Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 983 The Legacy of Ferus Malus, Rib of Steel!

Chapter 983 Rib of Steel - The Legacy of Ferrus Malus!

[Your extremely powerful flesh and blood body was completely destroyed by the terrifying power of the general cannon. 】

[Your complete consciousness gradually wakes up from the vagueness! 】

[You also immediately know what kind of combat mistake you just made. 】

[Perturabo, who has a very cautious fighting style, decided not to have any close combat contact with you after knowing in advance that you had seriously injured Fulgrim and Lorgar one after another. 】

[The opponent uses the iron ring robot in the Honor Guard as a deadly bait, and gradually attracts you, who has no sense, to the attack route of the general cannon. 】

[This resulted in a brilliant victory that belonged entirely to the other side, and also laid some foreshadowing for your next meeting on Holy Terra. 】

[A long sigh came out of your mouth. 】

[You are undoubtedly very happy that you can successfully awaken the subspace essence belonging to Sanguinius. 】

[But once you enter the subspace awakening of Sanguinius, you basically lose your fighting sanity. It seems that you have entered a superimposed state of blood thirst and black rage. This is also the huge trouble that this subspace essence brings to you. one. 】

["Wait, what is this place?"]

[However, at this moment, while you were frowning and thinking, you suddenly noticed something. 】

[Why hasn’t your consciousness exited this simulation experience yet? 】

[Where exactly have you come to now? 】


[You have just come to your senses and suddenly feel a huge malice that almost penetrates into the depths of your soul. 】

[You raised your head subconsciously, but at a glance you saw a terrifying existence that looked like a black hole and a yin and yang star! 】

[That is the sixth evil god of chaos who will be born in the future but will exist in the past and present instantly...'Rorschach'! 】

[In an instant, your eyes seemed to be burning violently, and your vision became extremely blurry. 】

[Your ears seem to hear the desperate wails and painful roars of countless broken souls before death. 】

[Even your brain hidden inside the thick skull seems to be gradually boiling and rolling! 】

[Mortals must not look directly at God! 】

[Even if you are the Primarch with the best combat power, you have not yet grown up enough to stare at the opponent at close range! 】

[Your huge body is half-kneeling in a pitch-black void in great pain. 】

["We...must...become gods!!!" An overlapping murmur from 'Rorschach' echoed repeatedly in your ears. 】

[At this moment, your huge body that curled up as hard as you could began to shake uncontrollably, and two lines of pale golden blood and tears also flowed rapidly from the depths of your eyes! 】

[However, your extremely tenacious soul and consciousness did not easily succumb to the other party's terrifying intimidation! 】

[You resisted the intense pain from all over your body and slowly raised your drooped head. 】【"I... ascend to your mother's god!!!"]

[You gritted your teeth and let out a deafening roar at the Sixth Chaos Evil God! 】

[The next second, your entire soul and consciousness will be completely torn into countless finer pieces by a strong gravitational force coming from all directions! 】

[It seems that your soul fragments have been copied back and forth countless times, and then thrown into various parts of the timeline. 】

[Your remaining vague consciousness gradually embarks on the path of annihilation and disappearance. 】

【you are dead. 】

[This simulation is over, and the time spent is unknown. 】

[The reserved options for this simulation are as follows. 】

[[-]. The forging hand of the Fire Dragon Lord (the sacred relic of the original body)]

[Note: "The Forged Hand is one of the components of the power armor 'Fire Dragon Scale' of the Primarch Fire Dragon Lord Vulkan. It integrates a set of heavy flamethrowers, and the terrifying fiery fury fired by the Forged Hand Almost no one can easily resist the flames."]

[Note: "The Forged Hand is also one of the nine sacred relics left by Vulkan to the descendants of the Salamander. It is said that once the nine relics are found and collected, the Lord of the Fire Dragon will return to the Human Empire, but some are more rational and The pragmatic Salamander descendants also believe that this is just a beautiful thought left by the genetic father to his descendants."]

[Note: "Now more than half of the nine sacred relics have been successfully revealed. Hestan, the founding father of Salamander, spent countless efforts to find the spear of Vulcan, the cloak of Kesari, and the forging hand that is now yours. The Obsidian Chariot was acquired by a mysterious Astartes who had been hanging out with the green-skinned Orcs for a long time. Currently, the Engine of Pain, the Cutting Fire, and the Song of Entropy have not yet been discovered by anyone."]

[Annotation: "'MY PRECIOUS (my baby) -' Hestain, the father of forging, who accidentally discovered that the forging hand disappeared out of thin air, let out an extremely desperate wail of pain."]

[[-]. The Engine of the God of All Machines—General Cannon (Normal)]

[Note: "This is an extremely ancient general cannon. It is also one of the most powerful war machines that the human empire can control and control. It is said that their number is far rarer than the war titans of the Titan Order."]

[Note: "The specific models of general cannons are named after their purpose. Some general cannons can destroy one or even several heavily defended hive cities with one blow. Some general cannons are magnificent engines specially designed to restrain enemy titans. , it is said that there are also some rarer general cannons that can transport the entire legion from underground to the designated target location. However, the Mechanicus Adeptus strictly keeps the existence of general cannons secret. Only the Hundred Aircraft Fleet specializes in maintaining and taking care of general cannons like this. The Order of Giant and Super-Gigantic Weapons can learn all about it."]

[Annotation: "'Children of the Iron Warriors, pull over the general cannon that the Lion King gave to me, aim it at Rorschach and hit me hard!' Staring at Petula who is fighting crazily among countless Astartes Bo growled expressionlessly."]

[[-]. Rib of Steel - The Legacy of Ferrus Malus (Primary Body)]

[Note: "This is a special implant made from the living metal arm of Ferrus Malus that was fused with the blood of his own original body, and then processed and smelted again. This was originally a reinforcement of the Primaris Astartes. Operation."】

[Note: "It seems to have been strengthened and blessed by the Emperor... and blessed again by the Sixth Chaos Evil God 'Rorschach'."]

[Note: "The ribs of steel are also called tendon coils. These completely activated metal coils will be implanted inside every inch of your tendons, allowing your already powerful physical strength to once again gain a large increase in contraction and explosion. , and even gradually amplify your physical strength to a level comparable to or even surpassing Vulkan's terror. In addition, the activated steel ribs will also give you a defense capability that is far greater than before, and due to the tendon coils, you have gained from the curse. With the strong blessing of the Lord of Binding, Ferrus Malus, the subspace essence belonging to the other party requires you to dig deep to possess it."]

[Annotation: "In the depths of the cold void, inside the huge bridge of the Glory Queen-class battleship 'Iron Fist' on its way to Holy Terra, Ferrus Malus, whose huge body is covered with scars, stares calmly. Holding four replicas of the Blood Scythes on his neck, and four Rorschachs who were the remnants of time and space with extremely cold expressions in front of him, he said in a cold tone: 'You are not my little brothers at all, you are just a group of people from the depths of subspace. It's nothing more than an abomination!' As soon as the other party finished speaking, a great head belonging to Ferrus Malus rose into the sky again!"]

[Note: "You must embark on the road to becoming a god. There is no other choice, just like Ferus must die, because the Emperor's Cursed Legion needs a loyal leader..." A star that looks like it can swallow all things The black hole, and the terrifying existence like a yin and yang star murmurs to you, and the cold sun that is not too far away from the other party does not utter a rebuttal. From time to time, extremely fierce collisions occur between the two sides, shaking the world. All chaotic things in the depths of space sometimes join hands for a more noble purpose, shuffling and cutting cards with the four great masters born in the supreme heaven. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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