Chapter 186
Remnant autumn, Frost's descent.

When the sun enters the ground, the Yin Qi begins to condense.

For the rich, this is not a special season, but for the poor, this may be the most bulging time of the year for their pockets.

At this time, farmers are busy with the last wave of autumn harvest, and sell all the crops that should be sold, and exchange them for cash for the New Year, while the remaining surplus grain is hoarded for the winter; those who work, They have to take advantage of the last half month before the beginning of winter to "work overtime", at least to earn a set of winter clothes that can survive the winter, otherwise they will not even be able to go out when winter comes.

Of course, there are some lazy people who eat and work as much as they eat, spend as much as they earn, and can’t save a penny; Those who came here for wages... Then they will have enough to suffer this winter.

If there are relatives and friends who are willing to help, at least lend some to let you get through it, that's all; if there is no one, go to the pawnshop to pawn the family's things, or even sell children and daughters; if there is no such thing... ...there is really only a dead end.

In those years, it was not uncommon for ordinary people to die of freezing and starvation in winter.

Of course, even in such a big environment, there is no shortage of thieves who take advantage of the fire to rob and steal the marrow.

After all... thieves have to spend the winter too.

How difficult it is for the rich to live in a deep house, to be hired by the caretaker, and to have a relationship with the government; but the poor are different, not to mention cheating and abducting you... it is just plundering, Even killing people to silence them, the government may not take the trouble to track them down.

Therefore, the time of the year when the pockets of the poor are the most bulging is also the time when the activities of the thieves are the most rampant.

In recent days, a new group of bandits has appeared in the Xingxingshan generation on the east bank of the Weishui River.

I don't know where they came from, but looking at the places where they robbed and robbed houses, I knew that they were veterans-they only picked the kind of three-way villages with several counties linked to each other, and only harassed a few small counties and towns around them. village.

In terms of business, they mainly rape and plunder, and try not to kill people if they can. It can be seen that they know how to get as much money as possible in one place without disturbing the government.

It's just such a group of people, today... something happened.

Two heroes who passed by here heard about this group of bandits from the local people, and they immediately expressed that they would go up the mountain to pick the village.

Of these two people, one is Liu Wusheng, nicknamed "Tiger Arm Ming King"; the other is Zou Baiqiu, nicknamed "One Sword Town Guanzhong".

Although these two people can barely qualify as second-rate characters in the martial arts world, they are both long-established knights, and they are both under forty, just in their prime; like "dealing with bandits" This kind of matter, if they come forward, it happens to be easy to catch.

On the day when Liu and Zou came to the town, they announced that they would stand up for the local people, and the people were very happy. They spent a lot of money and went out to invite the two of them to eat well and live well. Night.

The next morning, the two had a full sleep, ate something and drank some water, and they both went into the mountain.

The two of them have been walking in the rivers and lakes for almost 20 years, and they have a lot of experience. They both know that before fighting, they must have enough rest and must eat, but they should not eat too much.

Ordinarily, if they were more cautious, they should choose to rob the village at night, but according to what the people said, these bandits are not capable, they are just mobs who only know how to handle crops; Liu and Zou After thinking about it, with their martial arts and the two teaming up again, there is no need to make it so complicated to deal with this kind of gangster, so the daytime came.

Let's talk about Liu Wusheng, when he came to the gate of the village, he jumped on the wall without saying a word.

Even though the wall of the village is only two meters high, for those who know how to do light kung fu, anyone who has learned it for a year or so can climb it, but Liu Wusheng's hand still frightened the gangsters, and many of them directly Just froze there, not daring to move.

The few people who stepped forward to resist were also knocked to the ground by Liu Wusheng's three punches and two feet. Liu Wusheng even had a feeling of "they fell down before I did anything."

As a result, when the remaining bandits saw such a "martial arts" hero, they all dropped their weapons and kowtowed to plead guilty, begging Liu Wusheng to spare their lives.

When Liu Wusheng saw this, he burst out laughing, even if he ordered them to open the gate of the village, the bandits did as they were told, and soon let Zou Baiqiu in too.

Immediately afterwards, Liu and Zou drove all the bandits in the village into the prison they used to lock people up, and bolted the door from the outside.

After taking care of this group of miscellaneous fish, Liu Wusheng and Zou Baiqiu swaggered all the way into the inner hall of the village, ready to meet the owner of the village.

Accompanied by the sound of "pa", the two kicked open the door of the village owner's house and walked in.

"Who? Bold!" The village owner seemed to have some skills. When he saw Liu Zouzhi, he reacted quickly, and immediately grabbed the weapon at hand and killed him.

However, his saber technique was really clumsy, and he was defeated in less than five moves against Zou Baiqiu.

"Hero, spare your life! Hero, spare your life!" The village owner was no slower than his subordinates. As soon as the knife hit his neck, he knelt down without any psychological burden. !"

"Hmph! Out of helplessness?" Zou Baiqiu glared at him viciously, then glanced at the bed in the room, "The girl was also tied up out of helplessness?"

The "girl" he mentioned is currently being tied up with a few thick hemp ropes, hanging from a beam like a hairy crab, her mouth is also gagged, and there is a bed under her body .

"Hero, I was wrong! I... I was fascinated by sex for a while... I haven't touched that girl yet! If you don't believe me, you can ask her!" The village owner kowtowed for mercy while talking.

While he was saying these few words, on the other side, Liu Wusheng had already walked to the bed, cut the rope with the knife he carried with him, and put the girl down.

Since the girl's body was still some distance away from the bed, Liu Wusheng picked her up and put her on the bed.

But this catch made Liu Wusheng secretly startled, because he saw the girl's figure at first glance, he knew she was an adult, but when he caught her, he felt that her body was extremely light, as if she was boneless.

Surprised, Liu Wusheng couldn't help staring at the other party carefully: but saw that this woman, Fang Dang Shaoling, was born with fair skin and beautiful appearance, from a small family. Exquisite and exquisite.

Looking at it, Liu Wusheng met the other's gaze, and the moment their eyes met, the girl immediately lowered her head, her cheeks that were already flushed with embarrassment buried deeper.

Only then did Liu Wusheng realize that the girl was only wearing obscene trousers in a bellyband. It was really inappropriate for him to look at her like this, so he quickly looked away.

Don't think that Liu Wusheng is just a second-rate figure in Jianghu, he is a gentleman, a true knight; when he picked up the girl with his hands just now, he also carefully held her belly with one hand, but he didn't dare to go up or down Second half.

At this moment, Liu Wusheng couldn't help but feel a little ashamed when he thought of the act of staring at others just now, so he simply turned his back to the other person, cleared his throat, firstly, to resolve the embarrassment, and secondly, to open his mouth: "Girl, put on a quilt first."

Hearing this, the girl also slowly loosened the broken rope on her body, removed the cloth stuffed in her mouth, and responded with a voice like a mosquito screeching: "Thank you, hero, for saving your life." Then put the quilt on.

"Girl." Zou Baiqiu, who was a few meters away, saw that the other party seemed to be in a stable mood, so he asked, "Is what this bastard said true? He didn't do anything to you, did he?"

While Zou Daxia scolded the bastard, he kicked the village owner again.

After being kicked by him like this, the village owner screamed in pain, and rolled on the ground clutching his heart.

"What are you pretending to be?" This Zou Baiqiu hated these adulterers the most in his life, because his wife and child died at the hands of the adulterers, even though he had killed his enemies long ago, he still couldn't get over it for many years.

"He...not yet." The girl seemed to hesitate for a while, and then she blushed and replied in a very soft voice.

"Hero! I'm telling the truth! Just hold your hand high and let it go..." The village owner took advantage of the situation and began to beg for mercy again.

But Zou Baiqiu kicked him on the chin again, kicked his whole body into a backflip, and interrupted: "Shut up! This is not the case, but what about those women who were taken into the village by you before?" ? Today, you, Master Zou, will settle accounts with you!"

For a knight-errant like Liu Zou, when hunting for thieves, whether to kill or not to kill is usually on the mind of a single thought.

Those gangsters outside are regarded as accomplices for the time being. Liu and Zou don't have the energy to check which one of them got their life and which one didn't. Anyway, as long as the other side surrenders, it will be handed over to the government. What about the government? He may not be willing to suppress the bandits by himself, but he is still willing to ask for this kind of "merit" delivered to his door, and it is not a problem to offer some rewards.

But the village master of this group of bandits is the main culprit. Even if they are slaughtered on the spot, there will be no unjust, false or wrongful convictions. If you want to hand it over to the government, you can hand it over. If you don't, no one will pursue it.

Originally, Zou Baiqiu didn't necessarily want to kill someone today, but when he entered the house and saw a girl being hung up, his heart became angry, so now his murderous intentions arose.

Liu Wusheng wouldn't stop him either - there was nothing to stop him from killing a person who deserved to die.

However, when Zou Baiqiu raised his knife and slashed at the "vulnerable" village master who was lying on the ground...

The "Village Master" who had been beaten so helplessly just now suddenly seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and his movements became flexible.

Not only did he avoid Zou Baiqiu's knife, but he also quickly dodged aside and picked up the weapon that he had just thrown away.

At the same time, a few "Puff" sounds suddenly came from behind Liu Wusheng.

At this moment, Liu Wusheng, who was completely unguarded to his rear, was first hit hard with his fingers on the middle of the spine and the two acupoints of the Governor Vessel, and then he was kicked at the Xueqi acupoints on both knees and popliteal points on both sides. Immediately, his whole body was shocked Soft, knelt down.

And the moment he knelt down, a hemp rope was wrapped around his neck.

"You..." Liu Wusheng was shocked and angry, but he only had time to say this word before his throat was blocked.

Obviously, the girl who was tied up and hung up just now was not what they imagined...

Her body makes people feel lighter than she looks, not because of her special physique, but because she knows martial arts.

Although her martial arts is not very high, she may not be able to defeat Liu Wusheng in a fair contest, but it is more than enough to sneak up on a defenseless person from behind.

At this moment, two large acupoints on Liu Wusheng's spine were severely injured. Not to mention the "tiger arms", he couldn't lift his arms even if he wanted to, and his two legs lost strength due to the impact on the knee popliteal, so he could only Get on your knees.

The woman strangled Liu Wusheng's neck with a rope, raised her knees to harden the back of his neck, and then said, "Hero Zou, don't move!"

Seeing his friend being captured, Zou Baiqiu was startled and anxious. While guarding against the "Village Master" who picked up the knife again, he gritted his teeth at the woman and said, "So you are in the same group..."

"Hmph... If you want to blame it, blame your stupidity. Seeing that I am a woman and tied up again, you never doubted my identity at all." The woman sneered, "Stop rambling, put down the knife, or I will kill you!" Kill him!" Up to this point, the rope in her hands tightened a bit.

Zou Baiqiu didn't want to watch Liu Wusheng die like this, but if he really put down the knife, it would be difficult to deal with it later.

Just when he was hesitating...

"Don't...don't mind...I..." Liu Wusheng, whose face was already purple, managed to squeeze out these three words again from between his teeth.

Liu Wusheng knew very well that if Zou Baiqiu ignored him and continued to fight with these two people, at least Zou Baiqiu still had a chance to survive, but if Zou Baiqiu put down the knife, both of them would surely die today.

"You're courting death..." Seeing that Liu Wusheng was still talking like this, the woman continued to increase her strength.

"Ah—" The next second, Zou Baiqiu yelled wildly, and rushed towards the woman.

"Hmph..." The woman was cruel, seeing that the threat was useless, she strangled Liu Wusheng's neck without hesitation, and kicked the latter's body as a shield to kill Zou Baiqiu.

Seeing his friend die in front of him, Zou Baiqiu was very sad and indignant, he definitely couldn't bear to destroy his body, so he immediately deflected the blade and caught Liu Wusheng's body with his hands.

But at this moment, the "Village Lord" had already killed him from behind with a knife.

Zou Baiqiu heard the sound of the blade piercing the wind, hurriedly pushed Liu Wusheng's body aside, and turned around to meet him.

His saber technique is powerful and heavy, as fast as thunder, the power is really impressive, he has already cut three times in a flash.

Although the "Village Master" had already made a full-scale attack at this time and no longer "acted", he could only reluctantly parry and did not gain the upper hand.

But... right now it's not a one-on-one fight, nor is it a fight in the open space, but a two-on-one fight in a small space.

Zou Baiqiu finished three slashes, and was about to pursue him when the woman attacked him from the side.

This woman has an elegant body, a dignified fist, and her skill is even better than that of the "Village Master". Although she is still not as good as Zou Baiqiu, she can force him to retreat a few moves.

And the gap between these moves is enough—enough for the "Village Master" to use up the lime powder.

There is no doubt that these bandits don't talk about martial arts, let alone lime powder, they also use more poisonous methods.

As for today's scene, they undoubtedly planned it in advance.

Yesterday, when Liu and Zou made a high-profile announcement in the city that they would go up the mountain to pick a village, the news came from the eyes and ears of this group of bandits in the city.If the two of them had come overnight, maybe this group of people would not have been fully prepared, but if they had waited all night, everything would have been arranged.

Those bandit minions outside were indeed just like what the common people said, they were just mobs, and even if they all went together, they would not be able to pose any threat to Liu and Zou, so the two in the room simply ordered the minions under their command to take a little action. Fake surrender after a moment of resistance, and further relax the vigilance of those two heroes.

Then, the leaders of the two bandits used the inertial thinking of Liu and Zou to act out this play here.

Although there are many bandits in this world, there are not many female bandit leaders. Beautiful and extremely cunning female leaders are even rarer.

This woman has everything considered, even if Liu Wusheng hadn't untied her immediately, she would have been able to break free; what she and her comrades have to wait just the most suitable time.

Today, Liu Wusheng and Zou Baiqiu were planted here, and we can't say they were wronged, they could only be called fate...

This is the case in Jianghu. It does not mean that if you have the strength to do something, you will be able to do it. As long as there are one or two unexpected factors, the strong will most likely die in the hands of the weak.

Zou Baiqiu, who was blindfolded by lime powder, soon followed in Liu Wusheng's footsteps.

Afterwards, let's assume again, if Zou Baiqiu could decisively leave the room the moment Liu Wusheng was captured, leave his companions behind and run away immediately, then maybe he and Liu Wusheng would still have a chance to survive, because the bandits might be worried He asked the Venerable Master to make a comeback, leaving Liu Wusheng's life as a hostage.

It's a pity that he is not of that character, nor does he have the quick wit to settle this account in a hurry.

Looking at the two fallen corpses under his feet, the "Village Master" was silent for two seconds, put away his knife, and said to the woman, "Second Sister, what should I do next?"

That woman, who is the second in charge here, didn't even look at the dead body on the ground, so she said to the third child, "Bury it, does it stink in the house?"

"Uh..." The third master paused, and then said, "I mean...get rid of these two people, won't there be any future troubles?"

"It's okay, these two characters are not to be trifled with. If they are, they won't die in the hands of you and me." The woman replied, "Besides, the elder brother will be back in a few days. Even if someone more powerful than them comes to the door, so what?"

"Hmm...that makes sense." San Dangjia nodded, "Then I'll go and release those boys first, and let them carry them."

"Hold on."

"Second sister, what else can I order?"

"Tsk... drag them out first and cut off their heads, in case they are still alive... Also, you haven't searched for anything valuable on them yet."

"Oh! Yes, Second Sister is right, heh...look at my brain."

As the third child said, he dragged the corpses of Liu and Zou out with a smile.

When he was skillfully cutting his head outside, this "Second Sister" just lazily walked to the bed, picked up a few clothes and put them on, and said something in her mouth: "Huh... a hero, it's so easy to be a hero." ."

(End of this chapter)

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