I'm an immortal in heaven

Chapter 743 Your Loving Father Has Arrived

Chapter 743 Your Loving Father Has Arrived
Time flies, seven days have passed since Cen Biqing came to Xitianfu in the blink of an eye, and Cen Biqing had left Xitianfu and returned to Dongsheng Shenzhou five days ago.

A sword qi pierced the sky, tearing a void crack above Xuantai Pingyu Tianqiong. Although this void crack was instantly filled by the power of heaven and earth, this sword qi still revealed extremely terrifying power.

Fang Jian stood in the center of the Xitianfu school grounds, watching the place where Cai Cai's sword energy tore through the void just now, and slowly put the Taiyi golden lightsaber into the green bamboo scabbard.

"Chunyang swordsmanship really deserves its reputation." Fang Jian said slowly while holding the sword in his left hand.

During these five days, he had already mastered the cultivation of Chunyang swordsmanship, which can be regarded as initially making up for his own shortcomings in martial arts.

"Master Shangshu, good swordsmanship." Tang Yu clapped her hands and said in front of Fang Jian.

Fang Jian smiled faintly, looked at Tang Yu and said, "What's the matter?"

Tang Yu shook her head, and said, "No, that's why I came to ask Master Shang Shu for an errand."

Fang Jian glanced at Tangyu, and asked, "Isn't it the way of the Golden Immortal to catch and kill generals?"

Tangyu nodded and said, "Yes, Lord Shangshu."

"What is the realm of the physical body?" Fang Jian asked again.

Tangyu said: "Immortal true jade body."

"." Fang Jian was not only silent for a while, he was indeed the son of the demon emperor, and he was born to stand at the top.

Fang Jian said: "Very well, I have something here that I need you to do."

Tangyu's expression froze when she heard the words, then she bowed her hands and said, "Please give orders, Lord Shangshu."

Fang Jiandao: "To capture and kill the general, you will naturally be responsible for the capture and killing. I order you to lead a thousand generals to descend to the realm, and kill all the monsters who have eaten people in Shaluo's country on the spot."

Tang Yu was startled when she heard the words, and said, "Should they all be killed?"

"Yes." Fang Jian said: "As long as they have eaten people, they will all be killed."

As he said that, Fang Jian said again: "In my place, monsters and beasts can eat people, and wild beasts can eat people, but it is absolutely not allowed for spirits and demons who have already born wisdom to eat people, and they must strike hard!"

Monsters and wild beasts have no intelligence, they all look for food by instinct, so there is nothing wrong with cannibalism.

But the monster has already been born with spiritual wisdom. It only needs to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and the essence of the sun and the moon can be cultivated and fasted.

"Just fight under the banner of Xitianfu, and fight under the banner of Fang Jian." Fang Jian said, looking at Tang Yu.

Tang Yu looked into Fang Jian's gaze, and her heart froze for a moment, then she bowed and bowed, "Follow the law."

Shaluo Kingdom, Youling Gorge.

It is dark and humid all the year round, and the wind blows, and the ground is covered with bones.

Those bones include birds, beasts, and humans, but most of them are human bones, just like that, randomly scattered in the mud passages on both sides of Youling Gorge.

As the owner of Youling Gorge, the ten thousand-year toad spirit of Xuanxian Dao practice, as long as every leap month, he will order his subordinates to catch some human beings to feed him. For a long time, it has become a ritual.

"Those annoying monks are gone." From the Youling Gorge cave, came the rough voice of Toad Jing.

"The original more than 100 monasteries have become the current seven monasteries. How does this affect my Youling Gorge?" Toad Spirit sat on his throne, looking at the demons below and said.

The monsters below looked at me and I looked at you, but in the end they didn't say a word, didn't say a word.

And Toad Spirit didn't care, the monsters below would only listen to him, although they were a little stupid, they were loyal and easy to use.

"It's the moon again tonight." Toad Jing said slowly.

The monsters below immediately understood, and saw a real fairyland, and a toad spirit with a face full of scorpions came out and said: "Report to Your Majesty, the sacrificial meat is ready."

Another Toad Spirit from the Real Wonderland also jumped out and said, "Go back to your lord, the spirit wine is also ready."

Toad Jing nodded, and said: "Very well, then go to Feiyu Mountain to invite cards immediately."

The third True Wonderland Toad Essence immediately responded, and then quickly left the Youling Gorge Cave Mansion, and drove the black cloud towards Feiyu Mountain.

Feiyu Mountain is 570 miles away from Youling Gorge. The owner of Feiyu Mountain is named 'Qingyu Fairy', who is also a Daoist in Xuanxian Realm, but in terms of physical martial arts, he is weaker than Toad.

This Qingyu Fairy is the 'Bai Feiyan' from Xiniu Hezhou who has cultivated Taoism, and Feiyu Mountain is her dojo.

At the beginning, Fairy Qing Yu met Ha Mo Jing when she was passing through Youling Gorge, and then Ha Mo Jing fell in love with him, and has been pursuing her for tens of thousands of years.

In order to please Fairy Qingyu, the toad spirit would set up a human feast in Youling Gorge every leap month, and invite Fairy Qingyu to the banquet.

Fairy Qingyu doesn't eat human flesh, so she would reject Hama Jing's invitation every time at the beginning.

But every time if the invitation is rejected, Ha Mo Jing will bring the unfinished human flesh to Feiyu Mountain to visit, which annoys Fairy Qingyu very much.

So starting from 7000 years ago, Fairy Qingyu would come to the banquet as long as the Toad Spirit invited her, but she would only eat a little spiritual fruit and drink a little spiritual wine symbolically, and then watch the Toad Spirit eat human flesh.

Fairy Qingyu dislikes Toad Jing very much, but she knows that her strength is not as good as that of Toad Jing, so she will not provoke him, but she is also trying to find a way to leave Shaluo Kingdom and choose another dojo to settle down elsewhere.

But Xiniu Hezhou's Dongtian blessed land occupies one less, and Fairy Qingyu has not found a suitable place to open up a dojo for so many years, so she has been harassed by the toad spirit all the time.

This time was no exception. When she received the invitation, she first agreed. After the Toad Spirit who sent the invitation left, Fairy Qingyu's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

However, this time I still have to go. Fairy Qingyu feels very helpless in her heart, but she will not go there too early, but wait until the time is almost up before going. Just leave after eating human flesh.

Three hours later, the sky was getting dark, and Fairy Qingyu came to the sky above Youling Gorge in a clear cloud.

And in Youling Gorge, Toad Spirit had already set up a huge formation to welcome Fairy Qingyu.

When the figure of Fairy Qingyu appeared in the sky above Youling Gorge, the group of demons in Youling Gorge below immediately cheered and greeted Fairy Qingyu under the order of Ha Jing.

Fairy Qingyu frowned slightly, the breeze in the Youling Gorge carried a nasty stench, she suppressed the discomfort in her heart, and then she was about to ride the clear clouds down.

But at this moment, a fiery wind suddenly blew into Youling Gorge from top to bottom, and the fire wind continued continuously, continuously blowing into Youling Gorge, instantly changing the gloomy and humid Youling Gorge. Get a scorching heat.

Fairy Qingyu soon felt a burst of heat that she couldn't bear, and at the same time, a white mist rose from the entire Youling Gorge, which was the mist from the evaporated water vapor in the Youling Gorge.

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded in the Youling Gorge, it was the voice of the toad spirit: "He Fangxiao is young, how dare you stir up wind and fire in my Youling Gorge!"

With the sound of drinking, the toad spirit has already leaped from the Youling Gorge to the top of the cloud, holding a magic weapon of Xuanxian level 'black pattern axe' in his hand.

The toad turned her head and smiled at Fairy Qingyu and said, "Fairy, don't be alarmed, wait until I kill this reckless thief, and then I will sit opposite the fairy and enjoy the moon."

When Fairy Qingyu heard this, a stiff smile appeared on her face.

But at the moment above the sky, there is a fairy cloud slowly falling down, and the 'Fire Wind' that blows into the Youling Gorge is blown from above the fairy cloud.

The next moment, the celestial cloud hovered over Youling Gorge, and then Fairy Qingyu saw banners flying above the celestial cloud, and there were many figures.

Immediately afterwards, four huge, glittering golden banners were suddenly erected on the fairy cloud. From left to right, they were: the big banner of "Shangshu of Xitianfu", the banner of "Shenjun of Duanjie Mountain", and the banner of "Hongqing Zhenren" Big banner and a big banner of 'Xiniu Hezhou Loving Father'.

As the son of the demon emperor and a native of Beiju Luzhou Immortal, Tangyu certainly knew Fang Jian's title of "Xihuazhou" loving father.

This time Fang Jian asked him to play the banner, Tangyu thought about it, and felt that the three banners of the Shangshu of Xitianfu, the God of Duanjie Mountain, and the Daoist Hongqing were not enough majesty, so she had an idea and called the "benevolent father of Xihuazhou" The banner was changed to the banner of 'Xiniu Hezhou Loving Father'.

Tangyu felt that this change was very good, not only mighty and domineering, but also able to tell all living beings in Xiniu Hezhou in a concise and concise manner: the merciful and merciful father Hongqing who saves the suffering is here!

Fairy Qingyu naturally didn't know the term 'benevolent father', but even so, when she saw the three big banners in front of her, she still showed a look of panic.

"Master Hongqing!" Fairy Qingyu murmured in shock.

It is the one who destroyed Guangfa Temple, killed the five immortals of Haitang Lin, killed two elders of Bukong Temple, forced two to retreat, and forcibly subdued all Buddhist temples in Shaluo Kingdom, including Bukong Temple, and forced more than 100 Buddhist temples Hongqing real person who merged temples into seven temples!
There was an earthquake in Fairy Qingyu's pupils. So far, the only person who has been able to do this in Xiniu Hezhou and the Buddhist territory without doing anything is the real person Hongqing, Shangshu of Xitianfu.

This is a real ruthless person.And now that this ruthless person has appeared in Youling Gorge, Fairy Qingyu can probably guess what will happen next.

Naturally, the Toad Spirit also saw those big banners, and there was a violent shock and panic in his heart.

But the beauty in his heart was watching behind him, and the toad spirit naturally refused to admit that he had lost face, so he bite the bullet and shouted above the fairy cloud: "The person who came is the real person Hongqing, Shangshu of Xitianfu?"

The fairy cloud slowly dispersed, revealing Tangyu's shocking face, even Fairy Qingyu felt ashamed when she saw Tangyu's face.

Ha Toa Jing was no exception, he stared blankly at Tang Yu, and after a while he realized that the corner of his mouth was dripping with saliva for a long time.

"." Tangyu saw the toad spirit staring blankly at her drooling, and suddenly her heart throbbed, "Disgusting!" Tangyu cursed in a low voice.

Then he looked at Toad Jing with a serious expression and said: "I am the West Heaven Mansion to capture and kill General Tang Yu, and I come here to kill you, a monster that endangers the world, under the decree of Daoist Hong Qing."

(End of this chapter)

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