Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 982: Head of Gorgon: Ferrus Malus ()

[Two scarlet flames like energy fluids continuously spurt out from the depths of your eyes. 】

["For Sanguinius——"]

[Being confused, you subconsciously let out an inarticulate low roar, and the deafening sound waves echoed throughout the chaotic battlefield. 】

【dong dong dong-】

[Having just awakened a new subspace essence, you shook your huge body without any hesitation, and launched a crazy charge with bloody flames towards the densely packed traitor legions within the scarlet field of vision. 】

[At this moment, almost no Astartes from the Traitor Legion can easily stop your heavy steps. 】

[The giant blood sickle with a sweeping range of about 500 meters only swung forward. 】

[Hundreds of Astartes traitors who had no time to escape became the nutrients absorbed by the giant blood scythe! 】

[This giant blood scythe condensed from your hand can support fighting with battle, and it seems that there is no end to the size of its growth. 】

[However, in the eyes of countless Astartes traitors, this Istvan V massacre that was originally targeted at your loyalist primarchs and loyal legions seems to be turning into their own burial place! 】


[Your huge body knocked over heavy vehicles during the charge. 】

[As countless metal armor fragments and black sand fly across the sky, the roaring large-caliber shells are constantly blocked by the sticky blood and vibranium armor shells surrounding your body. The fierce attacking company from the traitor legion You can't even stop your amazing battle charge! 】

[Now you seem to be much more terrifying than the chief demon of Khorne! 】


[Your increasingly crimson flame vision scanned the surrounding scene back and forth, and the giant blood sickle once again launched a mighty sweeping sweep. 】

[Two scarlet wings of more than ten meters long behind your broad back suddenly poked forward, and several Alpha Legion Astartes who silently stepped forward relying on the broken corpses standing on the ground were unfortunately changed. Scarlet wings completely enveloped him! 】

[The next second, with the desperate roars from several Astartes, strands of viscous blood continued to surge out from the gaps in the opponent's power armor and from the depths of the helmet's breathing valve! 】


[At this moment, your charging pace that gradually penetrated into the huge battle formation of the traitor army suddenly stopped. 】

[Your huge body suddenly dodges towards the ground to the side. 】

[The next second, a bright beam of energy with a diameter of ten meters, like the arrival of a star, passed by your vibranium armor shell with great danger! 】

[But the giant blood scythe that you condensed to an attack range of 800 meters was completely evaporated by the terrifying energy, and the remaining viscous blood had to return to the surroundings of your huge body! 】

[At this moment, you don’t even need to look back, you can clearly feel through the countless sticky blood wrapped around your body that an extremely huge black sand dune that was originally located directly behind you has completely disappeared into the turbid air with rising heat! 】

["General Cannon——" With only a trace of consciousness left, you couldn't help but let out a deafening, terrifying roar. 】

[You completely ignored the batches of Astartes traitors that are continuing to rush towards you, and you also completely ignored the power weapons that were about to fall on the vibranium armor shell and the sticky blood. 】【With just one glance, your scarlet flame vision found the general cannon that was astonishing in both size and power from the densely packed traitor army! 】

[And this seems to be one of the several general cannons that Lion Lion, who was temporarily kept in the dark, personally presented to Perturabo! 】


[Countless viscous blood wrapped around your huge body has re-condensed into a huge and terrifying blood scythe, launching a series of bloody killings towards the Astartes traitors who are close at hand. 】

[You were just about to shake your powerful body and launch a galloping charge towards the location of the general cannon. 】

【Crack! 】

[Dozens of Domita Iron-level automatic combat robots, protected by the sacrifices of countless Astartes, have successfully arrived in front of you! 】

[And these powerful robot formations, collectively known as the 'Iron Ring', belong to the honor guard of the traitorous original body Perturabo! 】

[If you guessed correctly, the other party is hiding nearby! 】

【Boom boom boom—】

[At this moment, in the metal palm of each iron ring robot, the number of ammunition fired per minute can reach thousands of Olympia bolt cannons, which are constantly exploding on your huge body. The continuous fire impact also makes Countless viscous blood surrounding the huge body emitted strange ripples like water ripples! 】

[You immediately wield the huge terrifying blood scythe to launch a fierce counterattack, but the terrifying blood scythe, which is invincible against the traitors of the Astartes, is of little use against automatic combat robots that have no signs of blood or life. It is not as good as the blood scythe. The invincible destructive power of the body! 】

[While you were changing your attack strategy, a large buzzing gravity hammer, with an extremely terrifying whistling sound, hit your huge body hard, forcing you to turn to one side. The direction repeatedly reversed a few steps! 】

[However, you quickly reacted and used the Blood Scythe tightly in your huge palm to temporarily end the crazy attack momentum of more than a dozen iron ring robots. 】

["Perturabo——" You subconsciously let out a roar that resounded throughout the battlefield. 】

[Just when you turned your head back and forth with your dark red hair flying freely, you used your flaming scarlet vision to look for Perturabo's familiar figure everywhere. 】

[Countless surviving hoop robots immediately pounced on your huge body. 】

[They firmly imprisoned your flesh and blood with their steel bodies. Even if you kept struggling and raised your hands to tear the metal limbs of the hoop robot, they had no intention of flinching after receiving Perturabo's order! 】

[The next second, there was another terrifying buzzing sound in the bloody air. 】

[A huge energy beam from the general's cannon suddenly attacks your position again! 】

[At the moment of lightning and flint, there are roars and roars. You, who have been repeatedly entangled with dozens of hoop robots, are enveloped in the depths of this devastating energy impact! 】

[And when your huge body is annihilated and dissipated inch by inch by the scorching heat almost inside the star. 】

[The huge shape of Perturabo’s Armor of Law seems to vaguely appear in your scarlet vision! 】

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