Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 940 Son of the Forest: Ryan Johnson (7)

Chapter 940 Son of the Forest: Ryan Jonson ([-])
[The Ten Thousand Eyes War Gang, who acted extremely cautiously, did not leave any space ships that could leave the star system to the world of Kamath, only countless metal debris drifting alone in the icy void. 】

[This is a specific judgment based on the on-site situation after you personally drove the Thunder Eagle transport plane and led Lion Lion to the Broken Star Port in low-Earth orbit. 】

[In other words, the world of Kamath is now a lone star forgotten in the dark side of the empire, and there are countless lone stars in similar situations. 】

[You seem to be aware of Lion King Ryan’s subconscious gaze on you. 】

[You turned to the taciturn original body brother and explained with a wry smile. 】

[The fact that you can carry some ground vehicles and aerial vehicles is something beyond the common sense of humans and even the original body. 】

[You have tried it before. Even the smallest Cobra-class destroyer cannot be stored in the storage page. And even if the Cobra-class destroyer can be successfully stored by you, there are no [-] formally trained mortal crew members or automatic servos. The robot cannot move away from its location. 】

[Lion the Lion nodded slowly after hearing your words, and gently tapped your thick shoulder armor with one of his huge palms. 】

[At this moment, after a slight hesitation, you also proposed to the Lion King, who had a look of indifference on his face, to use prayer support to make a detour, or to find a way to find Lord Cypher who could open the webway portal. 】

[What you said, the roundabout curve of praying for support means that you can choose a more suitable time point. After completing the support, you do not choose to return, but call your natural disaster fleet on the spot, thereby solving your current predicament. 】

[The only problem with this method is that you must abandon the hundreds of thousands of mortals remaining in the world of Kamath and only take away some combat-effective mortal teams and Blood Angels. 】

[In this regard, I didn’t wait for you to finish speaking. 】

[Lion King took a deep breath and categorically rejected your method. He will never give up on these mortal people who have suffered a lot. 】

[Even your attempt to search for the traces of Lord Seifer on Camas was completely in vain. 】

[However, just when you think you still need to rack your brains to find another way to leave. 】

[Lion King, who has just returned to the mortal camp, immediately brings you a great surprise. 】

[You unexpectedly sensed one after another spiritual energy fluctuations from the other party's body, and immediately concluded that the subspace essence that had been brewing in Lion King Ryan for a long time was about to awaken. 】

[You immediately issued an order to the wild wolf cub who was not around through the communication channel to help countless mortals continue to strengthen the defenses. 】

[Lion King Lion, who encountered this special situation for the first time, also quickly led you, Zabriel, and ten mortal lion guards towards the depths of the forest away from the mortal camp. 】

[Due to the memory of battles brought about by the Dark Angel Legion’s annihilation of a large number of out-of-control psykers in the past, Lion King Ryan is extremely distrustful of psionic power itself. 】

[And as your group continues to move forward, the silence among the countless towering woods becomes deeper and deeper, and a heavy, moist gray-white mist fills the depths of the bushes. 】

[You and Lion Lion subconsciously glanced at each other. The tacit understanding between the original brothers made you immediately vigilant, and you also firmly grasped the melee weapons in the huge palms. 】

[You even feel as if you have returned to the depths of the Caliban forest, and are about to face countless Caliban beasts pouring out of darkness! 】

[But the next second, everything in front of everyone seemed to have undergone indescribable drastic changes. 】

[A large number of towering woods became sparse in the blink of an eye. When countless gray-white mist disappeared, even the moist land under the feet turned into a large amount of dry and yellowed rough sand! 】

[At this moment, the frowning Lion King Ryan and others were undoubtedly full of doubts and shocks, but you, who are extremely sensitive to teleportation capabilities and psychic fluctuations, immediately roared to Lion King Ryan on the side. 】

["Brother, the nature of the subspace that you have not yet completely controlled, both in terms of combat and strategic significance, may be far beyond our imagination! I guess this must be long-distance teleportation that ignores spatial distance! Because this is definitely not a Kamath world. !”]

[Your excited words have just finished. 】【As the low roar of the vehicle engine quickly reached your ears, a small off-road vehicle with a slightly old appearance passed through the sparse woods and sped towards you. 】

["Hey! Who are you?" A middle-aged man who was driving a small off-road vehicle suddenly stopped the vehicle and shouted at you with extremely vigilant eyes. 】

[However, after the middle-aged man with dirty hair and a sand-proof goggles saw clearly the burly bodies of you and Lion King Ryan, the arrogance in the other person's words seemed to have completely disappeared. 】

[You and Lion King Ryan looked at each other silently. Lion King Ryan, who showed no emotion in his expression, drove the power armor and stepped forward. 】

["Mortal, where is this place? I mean the planet?" Lion King Ryan asked as kindly as possible. 】

["Ah, Avalons! Your noble Lord Angel!" the middle-aged man stammered. He seemed to have no strength to even get off the small off-road vehicle. 】

["I am Llane El'Jonson, the Primarch of the Dark Angels... This one is the dark side regent of the Human Empire, the Primarch of the Scourge, my blood brother Rorschach... The loyalty of the Emperor Son, if you trust us, I need to have a dialogue with the leader of this world!"]

[The tall and burly Lion King Ryan looked down at the middle-aged man who was slumped on the ground, and said to him in a deep voice word by word. 】

[The next moment, the middle-aged man who saw his hands and feet trembling slightly quickly dialed the communication channel to contact his superiors. Standing aside, you slowly exhaled from your mouth. 】

[You are not competing with Lion King Ryan for leadership authority in the entire team. 】

[You even deliberately let Lion King Ryan, who has undergone a major change in temperament, have more contact with the outside world and communicate more with mortals. 】

[After all, the other party has left the human empire for ten thousand years. Many things in the entire empire now are completely different from those ten thousand years ago, both in form and in how they are handled. 】

[Do you think that even with you, the original body brother, assisting and giving advice, it will take some time for Lion Lion to adapt to it before he can fully integrate into it. 】

[Not long after, hordes of ground vehicle convoys quickly rushed towards your direction, carrying rolling yellow sand. 】

[Surrounded by countless fanatical people, you all started a long journey towards the capital city named Xerxes above Avalons. 】

[After a not-so-long desert journey, you finally arrived at the center of power in Avalons and entered the Palace of the Moon located inside the capital of Xerxes. 】

[Your group has just stepped into the brightly lit interior of the magnificent palace. 】

[Countless weeping mortals and defense force guards kneeled down on one knee towards your team. A female marshal named Halaga also opened her arms to welcome you with local etiquette. 】

[However, what is slightly beyond your expectations is that compared to the extremely old-looking Lion Primarch in front of you, the other party actually believes in your true identity as the dark side regent of the empire. 】

[But this is also the fame you indirectly brought about by leading the entire Scourge fleet to launch countless support operations in the dark side of the empire for decades. 】

[For the mortal people in front of us who are suffering endless suffering. 】

[The famous Lion King Lion and the others are almost unknown to each other, and the distant Regent Guilliman seems too far away and vague. Instead, it is not as good as a descendant of a great God-Emperor walking among countless imperial worlds, saving a large number of mortals. , the legendary story of annihilating all enemies of the empire is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. 】

[After all, you who wear a set of pale golden vibranium power armor all year round are impressive enough just by your appearance. There are even many extremely ignorant mortal believers who think that you are the incarnation of the great emperor. 】

 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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