Chapter 742
In Hongde Hall, Fang Jian ordered God to make a pot of spiritual tea for Cen Biqing, and he did not sit back on the Shangshu seat above the hall steps, but set up a table in the hall to sit opposite Cen Biqing.

Fang Jian personally picked up the white jade teapot and poured a cup of tea for Cen Biqing and himself. After putting down the teapot, he asked, "Why is Qing Fairy free to visit me?"

Cen Biqing smiled and said: "The first-rank immortal official in the heavenly court personally made tea for me, a demon immortal. I'm afraid there are not many people who can get this kind of treatment."

Fang Jian also smiled and said: "Qing Fairy is wrong. There are not a few first-rank fairy officials who make tea for Yaoxian, but there are not many Yaoxian who can make tea for Daoist Hongqing himself."

When Cen Biqing heard this, he couldn't help covering his mouth and smiling, and looked at Fang Jian with starry eyes and said, "You have changed a lot."

"Huh?" Fang Jian was a little surprised, looked down at himself, and said, "What changed?"

"The official prestige has become greater." Cen Biqing pondered for a while after finishing speaking, and then said: "No, it should be that the divine prestige has increased."

Fang Jian burst into laughter when he heard the words, and then said to Cen Biqing, "Fairy Qing can speak flattery now."

Cen Biqing was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and then became a little nervous, and quickly took a sip of the spiritual tea from the cup in front of him.

After putting down the teacup, Cen Biqing's expression returned to normal, and then Fang Jian said: "Actually, I am here this time, one is to visit you, and the other is that you have not received the dividends for the past hundred years, so this time I specially sent them to you. "

Fang Jian sighed when he heard this, and said, "I really regret what you said."

"Huh?" Cen Biqing was a little surprised, "How do you say that?"

Fang Jian said: "If I had gone to get it a few years ago, what I got would be merit, but now I can only get robbery jade."

Cen Biqing was a little puzzled by Fang Jian's words, and asked, "Why is merit important to you?"

Fang Jian nodded and said, "Very important."

Cen Biqing also felt a little regretful when he heard the words, but instead complained: "It's your own fault too, you have hardly been to Lingxia Mountain in the past 100 years, and I couldn't find you even if I tried to find you, it's all your own fault. "

Seeing Cen Biqing's angry and complaining appearance, Fang Jian couldn't help laughing and said, "Fairy Qing is right, it's all my own fault, so how much dividend will Fairy Qing give me this time?"

Speaking of this, Cen Biqing regained his energy immediately, and saw her clear eyes shining brightly, and asked Fang Jian, "Guess the number!"

Fang Jian pondered for a moment, and said, "One hundred thousand!"

Cen Biqing shook his head and said, "Less, be bolder."

Fang Jian guessed again: "50?"

Cen Biqing smiled slightly, picked up the teacup and took another sip of spiritual tea and said, "I didn't expect Daoist Hongqing to be so famous, but the structure is so small. Guess again."

Fang Jian thought about it carefully this time, and said, "One hundred million?"

"Pfft!" Cen Biqing squirted out a mouthful of tea, then she quickly put down the teacup, blushing slightly and said, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Fang Jian said with a smile.

Cen Biqing took out a silk handkerchief and wiped the corners of her mouth, then said to Fang Jian: "Your span is too big!"

Fang Jian smiled and said, "Didn't you say that I am small?"

Cen Biqing rolled her eyes, "You said it was so big, my sense of accomplishment disappeared all of a sudden."

"Haha." Fang Jian smiled, and then said: "How much did Qing Fairy earn these years? Can you tell me?"

Cen Biqing didn't hold back any more at this moment, but took out five storage bags from his sleeves, put them on the table and said: "Excluding my dividends and various expenses, as well as the dividends for everyone in Lingxia Mountain, what's left is These are all yours, a total of 560 kalpa jade."

Now it was Fang Jian's turn to be shocked, "So, there are more than 100 million kalpa jade in each storage bag?"

"Yes." Seeing Fang Jian's shocked expression, Cen Biqing smiled smugly, "The business of Lingxia Mountain has expanded to the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou and Xiniu Hezhou, and even Beiju Luzhou has also expanded to a certain extent."

Hearing this, Fang Jian couldn't help giving Cen Biqing a thumbs up, "You are too strong, Fairy Qing, it seems that I still underestimate you! Now you are richer than [-]% of the gods in Yanfu Great World."

Cen Biqing, who heard Fang Jian's praise, was very happy, and the joy in his eyes almost overflowed.

However, the smile on Cen Biqing's face soon disappeared again, and he said to Fang Jian: "It's just a pity, the business of immortal medicine will not be easy in the future."

"What's going on?" Hearing this, Fang Jian asked quickly, "Is there any accident?"

Cen Biqing shook his head and said, "Isn't this the catastrophe of the Dharma? The spiritual energy in the world is exhausted. If Lingxia Mountain's elixir and elixir only rely on the Jianchi to supply the spiritual energy, the growth cycle will be slowed down, and the scale will also be reduced."

Fang Jian nodded, and said, "This is something that can't be helped. It's okay. Take your time. It's better than nothing."

"Yeah." Cen Biqing nodded, and then said a little dejectedly: "One more thing, because the Jade Emperor has signed the Heavenly Tribulation, the price of Penglai grass has plummeted, and it is almost the same as the price of cabbage."

Fang Jian smiled when he heard the words, and was very familiar with Cen Biqing's metaphor, "Penglai fairy grass used to be the main medicine for refining and picking the real immortal fruit elixir, but now becoming an immortal depends on crossing catastrophe instead of elixir, and the price will naturally plummet .”

Hearing Fang Jian's comfort, Cen Biqing turned his worries into joy, and then said: "But this catastrophe is also good. Last time I beat a Taiyi Xuanxian to the ground, hahaha, it's a pity you didn't See! It's almost impossible for something like this to happen before."

"." Fang Jian looked at Cen Biqing and said, "You don't often find people to fight with, do you?"

"Of course I won't find someone to fight with often." Cen Biqing said: "Occasionally."

Fang Jian stroked his forehead and said, "Let's not do it, it doesn't matter if you beat others, but it will be bad if you are beaten."

"Are you worried about me?" Cen Biqing asked, looking straight at Fang Jian.

Fang Jian picked up the teapot and poured tea for Cen Biqing, and said, "Of course I am worried about you. If you are injured, who will run the Lingxia Mountain Medicine Garden."

"Hmph." Cen Biqing took a sip of spirit tea and said angrily, "I am your puppet!"

Fang Jian looked at Cen Biqing and smiled, "No, the puppet is not as beautiful as you."

"." Cen Biqing heard the words, the anger on her face disappeared, and it was replaced by a layer of light pink. She didn't speak anymore, but quietly drank tea with the teacup in her hands.

At this moment, General Fatan, General Pomiao, Resignation Envoy, and Heavenly Shougong walked into the Hongde Hall together. As soon as they entered, General Fatan said, "Master Shangshu, Lord Shangshu."

"Hey, hey." The Ultimatum Emissary hurriedly pulled General Fa Tan back, and then looked at Cen Biqing.

General Fa Tan also found Cen Biqing at this time, he was taken aback for a moment, shut up and stopped for a while, standing there neither advancing nor retreating.

But Fang Jian turned around and looked at the four of General Fa Tan and said, "What's the matter?"

General Fa Tan was stunned for a moment, and then pushed to the front by the three people behind him, he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Master Shang Shu, the new general who catches and kills has arrived."

Fang Jian frowned and asked, "Where is it?"

General Fa Tan quickly said, "I'll see you outside the hall."

Hearing this, Cen Biqing got up quickly and said, "Then you do your work first, I'll go first."

Fang Jian smiled and said, "No rush, what's the rush, just sit down obediently."

"." Cen Biqing blinked, and finally sat down.

At this time, Fang Jian said to General Fatan: "I will hold a banquet in Hongde Hall, and I will clean up the dust for Fairy Qing and General Catching and Killing."

However, when the new General Catching and Killing visited Fang Jian, Fang Jian said in astonishment, "Why are you?"

Cen Biqing also looked at the 'beautiful man' in amazement, and after hearing Fang Jian's question 'Why are you', a different emotion suddenly appeared in his eyes.

I saw the new general who caught and killed in front of me dressed in Qingyu Xiayi, his face was like white jade, his eyes were like clear springs, his fairy posture was slim, his figure was slim, and he had jasper and soft skin. When he looked at Fang Jian, he was reserved and timid, which made people Can't help feeling sorry for
No, suddenly, Cen Biqing discovered a strange place, why does this 'beautiful man' have an Adam's apple?
Cen Biqing took a closer look, and then was even more surprised, because the masculinity of a man in this 'beauty' in front of him was obviously more than the femininity of a daughter.

"Could it be that he's a man?" Cen Biqing thought to himself.

Cen Biqing guessed right, this person was Tang Yu, the son of the Demon Emperor Jun and the Demon Queen Chang Yi.

Fang Jian really didn't expect that Taixuandu Province would send Tangyu to Xitianfu to take over the post of General Catching and Killing!

"Fairy Qing, this fellow Taoist is named Tangyu, the son of Emperor Jun, the master of Qingxiao Treasure Realm, and Changyi, the queen of demons, and is currently the general of the West Heaven Mansion to catch and kill." Fang Jian got up and introduced to Cen Biqing.

When Cen Biqing heard the word "son of son", he felt relaxed for some reason, but when he thought of Tangyu's origin and background, he couldn't help being startled again. This background is really big enough, Fang Jian Can you hold him down?
Fang Jian, who was talking to Tang Yu, naturally didn't know that Cen Biqing was already worried about whether he could suppress this subordinate with a great background.

But after exchanging salutes with Tangyu, and hearing Tangyu's next words, Cen Biqing's doubts and worries disappeared in an instant.

"Master Shangshu, I can finally work under your hands." Tangyu blushed with excitement, "Tangyu has been looking forward to it for a long time."

Fang Jian was stared at by Tangyu with the eyes of a very eager little fan, and he felt chills all over his body, but he still forcibly overcame the psychological difficulties, and said to Tangyu with a smile: "Okay, today is a good day , Firstly, Fairy Qing came to Xitian Mansion, and then the new General Catching and Killing came to take up his post. I have given orders to hold a banquet in this Hongde Hall to cleanse Fairy Qing and General Catching and Killing."

As soon as Fang Jian finished speaking, dozens of gods and generals had set up a banquet in the Hongde Hall, and then General Fa Tan stepped forward and said: "Sir Shangshu, the banquet has been set up."

Hearing this, Fang Jian quickly said to Cen Biqing and Tang Yu: "Fairy Qing, please kill the general."

Afterwards, Fang Jian, Cen Biqing, Tang Yu, the general who cut down the altar, the general who broke the temple, the envoy who transferred the ultimatum, and the general who guarded the palace sat down at the banquet, and those generals continued to bring immortal wine and delicacies, fairy fruits and delicacies, and spirits to the banquet. Danbao soup served at the banquet one by one
(End of this chapter)

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