare to open...

Therefore, just by seeing the shadow, one can basically conclude that this is someone from the Cangdu Gang.

"Hmph... Finally, it's time." Hearing that he hadn't waited in vain, Zu Tingfeng's anger immediately went down.

He quickly regained his composure, sorted out his expression, walked slowly towards the landing port, set up his pose, and was ready to implement his plan of "cleaning the dust".

What kind of abacus is this ancestor listening to the wind?It's very simple, he just wants to cut off the Husband on this "must pass" of Shuangxie, and take over Shuangxie before Hao Jingyu and the government, please go back and entertain him.

If he can successfully win over the other party during this period, that would be great; even if he is unsuccessful, he can still make the first step of testing these two "third-party people specially invited by the government".

In addition, when other forces heard that Shuangxie went to him first, they would probably suspect that "Shuangxie has been attracted by Zu Tingfeng", which also pushed Shuangxie to Zu Tingfeng's side virtually. .

It can be said that Zu Tingfeng's preemptive strategy is invincible. Tonight, as long as he succeeds in getting someone to him, regardless of whether he can win him over or not, his goal will be achieved.


A moment later, with the sound of wooden boats rubbing against the rocky shore, the boats of the Cangdu Gang docked one after another.

Without doing the boat handle, the members of the Zhenyun Gang (Zu Tingfeng is the leader of the Zhenyun Gang) on ​​the shore helped each other tie the boat rope.

"Flying into the sky, cloud town five mountains."

"The sound vibrates the universe and crosses the four seas."

Although both parties have already guessed each other's identity, they are both the top gang on the "13th Avenue", so they still have to walk away according to the code rules.

After matching the incisions, a person came down from the boat. It seemed that he was also the little leader of the Cangdu Gang, but it was not Gan Feihong.

"I'm down, A Yuan, I've met the ancestral leader." Facing the leader of the green forest road and land road, A Yuan behaved neither humble nor overbearing.

"Hmm..." Zu Tingfeng's seniority and status are much higher than the other party's, and he is not the persona of a virtuous corporal like Hao Jingyu, so even if the other side is already clasping his hands and offering to say hello, the chief of Zu's gang just speaks out of his nostrils. nodded.

In the next second, without waiting for the ancestor to listen to Feng's orders, A Lai stepped forward and said the lines he had prepared: "Brother Yuan, today our leader personally brought someone to meet the wind for everyone. Don't even show your face? Isn't that too shameful?"

With his first sentence, the other party was framed.

The implication is: quickly let the surname Gan and Dongxie Xidu come out, don't hide them, or we will turn our faces.

Zu Tingfeng thought that a small character like A Yuan would not be able to cope with such a situation. As long as he puts a little pressure on him, the other party will do what he wants, but he didn't expect...

"Heh..." Ah Yuan looked confident, he chuckled, and replied politely and calmly, "Brother Lai, you have misunderstood me, our Cangdu Gang has always treated Lulin comrades with respect." Treating each other with courtesy, how can you not give face on purpose? It's just..." He paused for half a second, the expression on his face seemed to be unstoppable, "Brother Gan, we are not on these ships right now."

"What?" Alai heard the words, his expression changed slightly.

Zu Tingfeng's face behind him also darkened.

And A Yuan's words didn't finish: "Brother Gan got off the boat with the two young heroes Sun Huang and their companions as early as the day before yesterday, and changed to land, according to their pace... I think it will be before noon today. Are you already in town?"

"This... you..." A Lai looked speechless.

"What? Brother Lai, don't you believe it?" A Yuan said, "Otherwise, please follow us to the boat to have a look?"

"No need." Zu Tingfeng finally said the whole thing to the other party at this moment, "Since there is no fate, then it's fine."

After all, he is a hero of the green forest, and he quickly accepted the fact that he was put together, and turned his gloom into a smile, and said coldly: "Hmph... I have heard that he is evil, clever, and surly. Today, Zumou also It can be regarded as knowing a thing or two..."

While Zu Tingfeng said this, he turned his head and was about to lead the team away.

There was nothing he wanted here anymore, and staying any longer would be self-defeating.

But before leaving, he still left a sentence as if talking to himself: "I want to see if they can even figure out how Gong Lianjun died."


At the same time, in Guangzhou City, in a guard of Jinyiwei.

A room, a few lights.

A table of mahjong, four men.

These four people... that is a white satin suit, a police suit, one without eyes, and one without a neck.

"Haha~ I've drawn 15! Nonsense!" Sun Yixie pushed down another hand, which was already the No. [-] hand he won tonight.

Huang Donglai, who was sitting on his left, looked a little unhappy, but he didn't panic, because based on his friendship with Sun Ge, no matter how much he lost, he could still owe, procrastinate...and finally resign.

But the white-clothed man and the man in the police uniform had solemn expressions...

"Hey? Both of you have lost everything again? It's all right, I still have some bank notes here, you two continue to play with them." Seeing the frowning faces of the two, Sun Yixie stretched out his hand without hesitation. Into the sleeves ready to take out money.

"No, no, no...Sun Shaoxia..." Bai Zhulong, the chief arrester of the Guangzhou mansion, is supposed to have a lot of money, but he really lost tonight. If he asks Sun Ge again to "borrow"...even if Even if the other party didn't charge interest, he couldn't stand it anymore.

As for the man in's okay; although he's sweating, he hasn't lost his composure yet.

After all, he is a "deputy thousand householder". His family background is not comparable to that of a headhunter.

Of course, Brother Sun's family background is not comparable to that of a deputy thousand household...

"Haha... Sun Shaoxia is superb at playing cards, Li is willing to bow down."

Now that the book is here, we don’t want to keep it up anymore. This deputy Li Qianhu, that is, the man in white who appeared many times in our story in this volume, is called Li Chongda. He has been dealing with Green Forest Road for many years. This area is a veteran of the "fighting black group".

He has a little friendship with Yun Shili in "Fengyun Shuiyue", so he has heard a lot of anecdotes about Sun and Huang from the latter. This time, he is also clinging to this relationship, Only then did he ask Sun and Huang to do this.

However, Li Chongda never expected that as soon as the people from the Cangdu gang took Shuangxie into the city, the two left their companions at Hao Jingyu's place, and then came to this guard without avoiding suspicion. And the two of them also offered to ask Li Chongda to bring the local snake in the city, that is, Bo Tutou, together to "discuss countermeasures."

After being messed up by these two guys, wouldn't Li Chongda make it superfluous to ask Cangdu Gang to treat him as a "white glove" to avoid suspicion?Wouldn't it be faster for him to let the officials escort them here?

What's even more outrageous is that after Li Chongda called Bai Zhulong, Shuangxie didn't talk to them about serious matters, but just took them to have a meal together, and then suggested that everyone "swim dry water" to connect with each other .

This way of not treating himself as a guest at all caught Li Chongda off guard, and he couldn't help asking himself: Is this your business or mine?

But he wanted to think about it, because what Shuangxie proposed was not an excessive request, and he had something to ask for from others, so he cooperated with it.

This cooperation...he and Bai Tutou exported thousands of taels of silver within a few hours.

"Hahaha, it's just good luck." Sun Yixie replied with a smile, "Don't worry about the little money you owe me...Huh? Hahahaha..."

Li Chongda and Bai Zhulong heard this, but they were thinking in their hearts: I owe you so many gambling debts for no reason, why don't you feel relieved?We are shameless people, and we are still members of the public family. If you tell people everywhere that we owe you a debt and won't pay it back, how can we mess around?
"Uh...Sun Shaoxia." Li Chongda felt that if he went on like this, he might lose his fortune, so he quickly pressed the cards on the table and started to talk about the topic, "We have been playing this card for a long time, let's talk about the case." .”

"That's right." When Bai Zhulong heard this, he quickly agreed, "What Mr. Li said is very true, let Bai Mou talk about this case first..."

He hadn't finished the half sentence when Huang Donglai interrupted: "Harm~ If you want me to tell you, why make it so complicated? Let those old people choose whoever chooses, whoever dares to come out to make trouble, Just grab it and 'shoot the target'."

Before he finished speaking, Sun Yixie raised his eyebrows and said, "Hey~ Brother Huang, you can't say that. If you kill one gang, another gang will rise up. If you kill a young and Dangerous boy, another gang will rise again." Said Then, he glanced at Li Chongda on the opposite table and Bai Zhulong on his right, "Master Li and the others want 'calm waters, stability and prosperity', and they can't solve the problem by 'beating the top bird'."

Huang Donglai was obviously familiar with the words, and now he continued: "Huh... Green Forest Road, why do you choose the leader, like the old Zhu's, and the old bean passed on the son, so there is no need to argue or argue?"

Sun Yixie continued: "The selection of the leader was 100 years earlier than the drafting plan for the first minister of the dynasty. If it is not settled, the road will not be peaceful for a day."

These two guys talked to each other, and they corrected a pre-rehearsed joke, and Li Chongda and Bai Zhulong felt their scalps go numb after hearing it.

Li Chongda pondered: "The slang words of these two are very powerful. I have been dealing with Lvlin Road for decades, and there are many words that I have heard for the first time. Among the key words I can understand... many of them are If you are committing a crime against your superiors, you two are talking so loudly in front of me, Jin Yiwei, do you really not treat me as an outsider? Or do you not treat me as a human being?"

Just when Li Chongda was thinking about whether to arrest these two for interrogation first, Huang Donglai took advantage of the situation and said to him: "Master Li, with such a sum, this matter is of great importance, and the two of us have little experience. , average ability, I'm afraid... embarrassing task?"

"Hey! Wait here for me?" Li Chongda only realized in his heart when he heard this. It turned out that the two wanted to negotiate terms.

Bai Zhulong is also a shrewd and capable person, and he also understands: these two boys, first messed around, pulled us to eat and drink, and when they got drunk, they said they wanted to play mahjong, and then coaxed us to owe them a large sum of money The gambling debts, after the gambling, we started to blow up our serious business, and then retreated to advance, and pretended to evade... If we dare to fight with them now, they will say that we are using power for personal gain. Murdering the young heroes of the Jianghu with a little gambling debt, and we want to entrust them to do things, and they have to sit on the ground and raise the price... Hmm... This is really a well-deserved reputation.

"Huang Shaoxia, you're too modest..." After a few seconds, Li Chongda weighed it up, and finally spoke again, saying, "This matter must be handled by the two of you..." At this point, he turned his head and threw a ball at Bai Zhulong. With a helpless look in his eyes, he said in a tone almost gnashing his teeth, "Is there anything that needs the help of Mr. Li and Mr. Bo... feel free to ask..."

(End of this chapter)

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