Mystery: Higher-Dimensional Overlookers

Chapter 25 Positive Aurora Society

Chapter 25 Positive Aurora Society

This is the second time that Gao Wei has returned to Backlund. However, this time Gao Wei came back secretly.The last time when I came to Backlund, the members of the Aurora Society raised signs to welcome me, which was a bit too scary, so Gao Wei didn't notify anyone this time, and came here by train with a bag.

The air quality in Backlund was as bad as ever. The smog gathered in the sky, blocking the sunlight and casting a light shadow over the city.

Gao Wei glanced in the direction of Tingen, saw Ince Zangwill who seemed to think he had escaped, and couldn't help muttering:
"This guy is really brave... So many things have happened, and he is still writing..."

After all, he shook his head and put the matter behind him.After strengthening the monitoring of Tingen through the gaze that stayed behind Klein, Gao Wei walked towards the station of the Aurora Society.At the same time, he had a little more admiration for some old would-be demigod—

When he provoked Tianzun before to get Tianzun's secret puppet, it was still because there was source quality between the two. Although the source quality of the high-dimensional Overlooker is somewhat different from that of Origin Castle in a symbolic sense, but such The gap is not to the extent that Tianzun can handle his high-dimensional overlooker at will.And Ince Zangwill, a Sequence Five who didn't even have divinity, actually had the courage to provoke a mythical creature.Who on earth gave him the guts to run and arrange for the heir of the true Creator?
Eliminate Adam first...



A hammer, if it wasn't for Adam's secret guidance, Ince Zangwill would dare to arrange for the heir of the evil god?Although his handling of certain matters is quite confusing, Ince Zangwill, who can hold an important position in the Church of Evernight, will definitely not be such a stupid person. Then, the secret behind this matter It is worth studying.

But this has nothing to do with him, Gao Wei will not go back to intervene until the incident at Tingen is over.The previous actions had already made Adam a little vigilant. Fortunately, the Goddess of the Night helped him cover it up, so that Adam, that paranoid man, would not find him coming from the starry sky.

Gao Wei calmly got into the carriage and told the driver to walk in the direction of the Aurora Society.When he came to Backlund last time, he had arranged some "volunteer" jobs for Mr. A and Mr. Z who were stationed here, for example, some humanitarian aid stations, or some charity hospitals.And the division of labor between the two is somewhat different. Mr. Z, who has been preaching in Tingen all the year round, was arranged among the low-level people, leading a group of secret prayers to practice the teachings of the Lord.

Mr. A, who has a certain foundation of middle-class nobles, was arranged by Gao Wei to be a wealthy Loen businessman from Intis. His "personality" is a gentleman who believes in the sun god but is willing to do good.He wandered around various minor nobles, pretending that he wanted to blend into the circle of Backlund nobles, just like the identity "Dawn Dantès" that Klein would use in the future to communicate with the upper class.

It is worth mentioning that Gao Wei gave Mr. A the name "Heathcliff St. Clair".

There is no other meaning, the main thing is to see what expression Klein will show when he meets Mr. A who has changed his face after coming to Backlund as Dwayne Dantès.Of course, if we insist on "creative ideas", Gao Wei's thinking when he named Mr. A's identity is very similar to Klein's when he named his vest.

As for defectors from the "Abraham family" like Mr. X... Sorry, according to the memory of the original owner of the body possessed by Gao Wei, the Abraham family did not treat their apprentices very badly, but they still killed their masters and defected .Moreover, they are not members of the secret prayer path, and the true creator has limited influence on these defectors, so Gao Wei dare not entrust them with important tasks.

After all, if a person can defect once, he can defect a second time.Gao Wei doesn't believe in the character of these villains, will these people really be satisfied with the current sequence?No—in fact, if one day Gaowei and the Aurora Society are hostile to other Orthodox Churches, and other churches lure them with higher-level potions, I am afraid that the members of the Aurora Society in the "gate" path will kill themselves. He ran to the enemy, licked his face and handed over the secrets of the Aurora Society and Gaowei.

Walking into the manor he had settled down before, Gao Wei was a little surprised to find that the place has become completely new: every room has been cleaned cleanly, and there is no trace of a cult stronghold at all.There are also many new faces walking in the corridor. Although they look a little malnourished and their bodies are a little thin, their eyes are bright.There is light in their eyes.

Gao Wei listened carefully with his whispering ability strengthened by the ability of the "Hermit" and found that some of the people around him were secret prayers who had just drank the potion, but most of them were ordinary and not extraordinary. characteristic people.Gao Wei squinted his eyes, and used the ability of the Scholar Path Sequence Seven "Observer" to observe these new members selected by the Aurora Society. After getting the final result, Gao Wei paused, and then walked towards The interior of the manor.

As Gao Wei's footsteps deepened, there were more "secret prayers" around, and these people obviously looked better, dressed more decently, and looked more energetic.Gao Wei gently knocked on the door of the room he had designated as "office" before, and heard a tired voice coming from it: "Please come in."

Gao Wei pushed open the door, and saw the "Dark Saint" Kesma who was worrying about a large pile of documents and scratching his head desperately. Unconsciously dug it out, making this still young old man look a little strange and scary.Seeing someone coming in, the brains squirmed quickly, and very consciously burrowed back into Kesma's skull.

Gao Wei saw this scene, but he selectively ignored it.He has seen even more exciting scenes from the real creator. When he was not fully awake, he was surrounded by a churning sea of ​​flesh and blood every day.

"It's beginning to take shape here." Gao Wei sat on the sofa, looked at Kesma with a smile, and reminded: "However, I don't think so many believers gather in one place, it's too conspicuous .If someone reports it, it will be easily taken over by the Church of the Storm."

"Of course we have considered this." Kesma took off the eyes that were used to camouflage before, looked at Gao Wei, and said seriously to him: "Mr. The person in charge of the believers. As of last week, Mr. A has developed a total of seven devout believers in Backlund's aristocratic circle, and they have completely transformed into secret prayers. Mr. Z, who developed in the slums, is currently developing The number of believers has broken through one hundred, and Mr. Z himself has been promoted to Sequence Five, becoming a glorious 'shepherd'."

Speaking of this, Kesma paused, grinning slightly, and continued to tell Gao Wei with a smile: "The method you said before is very effective! According to Mr. A, these believers he developed in the noble circle, for The prayer feedback he brings far surpasses the previous grazing methods, and perhaps the Aurora Order will have another saint in the near future!"

"Then you need to prepare the potion for Sequence Four earlier, Kesma." Gao Wei said meaningfully: "In the future, we will have more and more saints—remember to ask A later to see what he thinks. What kind of potion do you want? And according to our progress, Mr. Z will soon move towards the saint after he fully understands the acting method."

"I know, but it's a pity that we don't have the Extraordinary characteristics of the 'Black Knight' in stock. I'm afraid he has to find Extraordinary creatures... We can get the Sequence Four of the 'Sun' pathway and the 'White Tower' pathway. Well, I don’t know if Mr. A is willing to switch to other channels.”

"No way, the materials are limited, so let's continue to expand step by step."

"I know." Kesma's eyes flashed: "By that time, we will be able to obtain more Extraordinary characteristics. We have many adjacent paths, and I don't think we will lack the Extraordinary characteristics of Sequence Four in the end. "

The meaning in Kesma's words seemed to have a murderous intent.

"Speaking of which, the extraordinary characteristics of 'Prophet' are reserved for me." Gao Wei said to him abruptly.But Kesma was stunned for a moment: "Aren't you going to continue walking on the path of the Lord? Ah, I'm not questioning you, but, according to the Lord's care for you, it is very likely that you will become a servant of the Lord in the future." The angels around me..."

"The Lord will take back the power taken away by the false god." Gao Wei fooled the past casually: "The purpose of my choice of this path has the intention of the Lord, you just need to help me keep the Extraordinary characteristics well. By the way, Before I return to Tingen, I plan to be promoted to 'Rose Bishop' first, do we still have the corresponding Extraordinary materials in stock?"

"Yes." Kesma nodded, suddenly a little envious of Gao Wei's promotion speed—is this the promotion speed of the favored ones?
"Then I know, I will go to see Mr. A and Mr. Z later—heh, check their situation." Gao Wei said, before walking out the door, he casually mentioned: "Recently, the royal family is preparing Some new examination systems, see if you can donate a sum of money to the new technical university in the name of me, no, in the name of Mr. A, and see if you can insert Mr. A into the school to take up a position."

"I see, is there anything else?"

"It's okay, you keep working hard. There is still a lot of work, and you can't rest yet."

Gao Wei made an "encouraging" gesture to Kesma and disappeared at the end of the corridor.Kesma, on the other hand, watched Gao Wei disappear blankly, smiled wryly twice, and continued to look at the document in front of her and scratch her head.


"Here, be careful." Mr. A was wearing a well-dressed suit, walking slowly on the pier with a little nobleman.He frowned and looked at the sallow and emaciated workers with dissatisfaction on his face.

"Can such workers really work well? Judging by their faces, they may not have enough to eat." Mr. A asked the nobleman beside him.The little noble beside him was startled, and smiled helplessly: "No way, almost all workers in Backlund are treated like this. There are too many poor people in Backlund, far more than factory owners. Alas, even if it is such a job that only earns one soli a day, there are countless people who cannot find a job."

"People who can't find a job can only starve to death, or pray for relief food, right?" Mr. A said in a heavy voice.

"That's true, but I'm ashamed. Even if we who believe in the Lord know the reason, we can't change all of this." The little nobleman said helplessly: "If we rashly raise wages, our chamber of commerce will be destroyed by others." Aristocrats and merchants are squeezed out. At that time, not only will our operating costs be greatly increased, but the remaining purchase channels will also be greatly reduced..."

"I see." Mr. A waved his hand: "It's not your fault, but I have to think about it."

A pair of eyes opened behind Mr. A, staring at him indifferently.


At night, Mr. A sat in his room, thinking silently.The candle flame flickered in front of him, illuminating Mr. A's pale and handsome face with a faint light.His room was very simple. Although it was placed in the manor left by Gao Wei, there was only a bed, a table, a bookshelf, and a small cabinet in this room.

According to Mr. A, his master is bearing suffering for all sentient beings, so how dare he enjoy himself?The packaging of the external "personal design" is a necessary consumption and cannot be saved; then Mr. A will try to reduce other expenses as much as possible and devote himself to work.

The servants who act as facades are workers and female workers who cannot find a job, and the daily food is kept as simple as possible, but it cannot let others see that the life of "Mr. Heathcliff" will appear to be struggling. At the bottom, Mr. Z leads the Lord's lamb to fight for benefits, while Mr. A tries his best to package himself so that he can become the "shepherd" who grazes on behalf of the Lord.

Just today, he saw his own powerlessness again.Those people are like themselves before they were saved by the Lord. If they don't rely on others, they can't even maintain their own lives.The Lord's teachings say that all living beings are His herd, and the Lord's divinity will always exist in everyone's body... But why is oppression and bullying rampant in this world?
For the first time, Mr. A felt helpless hatred, and he seemed to be "himself" for the first time, and understood why he was mainly against the Seven Gods.

Mr. A is crazy, but he is not stupid; the lamb is weak, and the shepherd is punished.

He stroked the books in front of him with his hands, and remained silent for a long time.

After a long time, Mr. A let out a long sigh.

 Sequence Seven Observer
This sequence does not significantly enhance a person's physical fitness like the previous two sequences, but gives Extraordinary people the qualification to "observe" the structure.After a very detailed understanding of an item, it is possible to take a deeper look into the higher-dimensional space, but what the observer can do is only to observe, but not to interfere with high-dimensional space.

Through observation, Extraordinary people can have stronger insight, so that their attacks can directly hit the weak point; similarly, skilled observers can also observe the surroundings and observe people's expressions to achieve a method similar to that of an audience. However, this ability is completely It depends on the Extraordinary's own use.

People who are obsessed with observation and mistakenly think that they can master high-dimensional space will lose control.

(End of this chapter)

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