Chapter 187
It's a day when the autumn wind comes from the east, and the melancholy clouds pass by lightly.

On the road to the east, two fast horses came, and on the horses were two teenagers who looked no more than 20 years old.

This Huang Donglai kept his Taoist attire, while Sun Yixie was dressed in ordinary coarse cloth clothes. At first glance, you wouldn't be able to tell what he was doing.

Now the two of them can be regarded as people with quite a bit of experience in the arena, and they will definitely not walk around in a carriage and wear expensive-looking clothes like when they first came out of the arena a year ago, let alone "I am a martial artist in the martial arts world." People" is written all over their faces.

That kind of thing... just leave it to the disciples of the high school, and those who value "chivalrous fame" and have strength to do it.

"Brother Sun, the Gengjia Village is ahead, I don't think it's too about we spend the night there tonight?" Huang Donglai's eyesight is better, so he naturally saw it before Sun Yixie The shadow of the village ahead.

"Okay, I'm tired of riding this day, and I have to go to the mountains tomorrow morning, so I'd better find an inn to rest early." Sun Yixie replied.

As they talked, they approached the entrance of the village.

At this time, they didn't know that this Gengjia Village was the last village where the "Tiger Arm Ming King" Liu Wusheng and "One Sword Town Guanzhong" Zou Baiqiu stayed.

The Xingxing Mountain is bordered by Weishui River in the west and Sancun Village in the east; and the Three Villages are Gengjia Village, Majiatun Village and Zhujiabu Village.

On weekdays, these three villages are the targets of the gangsters on the mountain, and among them, Gengjia Village is the closest to the cottage, and has received the most intrusion.

The villagers of Gengjia Village obviously tried to ask the government for help, but because their area is at the junction of several counties, their appeals were "kicked" back and forth by the government offices in various places on the grounds that "it is not our jurisdiction". The yamen didn't want to work hard to mobilize people to come here to suppress bandits.

A few days ago, two "heroes" came to Gengjia Village. After hearing about the bandit, Mr. Liu and Mr. Zou offered to help them pick out the bandit's village. The villagers were very excited Broken.

The head of Gengjia Village went to both Majiatun Village and Zhujiabu Village to talk about it that day, and then the people of the three villages pooled some money together, and asked the two heroes to eat well and live well. Hosted them one night.

The villagers were overjoyed: the hero is here, and our three villages will be peaceful!The hero is here, and there will be the blue sky!
But in the end, the two heroes went up the mountain early the next morning, and didn't come down until dark.

If you want to call them liars...the luggage and Marco of these two are still in the inn, and they just accepted the villagers' board and lodging, but they didn't ask for any money.

So, after that night, everyone understood that these two heroes might not be able to come back.

From that day on, the villagers of these three villages, especially the villagers of Gengjia Village, were panic-stricken and could not sleep at night.

If something like this happened, they would definitely be afraid of revenge from bandits.

Some people even hated those two heroes in their hearts, and they said in their hearts: These two killers don't have such big heads, but they have to wear such big hats.The bragging is really strong, such as "Tiger-armed Ming King" and "one-knife town Guanzhong", but it turned out that they were really pulled up the mountain, and they couldn't even beat a group of bandits.Now those bandits must think that you were invited by us, but in the end, don't they have to come to us to settle accounts?Who did we provoke?You two live and eat for free, and you have to be buried with you when you arrive?
Or else, it's hard to be a hero, but easy to be a thief?

Even if Xia's intentions are good, as long as it brings bad results, even if it costs his own life, he will be hated and abused by others.

People’s hearts are like this, if you were there, maybe you would think the same way.

"Eh? What's the situation?" When Huang Donglai stepped into the village entrance, he felt that something was wrong.

The sun hasn't set yet, why is there no one on the street in this village?
Looking around, the doors and windows of this house are closed, and even the buyers and sellers have not opened the door, just like a ghost village.

"No way? Is this haunted?" Sun Yixie's first reaction was also the same.

"Damn, in broad daylight, where are there so many ghosts?" Huang Donglai continued, "Something must have happened, the villagers are all hiding."

"What could happen?" Sun Yixie frowned again, and muttered with his mouth twisted, "Troublemaking?"

"Brother Sun, don't you go to the underworld and think about everything in the underworld?" Huang Donglai couldn't help complaining, "Although our journey is indeed going southwest, this is not to learn from the scriptures... Besides, If you really want to learn scriptures, then you, Sun, should be the least afraid of goblins, right?"

"Cut..." Sun Yixie curled his lips, "Then what are you talking about?"

"How do I know? Go and ask." Huang Donglai said, he got off his horse and walked unhurriedly along the road in the middle of the village.

Seeing this, Sun Yixie didn't say anything, he got off his horse and walked forward together.

The village was not too big, and the two of them didn't travel far before they saw the only small inn in the village. Of course, the door of the inn was also closed at this time.

clap clap-

"Store, open the door. We are on our way. It's getting late and we want to stay in the shop!" Huang Donglai is not bad at martial arts. Since he entered the village, he has noticed that there are pairs of eyes staring at the windows of many houses and shops. He was watching them, so at this moment, he also called the door directly when he knew there was someone behind the door of the inn, without mentioning the nonsense of "Is there anyone?"

However, his first sentence did not call the door open.

Huang Donglai was not in a hurry, anyway, he knew there was someone inside, so he knocked and shouted again.

Finally, when he yelled for the fifth time, a voice inside replied: "No business today, you go!"

"Hey! Is there any inn that doesn't do business?" Sun Yixie immediately became a little nervous when he heard this.

He was about to scold a few words, but Huang Donglai stopped him with his hand and winked.

Sun Yixie understood, suppressed his anger, and swallowed the words again.

After a short breath, Huang Donglai said in a harmonious voice: "Heh... the store, please help me. Look at this day, it is impossible for us to go into the mountains again right now? Why do we have to spend the night in this village tonight? "If you insist on not opening the shop, we will have to go door to door asking for a place to stay, or if that doesn't work, we will have to sleep on the streets of your village."

As soon as he said this, the villagers who were eavesdropping on their conversation on this street at the moment became anxious, thinking: shopkeeper, you should open the door, or they will come to knock on my door again as soon as they turn their heads.

The shopkeeper and the guy inside the door looked at each other, and then thought to themselves: Oh, whatever, just let it in, even if they are bad guys, they just came a day and a half earlier than those bandits.

So, he waved his hand and asked the clerk to open the shop.

"Both, please..." After the guy opened the door, he greeted with a sigh-like tone.

Sun and Huang didn't mind, they took off their luggage from the horse, carried it on their backs, and then walked into the store.

"Second brother, help us tie down the horse." Huang Donglai said casually after entering the house.

"Hey, okay..." The guy replied weakly, and then walked out slowly.

"The shopkeeper, let me open two upper rooms." Sun Yixie went directly to the shopkeeper who had already stood behind the counter.

"There is no room in this store. You two can choose two rooms at random and just move your luggage in." The shopkeeper's attitude was also absent-minded, with a frown on his face.

Sun and Huang exchanged glances and said nothing, they went to find a room and packed their luggage.

Not long after, they both turned back and sat down in the lobby: "Shopkeeper, cook some dishes and bring a pot of wine."

"The cook isn't here today, so I can't fry the dishes." The shopkeeper's response was still very cold, "There is wine, do you want more?"

Ordinarily, when encountering a shopkeeper with such an attitude, ordinary people will definitely turn their faces, even if they don't scold the street on the spot, they have to say a few words.

But Sun Yixie and Huang Donglai just didn't get angry today. When Sun Yixie heard this sentence, he stood up with a smile: "Well, then I can cook something by myself."

After all, he got up and went to the back kitchen.

Huang Donglai was not polite, he also stood up, walked around the inside of the counter, looked at the row of wine racks behind the cabinet and said, "Then I will pick a pot of wine."

The shopkeeper was also taken aback, thinking that these two boys really don't regard themselves as outsiders?
"Hey! You Xiaodao, you are the shopkeeper and I am the shopkeeper?" The shopkeeper smiled angrily at this time, and he didn't know what expression to use.

"If you are not polite to us, then we will not be polite to you either." Huang Donglai was also confident, and picked out the most expensive pot of wine from the wine rack.

"Huh?" The shopkeeper looked at it and said in his heart, "This little Taoist is quite knowledgeable. In my small shop, there is only one pot of Zhuyeqing that has been stored for ten years, which is regarded as the treasure of the shop. How can he pick it out?"

He didn't know that Huang Donglai's top-notch sense of smell, which he had cultivated from studying poisons since he was a child, could do it not to mention the trivial matter of picking a pot of good wine, but he could tell what the maker ate the day before by smelling manure.

Just as the shopkeeper was in a daze, the guy who was going to tie the horse also came in from the door, and happened to see Huang Donglai take the jug, cups and other things from the cabinet, come to the table and sit down.

"The shopkeeper...he is..." The man wanted to ask the shopkeeper what was going on.

At the same moment, there was a sound of "呲啦——" and the sound of cooking came from the back kitchen.

"Eh? Didn't Mr. Wang come here today? Who is cooking?" the waiter asked suspiciously.

The shopkeeper didn't answer him, but just stared at Huang Dong silently for a while, and then said: "Xiao Wu, you go and close the door first..."

"Uncle, what's going on?" The guy was still confused.

"Tsk, don't ask, just shut it down if you are told." The shopkeeper urged again.

"Well... okay." This guy is the shopkeeper's nephew, he is young, and he is more honest and obedient. He seldom talks back to his uncle, so he turned around and did as he did.

A few minutes later, Sun Yixie came out from the back kitchen with two steaming dishes.

He put the dish on the table and sat down boldly.

Huang Donglai poured two glasses of wine when he was seated: "Come on, let's have a drink first and eat slowly."

"Okay." Sun Yixie toasted with him, talking and laughing freely.

This pot of green bamboo leaves is really good, as soon as it was opened, there was a burst of fragrant smell, the two of them immediately had a great appetite after drinking this cup, and both of them took out the chopsticks from the chopstick holder and started to eat.

The shopkeeper and the buddy haven't eaten anything seriously today, and they are all a bit greedy.

After a while, after some psychological struggle, finally, the shopkeeper couldn't stretch himself anymore, he came to the table of the two of them, stood there and asked, "Both...sorry for my poor eyesight, I don't know what's wrong with you." Where is the sacred place?"

(End of this chapter)

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