Mystery: Higher-Dimensional Overlookers

Chapter 26 Publishing Tasks

Chapter 26 Publishing Tasks
Unique wide chin, ancient knight's hair bun, eyes with a cold smile... Hugh Dilcha was half lying and half sitting on the sofa, carefully studying the sketch given by Audrey.Forsi lazily straightened her body, and took a long breath:

"Hugh, it's too difficult. Not only is the scope of the search too large, this person also has the ability to transform into other people's appearances. Even Extraordinary people like us have no way to find him in this situation—— The commission Miss Audrey gave us is not simple, maybe we need some other help." Fors flopped on the sofa a few times, and finally turned into a salted fish, lying there too lazy to move.

"Perhaps we can investigate from these aspects..." Xio thought, tapping the table unconsciously with his fingers, "I'm in charge of collecting information, and you can summarize the pile of gold pounds, no, the hobbies and characteristics of that pirate general."

Xianyu immediately shouted in dissatisfaction: "How can you have the heart to let me, a slender, weak, and sensitive writer, do such reasoning? I'm not a detective!"

"I need to emphasize one point, Forsi." Xio exuded a charismatic and unquestionable temperament: "I am just an arbitrator now, and you are already a master of tricks... Moreover, you clearly know your The teacher will return to Backlund soon to check on your digestion progress, so why are you still spreading it here, not digesting the potion?"

"Also, I remember that part of your reasoning in the novel was very wonderful. Are you really sure that you are just a 'writer'?" Xio said with a half-smile, and approached Fors quietly.

"Do you know how many brain cells were consumed by that episode... Besides, I couldn't find a suitable opportunity to play it..." Salted Fish flopped twice, trying to quibble, but in the end it was no match for Xio's violence. Landed in the middle of the sofa: "Otherwise, I'll ask my teacher to see if he can do anything..."

"Are you sure?" Xio looked at Forsi suspiciously, and pressed the salted fish who wanted to escape on the sofa: "According to your current digestion progress, will you really not be scolded by your teacher?"

"I'll play it right away..." Forsi said lazily, barely moved her body and picked up a pen to start writing a letter: "Anyway, Mr. Gao Wei hasn't come to Backlund yet, there is still time..."

After writing the letter, Forsi folded the paper and began to recite the incantation that her teacher taught her to summon the messenger, and was about to ask her teacher about it: "The eyes that linger in emptiness, hide in the curtain The subsequent sages belong exclusively to the messengers of Gawi Abraham."

Forsi felt dizzy, and found that the note in her hand had quietly disappeared.However, she suddenly felt something in her pocket, which made her complexion change.Trembling, Fors took out the letter in her pocket, opened it and read it.Her lips trembled suddenly and turned pale.

Xio looked at Fors with some worry: "What's wrong?"

"The teacher is in Backlund... He will come to check on my digestion progress next Monday, it's over... I just said in the letter that I digested a lot of potions, I'm bragging ah--"


Xio was a little speechless, and said softly, "It deserves it."

"Hugh, save me—!"

Gao Wei looked at the newly added light curtain in his eyes and nodded in satisfaction.He hadn't thought that Mr. A, who had no formal education, would think of this level, but now Mr. A gave him a surprise.Although it is for his own Lord, the thought of "everyone is equal" has sprouted in the mind of this fanatic, which is enough to make those who look down on the high dimension feel happy.Therefore, the high-dimensional viewer decided to give Mr. A a little gift.

—He pushed open Mr. A's door:
"What's bothering you, Mr. A?"

Mr. A raised his head and saw the familiar face of Your Excellency.At this moment, his eye sockets were sunken, and he was so tired that he didn't look like a saint who was about to be promoted to Sequence Four.

"I worry about the Lamb of the Lord."

Mr. A said in a deep voice.

"Your worries are useless. Instead of tossing yourself here, you should take action and do something practical. Your promotion has been approved, Mr. A, and you don't have much time to study at the grassroots level." Gao Wei was a little ruthless He said to Mr. A: "You don't have enough knowledge reserves, and you don't know what those real poor people need-you think your origin is very close to them, but you never know why they suffer, and you don't know what they need. I don't know the real reason for all this."

"It's because my awareness is not one-tenth of the Lord's, and I'm guilty." Mr. A made a cross on his chest, "But I can't think of why it happened..."

"I can give you a chance, Mr. A." Gao Wei smiled a little: "A task, if you complete it, I will give you the answer you want. However, compared to Ruen, the Southern Continent is actually more suitable The place where you act. After you are promoted to a saint, I will not only issue this task to you, but I will also issue it to Mr. Z; whoever completes this task, I will find the gift of the Lord for him .”

"As for you, after completing this task, you can decide whether you want to go to a more distant place to graze for the Lord. You can choose whether I will ask the Lord for a copy of the extraordinary characteristics of the 'Black Knight' for you, or I will do it for you in the southern continent. Provide the basic conditions for grazing."

"Thank the Lord, but I can't continue to put my sins on the Lord's shoulders. Even if I can no longer walk on the same path with the Lord, I can still share the Lord's worries. Your Excellency, if I switch to other paths, will it help? The Lord took back his own authority?"

"Yes, I personally hope that you can choose the path of the sun." Gao Wei said bluntly: "If you choose this path, your missionary work in the southern continent will be smoother - the sun is always more attractive than the Hanged Man." attention."

"For the sake of the Lord." Mr. A prostrated himself on the ground and kissed the ground.

"Your believers are good, the real creator." The high-dimensional overlooker broke off the shell that was falling off his avatar, and said to the real creator.And the real Creator watched Mr. A for a long time without speaking through the light curtain of the high-dimensional Overlooker.Watching him fall silent, the high-dimensional overlooker continued to chatter:

"Are Extraordinary people of your path destined to suffer for all beings? You chose to emerge from the feast of betrayal, and your disciples actually chose to take the most difficult path."

"Ah, of course, I admire him very much. If he can really take a firm step forward, maybe he can really lay the foundation for mankind to go to the star sea before the end? After all, extraordinary power can easily enhance technology. In the universe Navigation also only requires a 'roamer'. Maybe under your leadership, human civilization can really survive in the universe, instead of becoming the rations of the gods and disappearing into the dark universe?"

"...It's my fault." The True Creator sighed, "It's me who made my believers suffer, otherwise, they should have a better life."

"Ha - you are their spiritual pillar." The high-dimensional overlooker sneered: "You shouldn't, and you can't be confused. Do you think that if there was no feast of betrayal at that time, you would be able to protect human beings forever? Now Which of the Seven Gods is not the epitome of you back then? Or do you think this civilization without a future is the world you want? True Creator, have you completely forgotten the ideas you learned in Chernobyl?"

"Also, do you think your lamb is pitiful? Ha, then aren't the poor in these countries pitiful? Isn't the southern continent colonized by Russell?" Gaowei looked down mockingly: "But since you have Prejudice, then you probably haven’t been completely corrupted by God—your humanity still plays a role, well, keep it up.”

"..." The true Creator awakened, and the pollution of the high-dimensional Overlookers on Him began to spread again, washing away part of the residual breath in the Chaos Sea.This made him suddenly a little scared. Since when did the belief that he had been practicing before be distorted by the sea of ​​​​chaos, so that he became like God?

"From the very beginning, dear true creator. When you became the ancient sun god, you were no longer your original self." The high-dimensional gazer said to him: "You haven't even noticed your own changes, the will of the source quality It is unstoppable, and He will make you feel that His will is what you think from the bottom of your heart. Heh——unless you give up containing the Chaos Sea, one day you will subtly become God."


"Ah, you're welcome. Just don't forget my White Tower. By the way, I'm still greedy for your divine body, and I really want the uniqueness of the 'audience'. If you thank me, you can After containing Adam, give me the uniqueness and extraordinary characteristics of the visionary."


"By the way, the knowledge wilderness is also my goal, but I can't get it before the end, so it doesn't hurt to tell you."

"...What about you, Gaowei?" The real creator restrained his mind, and said to Gaowei who was looking down, "How much have you been changed by the source quality?"

"there has never been."

"This is impossible." The real creator said in a deep voice: "The awakening of the original will is unstoppable, and we can only rely on our own consciousness to compete with the original. His will will always exist in the source and path, just like I can It is the same for all Extraordinary people who have affected my path. No matter how you were taken away from our era, it is impossible for the source quality to have no effect on you."

"Ha, I never said that I was the one who was taken away by the source quality just like you." The high-dimensional overlooker laughed: "From the very beginning, I was the source quality itself, and naturally I would not be taken away by the source quality." Change."


"This is the mission." Gao Wei said with long eyes: "Find him and kill Qilingus. Then, tell me what you saw when you hunted him down."

"I see, Your Excellency." Mr. A nodded: "I will definitely not disappoint your expectations."

"I don't care what I expect or not. I only look at the final result—it's time to show your loyalty to the Lord." Gao Wei said casually: "Then, I will also participate in this hunting game, hehe , My incompetent student dared to come to me to help find Qilingus. Of course, if you find Qilingus after me, then you all have to confess to the Lord."

"I understand, Your Excellency." Mr. Z, who had just arrived here, said respectfully to Gao Wei. The two watched Gao Wei leave, and couldn't help but look at each other for a second. The next moment, the eyes of the two Sparks burst out immediately.

Then, the two ran out without hesitation—Mr. Z went straight to the labor union he had gathered, while Mr. A ran towards his small circle of nobles.Of course, before leaving, Mr. A kept a cautious eye, and sent people to squat in various homeless gathering places to see if there were any incidents of homeless people missing.

As a senior shepherd, he is obviously more skilled than Mr. Z.When he digested the shepherd's potion back then, the true Creator hadn't woken up yet, and that's why he had collected flesh and blood from homeless people countless times.Therefore, Mr. A judged that Qilingus, who sneaked in secretly, would most likely be lurking in an area where no one pays attention and where homeless people gather.


Klein knocked on the door and looked at Daly, who was acting as the captain of Tingen City.Daly was sitting in Dunn's seat and writing a letter, with a little smile on her face, like a girl in love.

"Ms. Daly, I feel that I have completely mastered the 'Seer' potion."

"I want to submit a special application."

Daly Simone's eyes flickered with surprise, she looked at Klein, and a beautiful smile was drawn on the corner of her mouth.Immediately afterwards, she said to Klein:
"well done."

"However, are you sure you are going to prepare for the promotion now? Even I have been inspected for a long time after I was promoted. Little Klein, if the man is too hasty, it will have the opposite effect, okay?"

"I'm sure, Ms. Daly." Klein nodded affirmatively: "I hope to be promoted as soon as possible - I feel that there are many coincidences in our recent actions. I think if we can get stronger power , then I may feel more at ease—and will be safer in the follow-up operations.”

"It's a good thing that you think so." Dai Li nodded: "These matters are very important, and I will also report them to you—oh, it's a pity that Dunn is not here, and the little guys like Luo Yao have also been transferred. Backlund is gone. Now we only have three Nighthawks, me, you, and Leonard. If there is any unexpected situation, it will be very difficult for us to deal with it..."

Daly thought about it, and made a decisive decision on this matter: "I will contact Your Excellency 'Goddess Sword' right away. You can prepare in the next few days. Maybe, you will be able to conduct promotion inspections soon."

 It will be recommended at 12 o'clock tonight. I would like to ask everyone who likes this book to help me to order a recommendation ticket. I will send 8000 words in two updates today. I will update 3 chapters in succession tomorrow. I thank you here

(End of this chapter)

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