hey demon

Chapter 1130

Chapter 1130
Time flies, and 30 years have passed. In the past 30 years, the influence of Yin Mingtian on the Taixuan Realm has become more and more serious. Ghosts and creatures appear frequently in various places, and chaos has emerged.

In the middle of the earth, in the early morning, the fog is like thick ink, rendering the world.

At a certain moment, the golden crow crowed, and a round of orange-red sun rose from the east, shedding endless brilliance, reflecting on the Middle Earth, and dispelling the fog. If you observe carefully, you will find that there is another round of sun standing in the sky, but its brilliance is dim , it is difficult to be found under the light of the orange-red sun, and there are two days in the sky.

"The sun is coming out."

"Thank you for the protection of the True God Patrol."

Watching this round of orange-red sun rise like in the past, Wan Ling naturally felt a surge of joy in his heart, and some people even began to prostrate spontaneously. The invasion of Yin and Ming has never stopped in the past 30 years, precisely because of this round of sun. Only by shining, can Middle Earth never be engulfed by darkness, leaving behind a glimmer of light.

The sun rises and sets, and the day passes quickly. When night falls, the sun quietly sets among the mountains.

On Longhu Mountain, the stars are shining. At a certain moment, a golden crow pulls a cart to tear the night and returns. It looks like a sun from a distance.

Looking at such a scene, the stars condense, and Zhuang Yuan's figure quietly manifests.

"Disciple Jiang Ning pays respects to Uncle Zhuang Yuan."

As the golden crow fell, a figure in a scarlet robe walked out of the chariot and bowed down to Zhuang Yuan. It was Jiang Ning, a disciple of the third generation of Longhu Mountain. The rising sun is more like a true god in the world than a practitioner.

"How does it feel to fulfill the responsibilities of a god with a human body?"

With his gaze lowered, Zhuang Yuan looked at Jiang Ning carefully.

The sun in the eyes of the creatures in Middle-earth is actually the Great Formation of Burning Heaven built by Longhu Mountain with the Golden Crow as its core. It was embedded in the heaven and earth net by Zhuang Yuan with the supernatural power of the formation. It can patrol Middle-earth according to a fixed trajectory every day, refining the rising Yin Qi , transforming into yang qi to give back to all spirits, so as to maintain the fragile balance between yin and yang.

And during this process, because of people's primitive worship of the sun, a sun god began to conceive spontaneously. After realizing this sign, Longhushan took advantage of the trend and created the so-called sun patrolling god, and in just 30 years Over the years, he successfully refined the virtual into the real, and tempered the god of the Sun Patrol God from the complex thoughts of incense.

This is much faster than the God of Yin Tianzi, and the reason why this phenomenon occurs is that people have a hot demand for sunlight in this era, and the second is because the personality of the true god of patrolling the sun is lower than that of Yin Tianzi. In the explanation given by Longhushan, the True God of Patrolling the Sun is also the god of the Yin Emperor.

"Returning to Master Uncle, this disciple has performed the responsibility of the true god of patrolling the sun this year, and I have felt a lot. After becoming a god, the barrier between heaven and earth and me has been reduced a lot. I seem to be able to touch the way of the sun with my hand... ·”

Knowing the importance of this matter, Jiang Ning immediately expressed his feelings over the past few days.

He fulfilled the responsibilities of the gods with his own body. This was not only an opportunity given to him by the sect, hoping to help him pass that crucial step as soon as possible, but also a test for the sect.

Ever since Montenegro was determined to take the route of the Yin Emperor, Longhushan has not stopped researching on the Houtian Shinto. They have worked together and made many achievements over the years, the most important of which is to use the human body to hold the authority of the gods.

This is not conferring the gods in the body, but using the gods as tools. Compared with practitioners, gods are in charge of the power of heaven and earth, and they are undoubtedly closer to heaven and earth. For them, the law of the great way is actually not Not so ethereal.

If this idea can be successful, then the disciples of Mount Longhu can understand the world and the law in this way, which will be of great benefit to practice.

However, although this idea is good, it is not easy to realize it. After all, the god position itself is a kind of illusory existence to the extreme. Later, it was Zhang Chunyi who made a move to make it take a crucial step, but even so, it was not enough. imperfect.

Listening to Jiang Ning's narration, Zhuang Yuan's brows sometimes frowned and sometimes relaxed. The advantages of using a human body to act as a god are obvious, but the disadvantages are not small. Jian, it is easy to get dusty in the mind and ruin one's own path, and the cause and effect involved are even more complicated, and it is more troublesome to cut it off in the end. In addition, it is difficult for the agent to fully display the power of the god.

Jiang Ning himself is a pseudo-immortal, and the True God Xunri is a god comparable to a real immortal. He cannot truly show the power of the True God Xunri. To a certain extent, the greater the gap between the god and the practitioner, the greater the The greater the pressure, the greater the pressure, if he is not a genius, with a firm heart, and has his own understanding of the way of the sun, it is impossible to persist until now.

"There is a long way to go, and further improvement is needed."

Thoughts were churning in his heart, Zhuang Yuan let out a soft sigh.

"In the future, you will have to work hard for a period of time to continue to perform the duties of the true god of patrolling the sun. You are also the only suitable candidate for me at Longhu Mountain. Don't stop, tell me immediately."

Looking at Jiang Ning, Zhuang Yuan exhorted.

Hearing this, Jiang Ning bowed to answer.

"In addition, Yuling ascended to immortality on Peach Mother Mountain not long ago."

Looking at Jiang Ning, Zhuang Yuan added.

With the arrival of the Yin and Ming Era, although the environment is becoming more and more yin and dark, the inspirations between the heaven and the earth are becoming more and more intense. In this process, Yan Yuling also gained a lot of benefits. Not long ago, she finally knocked on the fairy gate, turned mortals into immortals, and became the first true immortal among the three generations of disciples of Longhushan.

Hearing this, Jiang Ning was taken aback for a moment, and then a happy smile appeared on his face. The world is difficult, and it is a great thing for the sect to have one more true immortal, and as a senior brother, he is also happy for Yan Yuling to achieve such an achievement .

"Is there any urgency in your heart?"

I don't know what came to mind, looking at Jiang Ning, Zhuang Yuan suddenly asked such words.

Hearing this, Jiang Ning shook his head.

"In the past, I was really anxious. After all, I was a so-called big brother, but acting as a god, I peeked into the vastness of the world. I was not in a hurry. The sun is just at its peak, but it also has a gentle side. In the past, I After all, it was a little impetuous.”

With a low voice, Jiang Ning expressed his thoughts.

Seeing Jiang Ning like this, Zhuang Yuan was quite satisfied.

"If you want to achieve golden elixir, yin and yang are actually a good way. At the beginning, Master used the way of yin and yang to open up a small world and refine a golden elixir. If you can realize a little bit of yin in the extreme yang, you may gain something."

Leaving a sentence, Zhuang Yuan's figure disappeared, and this sentence can be said now. Not only is it useless to say it early, but it may have the opposite effect. Enlightenment, teachers and fellow Taoists can only help at critical moments.

Hearing this, Jiang Ning seemed to be hit in the heart by something, Jiang Ning stayed where he was, and didn't recover for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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