Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 951 Iron Fury: Tear apart Titan with your hands!

Chapter 951 Iron Fury: Tear apart Titan with your hands!

Deep in the cold void.

A huge ship with a metallic luster is continuing to sail towards the sub-sector capital Shadinus.

The overall shape is even larger, and the Hero Tower, which has a diamond-shaped structure on the outside, gradually separates from top to bottom, and a terrifying cannon capable of destroying planets extends from the inside.

This is not because Rorschach intends to directly destroy Sadinus, but because he is preparing for other changes that may occur.

Such as Slaanesh's loyal lackey and his traitorous brother, Fulgrim.

Because Rorschach didn't believe that the other party would easily give up this good opportunity to deal with him.

Soon after, a densely packed natural disaster fleet successfully arrived on the routes around the planet Sadinus, and even completely surrounded the entire planet.

As the battle orders from the original body were passed to everyone's ears.

Countless heavily armed mortal warriors entered the heavy vehicles one after another, and more Astartes from different companies gathered their weapons and equipment in preparation for a large-scale landing operation.

Based on the important intelligence provided by the chief think tank Tehra, as well as the past combat experience of Rorschach and others.

This landing war will inevitably develop into an extremely difficult siege battle.

Because there is a very powerful void shield system among the main hives on Sandinus, if the void shield is not destroyed in advance.

Even the orbital bombardment from the Scourge fleet cannot destroy all the enemies of Chaos hidden within.

Therefore, Rorschach repeatedly studied the terrain of Sadinus with Tiberus, Gabriel and other Dalian company commanders.

He did not immediately let the Astartes board landing pods for airborne operations.

Rorschach directly contacted Raditus, who had been staying inside the Hero Tower for a long time, and asked the other party to release a large-scale intelligent control army towards Sadinus.


As the large landing cabins carrying a large number of intelligent control legions inside were separated from the bottom of the hero tower like metal fragments.

These huge creations, covered with heavy fire, forcibly broke through Sadinus's anti-aircraft firepower and atmosphere, and continuously bombarded the sandinus defense positions covered with yellow sand!
The next second, a series of Ao Kai mechs wielding chain swords, as well as even larger Fort star-type intelligent control mechas, quickly stepped out of the landing cabin.

They immediately launched a destructive and crazy attack on everything within their field of vision!

No matter how fanatical the cultists or rebels are or fearless of life and death.

Compared to the Intelligent Control Corps, which has no emotional fluctuations, these are nothing worth mentioning.

Just a few hours later, what had previously been the Iron Hands Chapter was quickly constructed.

The outer positions that were successfully occupied by countless cultists and rebel forces successfully fell into the hands of the Scourge.

At this moment, Rorschach took advantage of a large number of intelligent control legions to temporarily launch a battle line with the Chaos enemy.

He immediately ordered the long-awaited Astartes company and mortal armored forces to launch a landing operation towards the surface of Sadinus' planet!

Landing pods carrying countless Astartes crashed down towards the desert position.

More mortal armored troops were also sent to the surface one by one by space transmission technology, and immediately launched continuous fire coverage towards the Chaos enemy's position!

Wait until all the troops participating in the siege battle have basically completed their arrival.

As a battlefield commander, Rorschach also led the giant Raven Guard to the dry desert of Sardinus.


Rumble--large-caliber artillery shells continuously fired from the pitch-black muzzle and cyclone missiles rising into the sky one after another streaked across the dark sky filled with yellow sand.

A devastating fire bombardment was launched towards the main nests and peripheral positions occupied by the Chaos enemies.

Take the weapons resources that Rorschach currently has.

As long as he is willing, he can even use the huge advantage brought by fire bombing to prevent more Chaos rebels from taking a step out of their positions.

And he is currently implementing this method to minimize the attrition losses of the Astartes and mortal troops.

boom boom-

However, not long after, there was a violent roar like the ground was shaking.

Three war dog-level Titans with a height of more than ten meters revealed their terrifying figures from behind an affiliated hive in Sandinus.

Once part of the Warp Walker legions, these god-machines have now become the unfortunate trophies of the enemies of Chaos.

The Titan pilots who were completely corrupted by Chaos also became loyal followers of Slaanesh!
At this moment, I saw that the War Dog Titan's Vulcan super-heavy bombs and hell cannons were frantically reducing the overall number of intelligent control legions and heavy vehicles, and also caused huge casualties to many Astartes who launched the charge.

Rorschach took a deep breath and quickly covered his entire head with the skull helmet.

The next second, he suddenly drove up the vibranium power armor, and the entire huge body quickly lifted off the ground with the help of the propulsion device. Together with the five giant Raven Guards who suddenly transformed into giant forms, they launched an attack on the three War Dog-class Titans. Crazy raid!

The huge body belonging to Rorschach, wrapped in countless dark shadows, collided heavily with the huge metal body of a War Dog Titan.

The opponent's two heavy feet staggered slightly, and the entire huge metal body immediately fell heavily toward the sand behind!

At the same time, Rorschach, who reacted more quickly, suddenly used his magnetic boots to absorb the thick armor of the War Dog Titan.

He pulled out the Blood Scythe from the back of his power backpack, and the sharp blade with green light was already embedded into the armor of the War Dog Titan!

The next moment, as wisps of dark shadow power were crazily poured into the depths of the War Dog Titan by Rorschach.

A Titan pilot with countless thick cables and neural connection devices wrapped around his body was dragged by the dark shadow into Rorschach's field of vision!
Then, Rorschach threw down the broken bones that had been burned into a large amount of ashes by the dark shadow.

He suddenly changed the flight direction of his huge body and quickly crashed towards another war dog-class Titan that was trying to fire a hell cannon!


At this moment, the War Dog Titan, which could have caused mass destruction to everyone around it with its size and even weapons, seemed to have become a large toy in the palm of the original body.

As countless thick armors were cut back and forth by the Blood Scythe, they collapsed.

A large amount of dark shadow power poured out of Rorschach's body and even completely enveloped the retreating War Dog Titan!

Subsequently, accompanied by the painful screams from the Titan pilot, the entire huge metal body of the War Dog Titan was forcibly crushed by Rorschach into a pile of metal debris with flying sparks!

"For Rorschach—"

"For the Emperor—"

"For the Scourge—"

In an instant, countless Astartes scattered on the battlefield couldn't help but raise their thick arms because of the terrifying performance of the original body, and kept letting out battle roars that resounded in the sky!

 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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