hey demon

Chapter 1129

Chapter 1129

In the blessed land of Huangting, the crescent moon hangs high, filled with mist, and it looks hazy under the moonlight.

Lanyue Peak, the Taiyin laurel stretches its body, the osmanthus trees are full of buds, and there is already a dark fragrance floating, and under the laurel tree, a black tiger full of purple aura is lying on its side, as if sleeping soundly, and the whole body exudes a breath of fresh air. The imposing manner of the soul makes people dare not approach, it is Montenegro.

During this period of time, the Yin Mingtian was very turbulent. Although it was favored by the Yin Mingtian, it had a great relationship with the death of Yan Luo and the ghosts, so it stayed in the blessed land of Huang Ting during this period of time. One is to avoid the limelight, and the other is to try to refine the essence of Yama.

Hum, the hexagonal samsara disk is reflected, Black Mountain revolves life and death, constantly melting the essence of Yama, trying to integrate it with himself, but that essence is extraordinary, no matter how samsara wears it down, it will never move.

"Is it still not possible?"

The figure manifested, looking at such a black mountain, Zhang Chunyi knew that it was still unsuccessful.

Sensing Zhang Chunyi's appearance, Hei Shan opened his eyes, which were pitch black, with a blue light shining inside.

Roar, let out a low growl, shake himself up, and Montenegro stood up.

Spiritual thoughts agitated, and Heishan shared his understanding during this period of time.

The essence of Yan Luo does not reject it, but it is like a stubborn stone, which cannot be blown by wind or poured by water.

Hearing this, Zhang Chunyi frowned slightly. Although he had expected this kind of situation, he was somewhat disappointed when it really happened. The only thing to be thankful for was that Yama Essence did not reject Montenegro.

"The old Yan Luo has just fallen, and the new Yama has not yet been born. If you want to change your life and become Yama, now is probably the best opportunity. If you miss this opportunity, it will be very difficult to change."

Looking at Montenegro, Zhang Chun's expression was quite serious.

Hearing this, Heishan's tiger's face was also full of solemnity. Although it was favored by Yin Mingtian, it was not really chosen by Yin Mingtian after all. If it wanted to become Yama, it had to change its fate against the sky.

Although this essence of Yan Luo makes it qualified to be on the position of Yan Luo, this alone is not enough.

"Although there is no essence, you have already mastered most of the reincarnation. In addition to winning the death of a different body and destroying a hundred ghosts, you can become the de facto son of the Yin Emperor and set an order that belongs to the Yin."

"This is the secret method of sealing. Next, you need to comprehend this secret method, and then condense a god to control the dark and dark. Acquired gods are often born from the idea of ​​incense, and the gods are the best at turning fiction into reality. As long as you have a name , With this essence of Yama as the foundation, and the support of the true fire of samadhi, you may not be able to use the power of the divine way to refine this essence of Yama, make up for the deficiency, and become the real Son of Heaven."

Thinking about it, Zhang Chunyi gave another solution.

Knowing that the change of fate was not so smooth, this is another method Zhang Chunyi deduced during this period, but it is not perfect, and there are many ties involved if he wants to follow the way of God.

Hearing this, his heart was touched, and Montenegro nodded, which seemed to be a good choice.

After receiving the mysterious method given by Zhang Chunyi, Heishan fell into comprehension.

Looking at such a black mountain, Zhang Chunyi remained silent.

The Houtian Shinto is indeed a great way, but it is not easy to walk through it, and there are many obstacles inside. I don’t know how much it will cost just to condense an illusory Yin Tianzi god, because this god His personality is too high, if it is not for the essence of Yan Luo in his hands, it is almost impossible for this god to become a reality.

"Hundred ghosts are born in accordance with the destiny, and they are born with part of the dark luck. If Heishan really wants to follow the path of the Yin emperor, I need to gather back the roots of the wandering ghosts."

"It's not difficult to do this, but it just needs to pay some extra price, sooner rather than later."

Constantly perfecting the thoughts in his heart, Zhang Chunyi's figure disappeared.

In the following time, a group of elite disciples and elders from Longhushan were transferred, and they began to prepare for the creation of a god. For this reason, Zhang Muchen, who has been named the true god of expelling thunder and subduing demons, deliberately walked out of his own gods and came to Longhu Mountain.

Collecting their hard work, a relatively complete set of plans for conferring the gods began to take shape, confirming the three elements of conferring the gods, divine fire, divine power, and divine domain. Come on, the realm of the gods is formed after the idea of ​​incense permeates the heaven and the earth, and it needs to move the heaven and the earth.

It is actually not easy to create a god from scratch, especially when there is no god position that needs to be condensed on its own. The Middle Earth has sheltered hundreds of millions of living beings, and occupies five lands of reincarnation. It has initially established order in the underworld, controlled many ghosts, and has a sufficient foundation. great supernatural powers.

And with the formulation of the plan, with Longhushan behind the push, a god of the underworld named Yin Tianzi soon appeared in Middle Earth. It is rumored that he sits in Yinming, controls the six reincarnations, controls life and death, rewards good and punishes Evil has supreme power.

Those who have done good deeds and accumulated virtues in life will receive blessings after death, and can enter the three good ways of human beings, asuras, and heavenly beings. Detachment.

With the spread of similar remarks, coupled with the miracles that appeared from time to time, the creatures of Middle Earth suddenly became more awed by this god of the underworld. In this era of harsh environment, the soil for the survival of Shinto is unexpectedly Fertile, especially the god of the underworld, nowadays, no one dares to say that the ghosts and gods are all illusory when they come down to ordinary people and go up to immortals.

The existence of ghosts is a well-known fact, and it is a rule that everyone follows not to go out when it is dark. In order to ensure the stability of Middle-earth, whenever night comes and the sun's brilliance completely dissipates, Longhu Mountain will be destroyed. Sending Yin soldiers to patrol the Middle Earth, but even so, there are still endless incidents of human beings being harmed by ghosts. Even if they bump into the patrolling Yin soldiers and are invaded by their Yin energy, ordinary people will inevitably suffer from serious illness.

In such an era, ordinary human beings are really too fragile. Without the protection of immortal cultivators, they will soon be reduced to the blood of all kinds of ghosts and ghosts, and it has become a norm to seek the protection of gods.

After spreading the corresponding reputation, under the impetus of Longhu Mountain, temples of the Son of Heaven have sprung up in various parts of Middle-earth like mushrooms after a spring rain. Self-proclaimed, this makes the status of Emperor Yin even more outstanding, and the incense is flourishing day by day.

"The seed has been planted, but it is not known when it will bear fruit."

On Longhu Mountain, the eyes of magic reflected the sky and the earth. Zhang Chunyi watched this scene quietly. He had recovered all the roots of the ghosts that had wandered outside, and the price was the need to refine a few resurrection pills and human yuan great pills.

(End of this chapter)

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