Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 950 Iron Fury: Sardinus!

Chapter 950 Iron Fury: Sardinus!

If we say that the fighting style of the Devouring Sharks is like that of the Demon Army of Khorne, full of brutal violence and bloody killings.

Then the Rakuan clan assault team from the Iron Hands Chapter showed the cold logic and combat efficiency that only mechanical creations can possess.

They either wielded melee weapons tightly held in their mechanical prosthetics and repeatedly slashed at the cultists who came forward.

Or they lifted up the heavy firepower weapons installed on the position, constantly clearing away the Chaos vehicles trying to attack the defense line of the position.

And with the sudden arrival of Rorschach and a large number of Astartes.

The originally shaky battlefield situation in this imperial world suddenly underwent drastic changes that turned the outcome from victory to defeat.

Countless bolt fire and cyclone missiles streaked back and forth through the smoke-filled mid-air, and a formation of Thunderhawk transport aircraft with roaring engines kept harvesting the fragile lives of cultists and rebels.

At this moment, Rorschach, who had just led five giant Crow Guards in a battle charge, slowly drove the vibranium power armor stained with sticky blood to the empire's position.

Several Astartes from the Iron Hands stepped forward without any hesitation.

They offered their loyal greetings to the famous Darkside Regent, the Lord of the Scourge.

Luo Xia also learned from the other party what happened in the Wuyouya star area.

In fact, Rorschach's previous guesses were not wrong.

A Chaos rebellion fueled by Slaanesh's corruption is indeed sweeping across the sub-sector.

The Iron Hands Chapter dispatched a company of Astartes composed of five clans, leading hundreds of thousands of mortal warriors to counter the rebellion and recover it.

Originally, the whole plan went smoothly at first.

There was even a time when the Chaos Rebellion broke out in various worlds, and the Iron Hands clan, which was extremely efficient in combat, successfully recovered nearly 70.00% of the area!

However, perhaps the Astartes of the Iron Hands Chapter were unintentionally influenced by Chaos, or perhaps the clan's commanding hierarchy was aware of more unknown dangers.

In short, their extremely efficient combat efficiency was only met with complaints from countless mortal units of the Astra Militarum.

In the end, this forcibly suppressed rebellious emotion was gradually exploited by the demon of Slaanesh, which also led to a shocking reversal in the war situation of the Iron Hands Chapter!

Wait until everyone turns their attention to regaining the capital planet Sandinus in the Ashoka sector.

Under the cover of a warp storm, hundreds of thousands of Astra Militarum troops who were dissatisfied with the Iron Hands Chapter engaged in extremely fierce battles with Astartes of different clans.

Even though the Astartes from the Iron Hands could fight one against a hundred or even thousands, the countless heavy firepower vehicles of the Astra Militarum troops still gradually scattered the Astartes!
Even when the subspace storm is over.

The Rakuan clan's assault team in front of Rorschach discovered that they had arrived inside an empire world that had not yet fallen.

At this point, Rorschach, who had understood everything, did not have any emotional fluctuations about the unexpected encounter of the Iron Hands.

To some extent, the influence of Slaanesh's corruption can be said to be the most important.

But I am afraid that the Iron Hands Chapter's usual attitude towards the Astra Militarum troops also played a decisive factor.

The Astartes only considered combat efficiency, but forgot that mortal warriors were not mechanical creations, but living flesh and blood.Before long, the Astartes belonging to Rorschach successfully killed all the cultists and rebels on this imperial world with the assistance of orbital firepower, and reclaimed the entire planet.

A strike team from the Rakuan clan also temporarily joined Rorschach's forces and boarded the Scourge's fleet.

Next, as the original body, Rorschach took over the counter-insurgency task of the Iron Hands without any hesitation.

He wanted to find the Iron Hands Astartes who had been completely dispersed by the subspace storm from one imperial world to another until he regained the entire sub-sector.

As a result, the entire mighty Scourge Legion fleet quickly pounced on the next imperial world.

A formation of landing modules and Thunderhawk transport aircraft, engulfed in heavy firelight, dropped countless Astartes onto the surface of the planet one after another.

Even if more rebels and cultists try to use the strong fortresses between the surface to delay the Astartes' attack, the orbital bombardment from low-Earth orbit ships will mercilessly incinerate countless traitors!

Wait until the entire imperial world is successfully recovered by Rorschach again.

A fearless veteran of the Lacuan clan who had temporarily lost engine power was also discovered under the broken corpses of countless cultists.

Even though the opponent still had some signs of life, he was successfully rescued by the Astartes and returned to the Scourge Fleet.

And as time goes on.

In the imperial world that the Scourge Fleet encountered later, in addition to a large number of cultists and even rebels, scattered Slaanesh demons also began to appear.

This means that the Chaos corruption in the entire sub-sector is gradually increasing. If time delays for a longer time, the number of Chaos Demons will probably increase.

However, Rorschach did not order a large fleet to speed up the recovery of the Imperial world.

He still went to each imperial world step by step. After successfully regaining the planet, he looked for more Iron Hands Astartes.

Not long after, on an imperial world that had basically no value of saving.

While Rorschach's Astartes company was purifying the corruption of Chaos, they also accidentally rescued several Iron Hands think tank units that were struggling to support themselves.

One of the think tank brothers, who claimed to be Chief Think Tank Tehra, learned that the Dark Side Regent was inside the fleet, and he immediately asked to meet the original body.

So Rorschach met with the chief think tank inside the private palace.

"Dear Primarch, thank you for your generous help to the Iron Hand, but the situation we are facing now may be a bit beyond imagination. Before we were involved in the subspace storm, the capital of the Worry-free sub-sector, Sand There have been a lot of subspace fluctuations on Dinus, and the possibility of forming a subspace portal there is also rising!"

"I always believe that Avien, the supreme commander of this battle, is still leading the remaining troops to carry out the final resistance on Sandinus. I would like to ask you to help our Iron Hands prevent the emergence of the subspace portal!"

At this moment, the deep words of chief think tank Tehra slowly echoed in Rorschach's ears.

Rorschach, who squinted his eyes, stared at the other person for a few times.

He then slowly gave the order to Tiberus and the others to change the direction of the entire Scourge Fleet.

 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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