Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 945 Son of the Forest: Ryan Johnson (2)

[Help the Emperor get rid of the constraints and pain caused by the Golden Throne and become the fifth Chaos Evil God in the subspace. This is a crazy idea you had at the beginning. 】

[But as time goes by slowly, the more you see and the more you understand about subspace, the more you despise your past shallowness. 】

[Once the Emperor ascends to God from the highest heaven in his current half-life and half-death state. 】

[Then his remaining humanity will inevitably disappear, and you won’t even dare to think about what will come back from the subspace. 】

[The most important thing is that if the Emperor unfortunately becomes a god, then Holy Terra will definitely become the second Eye of Terror. At that time, I am afraid that humans all over the galaxy will instantly become Chaos sacrifices to each other. A large number of Aspen Tarts can even become cursed demons! 】

[You must know that the human empire does not have a webway to hide and resist, and it is impossible to successfully replicate the survival of the Eldar. 】

[Even though those of you who are the heirs of the Primarch who are most closely involved with the Emperor will most likely become Chaos Demons or Lesser Gods, you who have enjoyed the freedom of the real universe will probably find it difficult to adapt to the constraints of the Supreme Heaven. 】

["To be honest, I have had this idea of ​​yours before, but then I had a long discussion and exchange with my brothers, and finally found that this is a dead end, a road of no return that will make the human race completely doomed."]

[You raised your neck slightly, staring at Serafax through the helmet’s eyepiece and said. 】

["Do you think you have found a goal that even the Primarchs cannot imagine? Do you think you are the only lone hero who knows the truth? This is the most difficult part of Chaos corruption. It will twist you unconsciously. Your thoughts and will make you think that you are fighting for humanity and the Emperor, but in fact, everything you do is just a spider thread plucked by the Chaos Evil Gods."]

[You stared at Serafax, whose facial expression became more and more distorted, and continued. 】

[Your voice just finished. 】

[Serafax, whose huge body was suspended in mid-air, suddenly waved the palm holding the Chaos Scepter tightly. 】

[A series of terrifyingly powerful chaos witchcrafts suddenly fall in your direction with the violent fluctuations of chaotic spiritual energy. 】

["The original body can also kill anyone who disturbs my mind -" he roared crazily. 】

[You shake your head slightly. 】

[A large number of dark shadows that quickly escaped from the huge body suddenly rose from the ground, and turned into a group of crows formed by the shadows and swept towards the surrounding air! 】

[At the same time, the ten metal rings that silently detached from your thick arms also flashed through the air in an instant, flying quickly towards the direction of Lion King Ryan! 】

[In an instant, the entire empty room seemed to be divided into two by the power of your shadow, the crows, and the chaos witchcraft of Serafax. 】

[Even as time goes by, your shadow power, the crows, are quickly gaining the upper hand! 】


[At this moment, Lion King Ryan skillfully manipulated the ten metal rings to destroy the metal chains that were difficult to break free. 】

[His huge body was half-kneeling on the ground, and the ancient gun flowed tightly in his huge palm pulled the trigger one after another towards the silver mirror at the top of the room! 】

[The next second, the fast plasma spheres instantly melted a large amount of silver mirrors, and countless hot and boiling silver juices were poured on Serafax's entire head! 】

[The opponent whose huge body shook back and forth couldn't help but let out a cruel and harsh roar. 】【The blazing flames that originally only covered half of the face and head instantly enveloped the entire head, making Serafax look more like a Chaos Demon! 】

["You idiots! You have not only destroyed me! You have also destroyed yourself and the future of the entire galaxy!"]

[At this moment, under your cold gaze. 】

[Serafax, still suspended in mid-air, suddenly extended a pair of huge wings of blue and silver intertwined from the back of the ancient power armor! 】

[Immediately afterwards, the chaotic spiritual energy fluctuations, which became increasingly terrifying in scale, continued to emanate from the opponent's huge mutated body! 】

[However, at this time, Lion King Ryan, who held the Sword of Loyalty tightly in his palm, suddenly drove the power armor and jumped up from the ground! 】

[In the mid-air where countless chaotic spiritual energy fluctuations and the power of dark shadows are entangled and confronting each other, Caliban forests filled with gray and white mist seem to rise from the ground! 】

[The next second, Lion King Ryan, who was holding the Sword of Loyalty tightly in his huge palm, completely disappeared from the massive real illusions of Caliban Forest, and then he came to Serafax like an elusive ghost. Behind the huge body! 】


[The power sword named Loyalty, wrapped with the huge power from the lion, forcefully penetrated Serafax's power armor shell and completely penetrated deep into the opponent's back! 】

[At the same time, you, who suddenly increased the speed of the power of the dark shadow, also drove the vibranium power armor to step on the broken ground. 】

[The Blood Scythe that you held high above your head made an extremely harsh whistling sound, and struck hard between Serafax's flaming head! 】

[Even though Serafax is currently undergoing a terrifying transformation in the direction of the Demon Prince of Chaos, facing the siege of two powerful originals who have awakened the essence of subspace alone, even if the Ever-Changing Demon King comes here in person, he will inevitably return with hatred. ! 】


[You and Lion King Ryan’s huge body landed on the ground almost at the same time, and the magnetic boots deeply embedded in the ground splashed countless gravel and dust. 】

[Immediately afterwards, Serafax, who was severely pierced through the heart by the Sword of Loyalty and whose entire huge body was completely split into two, fell heavily to the ground. 】

[You stared at the Chaos Demon Prince whose broken flesh and flesh were quickly dissipating, and subconsciously let out a sigh. 】

["Alas, another unlucky guy who was seduced and corrupted by the plan, but now there are probably lunatics with similar ideas everywhere in the entire human empire."]

[At this moment, Lion King Ryan, who was slowly putting away the Sword of Loyalty, seemed to have no intention of speaking. 】

[He turned his cold gaze slightly and looked at a fallen angel who had just emerged from the entrance with a tall figure. 】

["My you also agree with Serafax's crazy idea?"]

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