Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 946: The loyalty of Sassian meningo Ryan Jonson!

Chapter 946: Sassian Meninges—Lian Jonson’s Loyalty!

[You watch as the descendant of the Dark Angel named Bella steps into the empty room. 】

[You have smelled the opponent's slight stench of chaos and even flesh and blood mutation through your keen sense of smell. 】

[You clenched the Blood Scythe again, which was dripping thick blood in your palm. 】

[If Lion King Ryan unexpectedly relents, you will always be there to help. 】

[However, what surprises you is that the other party did not come to help Serafax fulfill his wish, and he never even asked for mercy from the two original bodies. 】

[You saw Bella, who chose to whisper a few words with Lion King Ryan, slowly kneeled in front of the father of genes, and then her whole head was chopped off with a sword by Lion King Ryan, whose expression became increasingly cold. 】

["He may be a good son, but he has followed Serafax for too long in the past, and both his consciousness and body have been corrupted by Chaos... He is just begging for death from me, his father."]

[Lion, the lion king, standing with his huge body, said slowly with his back to you. 】

[His voice was extremely low, but it also contained a hint of sadness about killing a bloodline heir with his own hands. 】

[No amount of words of comfort can cheer up a depressed Lion. 】

[This is an important responsibility that you, the original body and the Gene Father, must face and even bear, whether it is good or bad. 】

[Not long after, the flames of war and arrogant conspiracy started by the Thousand Eyes War Gang were completely aborted. 】

[The entire Saibo world was quickly cleared by you, and almost every inch of the ground was burned by flamethrowers. 】

[And with the complete destruction of the Chaos Wizard Lord Serafax, more Chaos Warlords attached to the Ten Thousand Eyes War Gang have either fled back to the subspace, or have their heads taken off by you and the Lion King Ryan. 】

[During this period, in order to completely grasp the nature of subspace, Lion King Ryan accidentally entered the previously unknown space through meditation. 】

[According to the other party's description of you, he successively had fierce battles with more manifested false originals, and successfully obtained a diamond-shaped kite shield that once belonged to the emperor himself. 】

[And your first reaction after hearing this is that all of this is an experience arranged by the emperor for the returning Lion King Ryan. 】

[Even your encounter with Lion King Ryan has better helped the Lion himself gradually integrate into the current human empire and shoulder the difficult tasks that belong to him. 】

[In the next period of time, you and the Wild Wolf Cub began to lead the defense fleet of Avalons around, with the world of Avalons as the center point, allowing the empire controlled by Lion Lion to expand to the entire star region. 】

[You have successively found more fallen angels who came to explore whether the Lion has truly returned, but you have never found any clues about Lord Cypher. 】

[At this moment, you also vaguely realized that the time limit for you and the wild wolf cub to stay was coming. 】

[You then explained to Lion King Ryan most of the back-ups you left in the dark side of the empire, including but not limited to the planet locations of various strategic material reserves, the intelligence network of Raven Guard Dalian, and several people with the Scourge Legion. The closely related forging world and other top secret information. 】

[You even planned to temporarily transfer the power belonging to the dark side regent to Lion King Ryan, but the other party ruthlessly rejected it. 】

【dong dong dong-】

[After everything has been explained, you and the wild wolf cub slowly drove the vibranium power armor to an empty and secret ship space. 】

[At this moment, Lion King Ryan, whose huge body has not moved, is silently watching your every move from the opposite side. 】

["Lion, after I return to the fleet, I will send you a part of the main fleet and the Astartes company. By then, the Dark Angels will definitely know about your return, and they will definitely come to find you, the genetic power of Father, this way you will have a pretty good fighting team under your command."]

[You said to Lion King Ryan with a calm expression. 】

["Brother Rorschach, let's meet again next time. After all, the war between the galaxies will never end... Thank you also for letting me understand that I am not alone now, and you and Guilliman exist."] [Lion King Lion nodded slowly and said to you in a deep voice. 】

["Actually, I have another one here...forget it, this matter is not important, let's talk about it next time."]

[You were about to reveal Perturabo's information, but you cut off the unfinished words. 】

[You wanted to continue saying goodbye to Lion King Ryan. 】

[But the huge bodies of you and the wild wolf cubs gradually began to dissipate themselves, making you unable to help but murmur to yourself. 】

["The previous clones either survived or died completely. This is the first time that they have dissipated themselves like this..."]

[You finally give a heavy nod to the Lion King Ryan not far away, which is regarded as a farewell ceremony. 】

[Your consciousness has completely fallen into endless darkness. 】

[You quickly returned to the normal timeline. 】

[This simulation is over, and the time spent is unknown. 】

[The reserved options for this simulation are as follows. 】

[[-]. Loyalty and Streaming - Power Sword and Plasma Firearms (Replicas)]

[Note: "This is the precious weapon set that Lion Lion received from the Emperor one after another. It also symbolizes an old father's passionate care for his elderly children."]

[Note: "In fact, even though the overall appearance of the power sword 'Loyalty' is unremarkable, the metal material and forging technology used to cast it are a mystery that is difficult to explain. The most likely source is from The emperor's own palace treasure trove. As for the indestructible plasma firearm 'Streamer', it is indeed an ancient firearm accidentally lost when the emperor set foot in the world of Avalons. It may be an ordinary weapon from the golden age."]

[Note: "'Friend, you don't want to see that your brother doesn't have a weapon to use, right? Anyway, even if you get it, you only use it for collection, so why don't I just intercept a ghost from the past from the timeline? The emperor has no objection to this.'——A Chaos Evil God who always wanted to remain anonymous murmured in confusion."]

[[-]. The Glory of the Lion King - Imperial Kite Shield (Replica)]

[Note: "This is a diamond-shaped kite shield given to Lion Lion by the Emperor himself."]

[Note: "This is not so much a shield as a shoulder accessory on the Emperor's Armor. Although it cannot be explained how majestic the Emperor himself would be if this shield was used as the basis for measurement. But it also symbolizes how important Lion Lion's return is to the Emperor."]

[Note: "'Friend, do you want a complete set of Emperor's Armor? You can collect one fragment by blood-sacrifice a Terminator! Don't miss this opportunity!" - A crazy Chaos Evil God continues to whisper to you road. '"]

[[-]. Thassian Meninges - Lion Jonson's Loyalty (Primary Body)]

[Note: "This is a replica of the original organ that was gradually copied from Lion Lion's Sassian meningeal cells. It is indistinguishable from the original organ in terms of function and form."]

[Note: "It seems to have been strengthened and blessed by the Emperor... and a little touched by an unknown Chaos Evil God."]

[Note: “After this flat, round organ is successfully implanted into your cerebral cortex, it will grow rapidly throughout the depths of your brain before it is fully integrated. Therefore, you do not need corresponding long-term training and repeated stimulation with chemicals. You will completely master the suspended animation process that Lion Lion has experienced. The existence of the Sassian meninges will completely put your entire body into a special state of suspended animation. The only problem is that if you accidentally suffer something that threatens the original body, The fatal injuries will take a long time to recover... In addition, the blessings and power belonging to Lion King Ryan are also contained in it, and you need to dig out it alone."]

[Note: "From today on, there will no longer be so-called fallen angels in the entire galaxy. My blood descendants, you will be called the Angels of Absolution!" Lion King Ryan, who was facing a large number of descendants of the Dark Angel, turned his back to You and Guilliman roared in a deep voice. 】

[Note: "The Emperor is not at home recently, please see me if you need anything..." A yin-yang star with an overall appearance like a black hole is rampaging deep in the subspace, and countless subspace creatures that have no time to escape have completely become each other's nutrients. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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